
Post-Subjectivist Analysis & Biblical Criticism

Cutting the Gordian knot of Anecdotal Thought

Developing a systematic method of historical thought reading the major works of history and forming an innate composite historical paradigm can accompany reading in translation all of the major works of western philosophy and of world religion. One can read Toynbee’s Study of History, Treadgold’s works on Byzantium, Procopius and other classical and neo-classical historians and yet read systematic works of history such as a History of Salt and pre-histories of science, archaeology, evolutionary biology, geology, cosmology etc. and build an intellectual objectivity that is not skeptical. Instead one places human knowledge within the temporal, contingent parameters of created, temporal space-time phenomena. Christians in the kingdom of God are I think comparable to prime numbers within an infinite series of numbers though they are given that status through grace. The kingdom of God is within you, and that is faith in the Lord. Jesus is Lord transcending the temporal creation-actually he created it- hence the last supper. Like sentient program code in a partitioned operating system Universe people of faith with Jesus as their Lord transcend the partition and exist concurrently within the meta-operating system of God.

The danger for the users of specialized literary tools for analysis I suppose is that they may restrict their own theory of knowledge to a particular methodology such as regarding the Bible from a purely literary perspective, from a deconstructionist viewpoint, solely as a work of history etc. It seems that one should have that archetypal left-right brain integration firing on all cylinders to understand all of the individual viewpoints on the Bible and regard the literary methods as special reading analysis tools instead of as ends-in-themselves.

I think perhaps one of the main lessons to draw from reading about particular theological methods of interpretation of and for drawing out the meaning of the Bible accurately is that human beings just don’t know it all, and that it takes an incredible amount of time and work to learn of what was provided in the Bible. Even so the brilliantly interesting concepts ontologically of ideas such as the Kingdom of God and the live presence of the Lord surrounding the temporal steady-state Universe make the reading of an historical text much more than reading say, The Civil War by Julius Caesar.

Elements of interpretation of different historical cultures show how people had different customs and meanings than today, or of one’s own if an author was writing in the past. The assumptions and operative beliefs of people in various historical periods differ. I would use the flood story of Genesis as an illustration. After the discovery that the world is round people interpreted Genesis to mean that the entire round world was flooded. Yet in the age of the proximal assembly of the book of Genesis in the court of Solomon or Rehoboam no one thought of the world as round. In Abraham’s time the whole world was probably just the region where the people lived, and earlier, in the flood era perhaps on the Persian Gulf shore thousands of years earlier, the reference term of the world that made it through oral tradition and later cuneiform to Abraham/AVRM was probably the first civilization-something a reader today naturally assumes if not putting a retro-cultural interpolated meaning of Urth/Earth world in to the book.

Scholars found the Donation of Constantine-a fraud-that influenced European history in the cultural interpretation context. It was subsequent literary-historical analysis that enfiladed the bogus origin of the document. Immanuel Kant and sapere aude as a symbol of the 19th century age of reason was an abstract high ground approach to cutting through the Gordian know of anecdotal thought.

I think many people misunderstand Kant though. Kant was developing reason formally-like Descartes and that is fine-people don’t need to be stupid or have muddled thinking especially about the Bible. David Hume earlier recognized there was a lot of verbiage in pseudo-scientific publications of little merit. There was also philosophy that didn’t have much merit, so Hume besides being a friend of Adam Smith wrote on philosophy clarifying causality and other topics so far as he could. Readers of the Bible ought not be troubled by reason for they are not at all in conflict. There are categories of thought useful for classifying knowledge, yet not all knowledge is given equal importance to individual obviously.

Hume was said by Kant to have awoke him from a dogmatic slumber. Kant was for intelligent thought and reason for-oneself rather than reliance upon social programming from authorities. Protestants especially should be untroubled by that approach since Martin Luther was not unwilling to use his own reason for interpreting scripture himself rather than to rely on the Catholic Church authorities on matters such as the sale of indulgences.

