
Trump Candidacy Is a Good Development

The Trump candidacy is a good development for the Republican Party. The need populist candidates since strait white Christian ma,es aren't a majority of the voters nay more. Preventing the nation from being preponderantly godless and immoral, stoned economic and environmental idiots bought and paid for with a mess of pottage from a global plutocracy would be challenging for any President; I am not sure that Donald Trump is not himself a member of an apostate denomination-the PC USA. Perhaps he is unaware that abortion and homosexuality are sins indicating an impenitent heart who does not love Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice  that paid the infinite debt owed too God because of sin.

It may be that some ecological economic candidate will emerge to run for the Presidency in 20 or 30 years-who can say? I suggest that some young Christian fellow with a degree in economics  become a military officer 6 years then take a graduate degree in ecological economics-stand for the U.S. House then run for President. Maybe in 2030?

Shouldn't a Political Refugee Nation Be Created by the U.N.?

With hundreds of thousands of political refugees from corrupt governments fleeing across international borders at any given time it might be a good idea to buy a troubled, post-revolutionary nation such as the South Sudan and make it over in to a nation just for political refugees. if the borders were secure and defended by U.N. troops the refugees probably could make a good life for themselves along with a little international support. If one takes the Jews fleeing Europe as an example, refugees with high motivations to make a good life for themselves can be very productive.

They can also be very disruptive and destructive of civil order in the nations they enter even bringing cells of terrorists with them. it is also the case that dishonorable and conniving political leaders may stimulate wars to cause streams of refugees to enter in and flood targeted nations for political and sectarian reasons. None of that is good for the local economy.

A nation of refugees with a representative government and international support could be a catalyst for building a post-modern Africa along ecological economic grounds. Of course intelligence is required, and that is not common in contemporary political remedies for perennial challenges.

Every refugee that is displaced for quite a time should have a nation to live in with real citizenship, that is a nation and not a camp or slum, issued a passport and not live like a refugee as soon as possible. This would be one of the few places where dual citizenship would be a good idea-for they may want to return to their own nation some day if the 'humans' become less ferocious that drove them in to exile.


Self-Installing Hurricane Anchor Criteria

Hurricane anchors that screw in to the seafloor with a swivel rope attachment do exist, yet I wonder if there is a self-installing hurricane anchor, or one that can be installed from the surface via control cable that has been invented and produced-especially one that is low-cost. Someone should invent one if they don't exist.

The screw in to the seafloor portion could run through the middle of a heavier unit with a motor to rotate the screw for install and removal. That square unit coould have angular corner pins that insert into the seafloor to keep the unit from lifting when it is screwing the hurricane anchor to the seafloor.

I suppose it could be an electric motor connected to the surface, or perhaps have a rechargable battery within. It might be possible to attach some sort of cable that could turn the screw from the surface as well. The device is intended for the people without a scuba diver available to install the present hurricane anchor.

maybe this sort of hurricane anchor exists for large vessels in the oil industry already. This unit should be quite small inc comparison and used on pleasure craft from 14 to 30 feet and sell for fewer than $1000.

When Revolution is Lawful

The Civil Magistrate and Revolution Against Corrupt Government

The Westminster Confession of Faith expresses fundamental Christian principles from scripture. The reformed faith was heavily influential on the founders of the United States.Revolution is lawful when the government serves evil rather than good. John Gershner lectured on the Westminster standards and his interpretation informs us of the practical consequences of the opinions of the clergy of the day leading to the revolution.

Recall that the reformed church was established in Britain before being brought to the American colony, then the United States. revolted against Britain, and the separation of church and state developed, so this is an historically substantive topic, one that follows the Christian logic expressed in the WCF.

Chapter 23-"1. God, the supreme Lord and King of all the world, hath ordained civil magistrates, to be, under him, over the people, for his own glory, and the public good: and, to this end, hath armed them with the power of the sword, for the defense and encouragement of them that are good, and for the punishment of evildoers. "

This is the fundamental Christian philosophy of the state.

Government has the power of the sword and that is to be used for the encouragement of those that are good and the punishment of evil doers. Government is a tool of God and is to bring glory to God. A true government must not bring dishonor with sin unto God if it is to stand.

John Witherspoon and other signers of the declaration reasoned that a government was for good and not evil, and that the British government wasn't doing good to the colonies through a number of evil means, and wasn't a true government and didn't have the right to exercise that magisterial government over the colonie.
Until 1790 the clergy -the reformed clergy especial-was an advocate for social change and reform to scriptural principles and therefor supported the rebellion against evil foreign government that was Britain. The British government was not appointed by God or had advocate that appointment and was no more a lawful government that ought to be doing good to the people of the colonies for the glory of God. Anglican clergy were about the only ones that supported continued British Imperial Government.

