
U.S. Court Says 'Not So Fast' to Illegal Aliens

Millions of illegal aliens granted amnesty, perhaps illegally too, by President Obama acting in his imperial mode learned that a just and wise federal judge has granted a temporary stop of the policy. Skeptic as one may be about the integrity of the federal judiciary regarding homosexuality (perhaps some are in the same circuit of behavior as President Clinton was and the advocates of homo marriages have pictures that prove it), on the alien immigration problem and porous borders the courts have generally been as willing to support U.S. border control as milk toast.

Illegal aliens could easily be contained if federal laws were enacted to deputize state law officials to arrest and remand to federal custody persons found to be in the U.S.A. illegally. One can imagine that if a terrorist enters the U.S.A. illegally claiming to be from Juarez a state official would be charged with profiling and civil rights violations if he arrested him for being illegally in the U.S.A.

Well I don't want to be harsh on the illegal alien issue since I think America is doomed to be corrupted anyway if the U..S. Supreme Court green lights homo marriage. The contentious issue might have been avoided if homos cared at all about the nation or America's place in the world. Alternative remedies for queer couplings to have some sort of government recognition other than marriage was a more pragmatic approach rather than the expropriate and degrade, subvert traditional morality and the historical intent of state legislators approach.

As a matter of conscience some people will want to find another country to reside in if the U.S.A. becomes too corrupt. If I need to look for a cheap sailboat and some way of living abroad some day that would be a surprising evolution. Mexico is corrupted by drug gangs and drug violence, yet other Latino (Latina) nations have better traditional morality in some respects than the U.S.A. I may need to learn Spanish to habla retirement village. Even so I think nations are better off with legal rather than illegal immigration that generally supports social corruption.

Naka Rises to 2800 in World Chess Rankings

Hikaru Nakamura became the first U.S. chess player to reach a score in world rankings of 2800. He also is leading the Zurich Chess Challenge after round four. Former Champ Gary Kasparov was the only chess player to retire at a 2800 score. Topolov could have retired at 2800 yet has decided to play on-a good thing since he and Boris Gelfand are the two Mikhail Tal style active players (interesting attacking play).


Bobby Fischer had a ranking in a somewhat different system. Various computations find that he reached 2900 in his best year. He retired with the highest winning percentage at 70%. Kasporov retired with a 69% score in a tough era too. World Champion Magnus Carlsen reached 2880 on his way to taking the title, yet fell short of 2900. One hopes that he becomes the first player to reach a solid and sustainable 2900 score for a year or two at least in order to clarify the issue.

Nakamura is also hoping to qualify for the candidates tournament next year and have a shot at chalenging for the world title.

Jews Should Move to Alaska-Not Israel

Israeli P.M. Netanyahu asked for Jews to leave Europe and migrte to Israel to avoid the anti-Jewish terror in Europe caused by Muslims. The reasoning is plain to a certain extent yet Alaska is a better place for Jews to migrate. Let me explain...

Alaska has a population of fewer than a million souls with Alaska natives comprising perhaps 300,000. The state is twice the size of Texas and important to world and U.S. environmental futures. However the Alaska economy is rather retarded in development with the vast oil establishment and the state government a servo-unit reliant upon it. Between the public sector and oil, federal government spending and fishing with some tourism that's about it. The state government is entirely retarded on alternative energy and social infrastructure development. Jews could change all that.


It is true that Alaska was traditionally cold yet now its about 20 degrees f warmer than in the 1960s. While Boston has 7 feet of snow once could use S.E. beaches for nude air bathing with just a modicum of brown bear attack danger. When Alaska had a trade fair with the Japanese the state could show basket weaving, arts, crafts and crude oil in an imported glass yet that was about it. Albert Einstein was a Jew purportedly. Jews are said to have a higher I.Q. than any other race as a result one would think of religious faith. Enough Jews able to arrive and support themselves independently perhaps developing new thinking in ecospheric conservation and restoration, alternative transport and so forth could diversify the economy and break-up the insider inertia that permeates the social environment.

Sufficient Jews could revitalize Alaska's moribund economy while the price of oil is so low that the state has a vast budget deficit. While the U.S.A. looks to financial scams to concentrate wealth for the rich with some pork and corn cast out to the local Americans in low-paying unskilled jobs, Alaska has a vast potential for development as an anti-global warming state exemplifying solid Jewish leadership to the alt-energy underdeveloped world.

Muslims have a political system more than a religion, a theocracy with theology heavily based on political totalitarianism. Leftist broadcasters including Jews at N.P.R. (not all Jews are smart economic leaders obviously) consistently present Muslim terrorists as rare extremists. Actually war on infidels is as Muslim as any conservative Muslim could possibly be. Leftists simply can't face the facts and tend to instead support the rise of atheist extremists and all the strife that entails.