It is not a matter of refuting all knowledge and reinventing the wheel though Descartes sought to think from ‘first principles’ of thought while taking solitary saunas as a mercenary in Bavaria composing in mind content such as cogito ergo sum. Instead it is about personal intellectual liberty to consider for-oneself knowledge, scripture and the manifest Universe and experience in order to decide what one believes instead of reliance upon authorities historically upon pain of torture or death for dissent.

Kant in a sense was the second Aristotle bringing logic to a new level on the border of epistemology. Leibnitz of course wrote the first mathematical symbolic logic treatise yet never published it. I think that especially in light of the interpretation fallacy it is useful to have a formal understanding of the philosophical problems of empiricism and subjectivity. Quine transcended the criterion of empiricism in The Two Dogmas of Empiricism and later in Word and Object delineated the relationship between knower and known, and word and object in a sharp technical epistemology. P.F. Strawson-a contemporary of Quine, wrote a similar book titled ‘Individuals’.

Kant in writing his Critique of Pure Reason, a book that is summarized in a smaller, useful text named A Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, developed the knower-known epistemology. It is not a simple subjectivity and more than that of Tillich or Barth. The basic difference is that some things are phenomenal and others noumenal.  Like Socrates one tries to know what it is one knows and what one doesn’t. These are occupational concerns with real applications at a certain point. If the Universe has a holographic component it would be helpful to learn that, or if time can be reconstructed like points in a pointillist painting placed wherever the artist wishes it might be useful to find that out.

As technology and knowledge increase it is worth knowing what is as brief and meaningless later as a dead computer language and what things are of value. Finding eternal values in the kingdom of God amidst a world with a dangerous level of social subjectivity neurotic about Wall Street investments, networking, globalism and foreign investments, a world that disregards the objective ecospheric health and the transcendent values of the kingdom of God that is a light in the darkness of temporal materiality (solid-state waveform or string-membrane entanglement) is challenging for some. I believe reason can lead one to the revealed word of God-if the Holy Spirit wills it so.

Some things are knowable and some things are unknowable. That is, of the world and of knowledge we see through a glass darkly and only know it part. I believe that one of the fallacies of science is that everything can be known directly, and there are too many reasons to state here why that is unlikely. It is reasonable however to pursue knowledge so far as possible so long as one keeps that occupation in perspective as a temporal,  contingent pursuit useful while waiting upon the Lord.

Scholars have reviewed ‘the quest for the historical Jesus’, Ferdinand Christian Baur and The Tubingen School. Baur wrote ‘Orthodoxy and Heresy’.

The idea of Orthodoxy and Heresy is apparently that over the history of the church there were both and of course winners write history and there values won, yet even so the losers were good people to with good Christian theology. Maybe the gnostic heresies weren’t really off, or the Arian heresy either? The approach of Baur seems to be presented as one of the rising tide of post-renaissance humanism and subjectivism. I tend to view that as a result of the printing press and opportunities for everyone to write continuing today.  With so many opinions the politically harmonious thing to say may be that each opinion is as important as another.  A purely democratic opinion about religious equal opportunity and tolerance may prevent conflict socially yet be implicitly accurate. Consider if aircraft designs were all considered to be equal and subjective-things would crash a lot more.

Karl Barth and others have felt that except for revelation humanity could no nothing of God. In Jeremiah God did say that everyone knows him and they just forget who He is-an example of what Sartre called false consciousness. Yet God probably intended the knowledge to exist and revealed it. Unlike aircraft designs that can be empirically verified, revealed religious truths are self-standing and transcendent yet not subject to temporal verification. Thus arises a paradox that though religious truth is subjective it is founded on an objective revelation of the word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. The subjective perception of revealed truth of God  is heterodox and objective. It is somewhat like a subjective way to transcendence of the temporal steady-state Universe in a relationship to the operating system administrator-creator who issued a Universe/Multiverse and Earth.