Today the United States government has taken anti-Christian position such as homosexual marriage and abortion and made them official policy of the state bring dishonor instead of glory to God. Often in history that sort of thing does not work out well for the government.

"2. It is lawful for Christians to accept and execute the office of a magistrate, when called thereunto: in the managing whereof, as they ought especially to maintain piety, justice, and peace, according to the wholesome laws of each commonwealth; so, for that end, they may lawfully, now under the new testament, wage war, upon just and necessary occasion. "

This does not mean jihad or expansionism. it means that people any place have a civilian right to just government with a good magistracy bringing glory to God and good to the people  in conformance to scripture. Government may defend the people against evil foreign and domestic. Generally one would expect the government to be a representative government, yet for a time it is possible that a non-representative, custodial government would be effective. 


Federal Judge Jails Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis (another Rosa Parks)

A moral and righteous Kentucky county clerk who follows the moral laws of God and categorical imperative of Kant was taken into custody for refusing on religious grounds to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals. Like the late civilian rights activist Rosa Parks, Kim Davis has paid a price for taking a moral stand. 

There is no question that Kim Davis has followed the correct Christian scriptural teaching as we find in the book of Romans and elsewhere homosexuality condemned as sin. It is a shame that the U.S. Government has taken anti-Christian positions needlessly, yet it seemed to wish to do so. Judicial workers follow the lead of the fuhrers of the high court rather than taking moral stands for-themselves as in this instance.

The Judge did violate Davis' civilian rights-she is not a slave and can refuse to perform any given task. Probably her superiors could dismiss her from employment eventually and replace her with a sycophant of sin. Even so the Judge has made an unlawful arrest and Davis probably should pursue litigation.


The Westminister Confession of Faith article 20 states-2. God alone is Lord of the conscience, and hath left it free from the doctrines and commandments of men, which are, in anything, contrary to his Word; or beside it, if matters of faith, or worship. l So
The liberty we have in Jesus Christ is to God alone-that, to believe such doctrines, or to obey such commands, out of conscience, is to betray true liberty of conscience: and the requiring of an implicit faith, and an absolute and blind obedience, is to destroy liberty of conscience, and reason also."


Free Will, Predestination and Linear Algebra

Contemporary cosmology has a number of fascinating avenues of investigation and research. There are many videos that provide deep insight into the new learning, yet there are some rather simple and useful practical works that philosophically enlighten one about paradigms of abstract thought regrading cosmology and the terms used to understand its abstract tools.

I found a video recently that lets one better understand the abstract nature of templates or paradigms in which one may construct a coordinate system for anything from a couple of vectors to a Math Universe Hypothesis I suppose. Edward Frenkel's video on numberphile is useful... numbers and free will 
There are other videos featuring Joel Primack and John Barrow worth watching.

I have considered the topic of free will and predestination recently in my theology studies, and in one case going over the Westminster Confession of Faith as well as the basic paradigm of time expressed in Genesis. Some wonder how people can have free will and determinism consistently and there are many ways to explain that. Christians believe the Universe is entirely deterministic according to God's foreknowledge and omnipotence, yet they have been given free will. I think the video is a useful tool for thinking about how various ideas may be viewed from different perspectives and maybe analogize that with how will can be free subjectively and yet objectively deterministic.

Not that I regard the linear algebra video material as directly relevant to theology; I just found it an interesting device for thought. If God let an underlying field cosmology exist best understood by cosmologists as pure mathematical points (ref. Tegmark's A Mathematical Universe), that does not mean that the math coordinate system is the entity itself, that is actually what Kant would call the noumenon. For us ordinary folk we might say that the Holy Spirit shaped an appearance of energy and mass that can best be described by cosmologists with pure mathematical points, yet the Holy Spirit itself is not part of the field description in the Math Universal Hypothesis. More so, the particular point of view of a Math Universe Hypothesis is just one point of view-a human point of view.

Another thing useful about the video is that one may use it to consider general relativity as one way of viewing spacetime. I think that was one of Einstein's points.

Senate's Bimbo-Pansies Ready to Roll Over for Iran Due to Fear?