Erasing the Islamic State; Reinforce Existing Governments

American political leaders following the money drift tend to want to allocate defense contracts and munitions expenses as a primary method for interdicting foreign policy activities demonstrably harmful to U.S. national interests. In the development of ISIS following the lack of foresight of the Obama administration when it supported increase of the Syrian civil conflict several years ago and since a new circumstance presents that the U.S. Government administration feels would be best met with direct U.S. counter-insurgency activity. The reasoning is not unlike that of the Bush administration in its middle east policy or that of the Obama administration in Libya too-that is, though it is possible to engage in conflict and find someone to bomb the political consequences of a vacuum of power created by conflict are not well considered.


When the United States enter conflict even through proxies it may create a power-vacuum when it completes its mission stimulating further conflict. It would be better to reinforce existing governments in Syria and Iraq than to speculate on fast-shuffling regime changing casts of players that may hypothetically bring in a new era of business with U.S. and European corporations after taking power. Certainly while the United States sponsors training of rebels and a continuing war against the Syrian Government it is unlikely that terrorism will stop developing or that peace will take hold soon.

While it might be possible to reinforce and develop the Kurds of the region and move them toward a better semi-autonomous status and take up some of the slack enabling the ISIS international terrorists to swell to the point of claiming sovereignty it is too obvious that the conflict in Syria must be halted right away with the U.S. at least withdrawing all support for aggression against the Syrian government. Training another generation of international terrorists to run about the Middle East will not advance American long-term political interests nor those of virtually any existing Middle Eastern government.

Obama-Clinton Libya Policy Produces 21 Christian Beheadings

The Obama-Clinton doctrine to overthrow the Khaddafi regime followed by importunate regime reconstruction furthered the Middle Eastern movement toward Muslim fundamentalism and the crude anti-Christian idiocy of the Islamic State rivaled in anti-Christian sentiment perhaps only by evolutionary leftist atheist hordes.


Building the utopian hamster society in America and the west with the help of the rich tends to negate work toward real Utopianism and foist unrealpolitik upon the nation through inept foreign policy.Yek!

Light than Light (a poem)

Massless particles of field dreams
stretched across dimensions
where space-time is an image of shadows
beginning where a spoken word
sends harmonic forms through nothingness

Darkening clouds appeared
roiling beyond nothing like a heartbeat
with echoes returned alone
creatively as hope snowballs
as against nihilism a sail was set
turning upwind into a current

Thickness of space-time shades
the colors refracted and in motion
fixing strings to a dream field
attachment correlatives of gravity
drawing together topology and mass
space accelerating away downhill in every direction
plunging through foam in space-times
toward the end of the lines of time, motion
steady-state Universes

Waves of light fly as emanations
songbirds and sorrows carven from eternity regarded
from a temporal point of view as things-for-themselves
uncorrected and per-destined to be and become
without the perfect sound or perfect shelter
to race around flotsam in a stream

With fifty shades of space-times
said to cohere across special relativity 
in measured differentials
equating why nothing happens most slowly
nearly massless particles without much time
yet enough since mass attracts time as it is

For the field has dimensions
permitted entanglements
quantum connections short-cutting
through the topology of space-time massless
grown like barnacles from the field
as if an infinitely small particle
wasn't possible
where field attachments are a vanishing point
and dreams disappear
into subconsciousness
lighter than light.

Quantum Computer Universes (a poem)

-The Spirit moving through an nth dimensional quantum computer of Universes is one way to regard cosmology as poetry

Like Quantum Computer Rainshowers

Used quanta of the universe
filling an infinite quantity of arrays
tensors comprising faster-than-light series
quintillion to the nth matrices
ice crystal bits
flowing to reposition themselves actualizing ideas
data multiplied across infinite Universes
trans-dimensional arrays steady state fields evolve
like images in the mind of God through regular order
intervals of times and space arisen from singularity at coordinate alpha
as a phenomenality of a quantum computer universe
Simultaneously calculating through all-possible Universe
echoes of ideas from a deity like calculations for-themselves

Areas of energy and emptiness formed with differential extrusions of power and balance
pushed to a comparatively minimal state
fields where a singular bubble of power expands drawn through the emptiness
while energy attracts it beyond
through shadows seeming like tomorrows
with the field decreasing it virtual content
and the field without attracting the lines of tensors
roiling through forms of evolving steady states
of waves and undercurrents, quantum eigenvalues and snipped strings

The kingdom of God within the sentient beings
realizing Spirit emerging within their own nature
as they were created within a creation
to awaken unto the transcending Spirit
without the material universe in steady-state continua
formed in dimensional potential to be and become
appearances of unbound steady state entanglements
deterministically growing to surpass themselves
Broca's brain upsurging in the being of Eve
to become a dragon reawakening the Id of evolution
attacking the cerebral awakening of Adam
to conscience and creativity
conversing with the Spirit
after the sixth day
when special relativity had brought mankind through 13 billion years
to realize time and space

that the Spirit had won.

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...