Perhaps there is counter-networking social phenomenon that conforms individual analytical methods, convenient use-truths and represses creative independent scholarly expression existing in unionized academia to while an ad hoc neo-monopoly  has arisen in finance and trade with people buying mutual funds and owning shares in rival corporations stifling competition. History bumps along with ecosphere and the revealed word of God in the Bible as externalities to be unconcerned about. The Anthropocene era of mass extinction of life may include the loss of much human spiritual life from entry in to the kingdom of God as well. The meaning of life for some is all about getting e-dollars issued by the Federal Reserve.


Federal Judges Bungling Same-Sex Marriage Oxymoron

U.S. Appeals Court decisions to overturn state’s bans on homosexual marriage exemplify legislating language, morals and law from the bench. Same sexes can’t marry; to marry means to join to different things together. Same-sex marriage is an oxymoron.


Social epistemology arising from the swamp of philosophical subjectivity to the point of solipsism flexing perquisites of aloof power can force redefinitions of social reality on the many. Yet language use and judging have objective as well as subjective components. Marriage refers not only to social and legal concepts built up by legislators and custom over centuries that are being torn down presently by federal judges, it has a physical referent as well.


W.V.O. Quine wrote a good philosophical-linguistic primer on analytic philosophy titled Word and Object.  I won’t venture into the field of what comprises a real object here, nevertheless there are real objectives or event-processes that exist in-the-world objectively perceptible to others and oneself socially, and that is also the realm where political issues occur. The mass media exist broadly in the realm of social language use with tremendous power to corrupt social reality in language content.


 Real objects and event-process(s) rather than entirely subjective-intentional ideas are the business of politics. Judges may make factual decisions in that realm generally instead of events comprising the subjective psychology or thoughts of citizens thinking-for-themselves. Marriage has a subjective social language component with traditional meaning yet also an objective material component. Word and object or material event-process concurs. Federal judges have detached from reality the word-meaning of marriage from the objective material fact of marriage.


Two different substances marry to create a new, third substance. To marry means to join to different substances making something new. What and flour combined make dough. In some substances such as color the union of two different colors produce a third color. Two different numbers multiplied together create another. Water of two temperatures added together make a different temperature, yet the adding together of two of the same of anything creates nothing new. There is an essential thermodynamic change in marriage that is hopefully for humans a way of developing better, more intelligent sentient beings capable of recognizing their Lord and host Jesus Christ-God (to much to hope for in Federal Appeals Court Judges perhaps).


I suppose a proper Socratic dialogue would look into that last point and look for an exception-there might be something witty to say; ‘Adding more public debt onto public debt creates a bigger mess than is imaginable’ or ‘adding more of the same sort of explosive will make a qualitatively different event’. Fortunately I don’t need to be so clever here in just describing the objective referent that the word marriage refers to at its core.


 Human beings-mammals-joined together in the social bonds called marriage are of two different sexes (substances) capable of making a third person. Human marriage is a codification of a monogamous procreative process. I would think that is why the 2012 Presidential contest was between a homosexual marriage organizer and a candidate from the historical church of polygamy-the elites of New England want to terminate marriage as a codification of monogamous procreation because of global over-population and resource depletion challenges. I would say that converting the truth to falsehood in legal language isn’t a good way to put it over on the demos.

The kingdom of God is as a mustard seed that started very small and grew to include very many Christians. Over the course of history since the ascension of the Lord the kingdom has simultaneously encountered the rise and fall of many nations. The U.S. Court of Appeals alumni association ought to stay right with God and the rational relationship of words and objects-event processes and forego further adulteration of the concept of marriage.


Do Republics Collapse into Plutocracy (video)

I read the post I wrote about the political transformation of Republics into the tyranny of the rich (plutocracy) that may result in an emperor (Caesar).  Either the rich may concentrate wealth and phase out Congress perhaps making the President an imperial stooge, or the public may demand a Caesar to counteract rich oligarchic Republicans. A depraved plebian set (democrats) may enjoy soma (dope) , bread, circuses and so worth with occasional military adventures in the empire. Maybe something like that happened in ancient Rome and will occur in the U.S.A.