President Obama’s agreement with Iran to limit immediate production of bomb-making radioactive materials in exchange for ending economic sanctions probably will strategically reshape long-range Middle Asian nuclear relations and fund an increase of terrorism in the short-term. It is difficult to understand why 34 Democrat Senators would support the deal except for reasons of craven fear. Though Iran may already have secret bombs bought from old Soviet stock in Kazakhstan, Senate Bimbo-pansies quaver like lemmings skiing off a fast ramp of dupe in panic and fear of Iran vaporizing them quick as a swoop-hawk clutches cute little bunnies.

The U.S. Senate can vote down the treaty, yet it must have fewer than 34 Senators in support of the agreement to override the President's probably veto of their disapproval. N.P.R. ran a story explaining that though the majority votes against it they really secretly consent. That sort of approach is disapproved of in sexual relations these days were some states require explicit consent to avoid rape. It is not enough to say that the Senate bimbos secretly consent. Though the President has the power in minority to force the nuclear doctrine through, overriding the majority in such an important issue-comparable to the Supreme Court butching the majority to force homosexual marriage on all the states-isn't a good idea. They make noises about representative democracy while practicing corporatist plutonomy wherein President Obama is the corrupt steward making deals to get financial favor ready for when he must move out of his job managing his master's house (the people of the United States and the executive branch). The issue raised in the N.P.R. report of the Senate bimbo non-consensual pose on the Iran deal really being consensual is pretty alarming political thought occurring in America's nominal democracy. Taking non-consensual to be consensual is an arrogated affection of elites expressed during the Bill Clinton administration et al and isn't a good direction of political development. It is consistent though with sham democracy and a Rohipnol media social environment disabling the immune system of the American body politic.

One must consider that sanctification of long-range Iranian nuclear weapons development by the United States such that if Iran complies with the terms of the agreement they will be free from American military dangers for a decade and soon thereafter free to resume unlimited nuclear materials production. If Pakistan were in the position of Iran with no known nuclear weapons would the United States support a long range development of nuclear weapons while allowing any sort of support development for any weapons program whatsoever in the interim?

One might wonder how the future would be set with an Iran in 15 years following that period of missile and even cruise missile and drone research accomplished before beginning advanced production of fissile materials. If Iran were to produce say-250 nuclear weapons on missiles able to reach Europe, Moscow, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United States, would that capability produce stable relations with the Sunni nuclear force leaders in Pakistan or with Chinese Communists, Indian Hindus, Russian Patriots, European and American Libertines etc,?

Once the United States enters into an agreement with Iran on nuclear materials production limits in the short-run, it will be unable in the long-run to work militarily or diplomatically to affect Iranian nuclear development long-range plans. To renege on the agreement would be to further damage U.S. credibility that suffered significantly when the Clinton-Obama administration supported destruction of the Qaddafi regime after the Bush administration had got it to forsake nuclear weapons development and terrorism in exchange for normal relations. If U.S. international agreements are not worth the paper they are written on, some nations will be reluctant to enter in to them.

While it is true that Iran is a threat to Israel, Israel in the absence of Iranian nuclear weapons is not a threat to Iran. Israel actually does seek Middle Eastern stability, yet Iran is a sponsor of Palestinian terrorism against Israel. The Obama doctrine allows Iranian prosperity sufficient to allow increased funding of terrorism upon Israel with a murky outlook for response to contain it. The Obama doctrine more so than being limited to Iran-Israel factors will alter the long-range strategic nuclear situation in the Middle East and Asia creating a new round of post-cold war strategic nuclear weapons proliferation and international weapons of mass human destruction tactical deployment possibilities.

American leftists supported the Iranian Khomeini revolution as a way to get rid of America's Imperial puppet government of the Shah. Once more they misunderstand Iranian demography. The American left is profoundly anti-Christian and believe in error that they can queer-up Islam in Iran through constructive engagement with the new butch principles of the U.S. government. They mistake the prospects for the increase of godless, queer atheist feminism in Iran the next decade, and do not comprehend that the imperial government of the Shah promoted libertine populism so far as it went in order to make imperial subjugation of civilians tolerable. In a way, so did Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the British government in a new form in recent years seeking to dumb down and financially colonize D.C. enlisting the help of domestic homosexuals enamored with all things British.

Iranian populism resides though in Islam more so than libertinism that is weak at national defense anyplace. The U.S. government butch atheist policy will disgust Iranian clerics the next decade and keep a dialectic of self-defense and fundamental Islam an advantaged party. in a decade of developing more contempt for D.C. Iran will be better set to start placing nuclear warheads on new and improved delivery vehicles. Even if libertinism has reached out to touch a significant number of Iranian clerics bringing corruption of their already in some instances corrupted principles, that will not help to stabilize Iran's nuclear development policy or support non-proliferation concepts.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...