Stuffed Chinese Dumplings for a Simple Low-cost Snack

Making a quick simple food in the field requires little more than flour, water, a can of spam and some seasoning. Chinese dumplings take advantage of the protein gluten in flower to form a wrappings for a little chunk of meat that will get dropped into boiling water for five minutes or so into a pot of boiling water until the meat is cooked varying of course upon how much meat is used.


Make a dough out of the flour adding a pinch of salt water to consistency, kneed it with hands and then flatten it with the heel of the hand, fold it over and repeat several times.  The dough could be the size of a softball.

Roll the dough into a lengthy shape then roll it out in two directions with a rolling pin until very thin. Take a cookie cutter or a glass at cut out little round pieces of dough onto which a piece of diced spa is placed in the center. Fold the dough over like fold a circle in half. Seal the dough without leaving air pockets and voila-drop the wrapped meat in the dough into thee boiling water.

It is possible to experiment with seasoning with the basic dough, and of course with different kinds of meat filling. Flour is affordable as is spam,  salt and water in first world nations. If one has chives or onion that too can be a good additive. Ketchup works great on this sort of thing too. Be careful about eating the dumpling before it cools.

The Ultra-Rich Want Quick, Cheap, Dirty Alien Labor Amnesty Bill

The ultra-rich Gates, Buffet, Adelson troika have pressurized the U.S. Congress to pass a quick dirty cheap labor amnesty bill in order that global plutocracy may better develop an imperial empire including the U.S.A. Instead of investing in construction of a border-control water-desalinzation evaporation zone on the Mexican border creating thousands of shovel-ready jobs the ultra-rich and their puppet President Obama want amnesty for millions of illegal aliens and/or a few billion to process illegal aliens and hire more lawyers to represent them while their aren't enough public defenders for Americans as it is.

The billionaires believe congress should toe the line of servitude to the global plutocracy and do what they say. President Obama already has received support from Warren Buffett explaining why the tax cuts for the rich went through. Now they expect Congresspersons to throw in the towel and be their Stepin Fetchits. Concentration of wealth creates concentration of political power as well. Breaking up the concentrated wealth and de-escalating the oligarchy might help to return a semblance of democracy to the U.S. Government.

Some suspect Democrat Party leadership connivance in flooding the nation with runaways from Central America to put more leverage on Congress to panic and lift their skirts for the ultra-rich and the President and put their limp wrists of approval to a reform to imperialism illegal alien right-of-way bill.

Plainly windows is a slow, hostile to non-windows products operating system not intended to web books-just desk tops I think. One can spend one's internet time just making windows work, installing updates etc. It runs very, very slow when a dual booted Linux issue works fine--why? Why do corporate raiders like Warren Buffet making billions and billions buying other people's corporations rate any higher value input to congress than the citizens of this democracy being down-graded by the flanking of public sovereignty over the borders? I think they should not.

The Congress should tax the rich at a 90% rate like F.D.R. and encourage them to make faster operating systems and secure borders instead of urging flimsy spending bills and amnesty post hoc policy sycophancy from the remnant branch of democratic government in the U.S.A.


Dual Booting a Natural Universe (video)

This video is an illustration of the concept of the Universe existing as a contingent creation comparable to a computer operating system existing within a partitioned area of a primary operating system it hasn't access to. Such a boundary condition could be delimited within any number of means of quantum physics, membrane dynamics, nothingness or discrete time quantifiers.


Capitalism's Creative Destruction of World Ecosphere (video)

Capitalism's creative destruction of industrial practices bringing reform and change has the unintended consequence of destruction of ecosphere as an externality. Here are some ideas on the issue. The author reads his essay on the topic with voice over Alaska images.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...