
Thoughts on Karjakan Whumpin Caruana

Russian chess star Sergey Karjakin took the candidate's Tournament victory after check mating Fabiano Caruana in the final round. Caruana -an American sometimes Italian, needed the win to play for the world championship in November. He seemed to lack the aggression needed to whump Karjakin rather than vice versa.

At the super-GM plus 2700 rating of contemporary chess draws are usual the majority of the time. Style and position tend to be first rather than clever classical Mikhail Tal-like check mates. Karjakin in an earlier match against Veselin Topolov had a similar classical-looking sacrifice and straightforward checkmate as he had against Caruana. Those who forget the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them in chess, politics, economics and habitat loss.

Caruana had unlearned aggressive, sacking chess so far as to fail to methodically advance his A pawn along with the B and sack them in order to enfilade Karjakin's king position that should have been a naked singularity. Shorn of defenders a Caruana check mate rather than vice versa was possible. Caruana instead allowed too many moves to pass without removing the king's proximal defenders and letting Karjakin have time and tempo sufficient to break through Caruana's own center pawns plodding forward. One wonders when Tal advanced his pawns in the center in order to lead a checkmating attack? Tal wasn't Vladimir Kramnik.

A fair and balanced approach does work for positional and clever victories for Super GMs of course. Yet the direct crash and thrash checkmate wrecking a king's defenders is also useful to remember. Karjakin seemed to remember the lesson a little better than Caruana.

In two years Caruana will  be older and wiser in chess and perhaps better prepared to win the Candidate's tournament against some very skilled chess players including perhaps the rising Chinese chess star Wei Yi who just narrowly missed qualifying at the 2015 World Cup.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GDViK2w2wY the Karjakin-Caruana struggle

Robert Fischer said; 'sack, sack and mate' (along the A file) in describing how to win against a particular chess defense; the Sicilian dragon. Robert James Fischer vs Fridrik Olafsson (1961). Caruana also needed to find a way to obliterate the king's defenses on the a,b,c files.


Capitalism Fails to Deliver on Lyme Disease Vaccine

An effective vaccine against the most common tick transmitted disease in the U.S.A.-Lyme disease does exist. It was withdrawn from distribution a couple of years agio for various reasons by the manufacturer.

More than 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported annually though the actual rate may be much higher. Probably the government should intervene in order to allow the vaccine to be produced abroad and distributed in the U.S.A.


GlaxoSMithKline produced LYMErix reported at the website above to be 80% effective in adults and 100% in children. Its unfortunate that anti-vaccine politics and other factors brought the pharmaceutical to make the decision to stop production. Even if demand was low because many people simply don't think about prevention; that doesn't mean that everyone is daft. For useful products that consumers should have the option to buy and that actually exist yet are repressed for various reasons-most notably the chemically heated from the can shave cream by Gillette named 'The Hot One' banned in the U.S.A. since about 1973-the government should havge some kind of policy to coordinate bringing the products to market.


Army Reinvents 'The Big Gun'

Rail gun canon and portable fuel cells to keep up with the Navy would have benefited society more. Old field piece tech is of dubious social value and the result of introverted technicians. Special airlift copters could have accelerated deployment. The army should have researched solar powered electrolysis to make hydrogen in the field or whatever to refuel the fuel cells. Get with it guys! These things could be needed on Mars or the moon someday!

Cruz, Kasich, Romney et al; Spoiler-Losers

Trump, Ross Perot and Undivided Republicanism

Donald Trump, a billionaire like Ross Perot who ran as an independent against George H.W. Bush in 1992, is the alternative to uncreative bureaucratic self-promoting career politicians. The two generic candidate rivals of Trump have said they would not vote for him if he got the nomination as the people want. In other words Kasich and Cruz provide sore loser's boos that support the democratic party candidate with divide and get whumped thoughtlessness.

Donald Trump has replied in kind, as he did in words too after a Cruz Super Pac attacked trumps wife viscously and Cruz didn't condemn the ad loudly as he should.

The lesson to be learned is that a divided Republican party or one running half-heartedly cannot win. Romney of course didn't get evangelical enthusiasm and the result was another four years of Obama and homosexual marriage. Plainly Republic 'establishment' leaders differ too little from Democrats such as Clinton and Obama that in being sycophants of globalism over America-first and vast tax cuts for the rich while illegal aliens flood over the border.

Failing to elect Perot and running a somewhat lame G.H.W. Bush re-election campaign meant the decline of the U.S.A. following the 1992 election with vast public debt, avoidable foreign wars, the rise of Muslim terrorism and the decline pf public morals. You would think Republican leadership could learn something from that and also learn to lead on environmental rectification as a global activity that changes applied economic procedures.

Well, it seems Trump's year. The 'Republican establishment' should wake up and stop being live spoiler-losers.


Arctic Winter Icepack Set Record Winter Minimum

The Arctic ice-pack maximum set a record low size Thursday because of the warming trend of recent decades. Arctic ocean water should thus heat faster this spring and summer. Polar bear will spend more time on the rocks or distance swimming next summer.

Politicians of course often being generically mildly retarded with avarice and elected to fulfill greed will see only the economic opportunities to exploit the natural resources of the Arctic. Note the Baltic Sea change.

Image credit: Cryosphere Today and N.A.S.A.

Space-time ribbons (video)


If Capitol Shooter Was Muslim Get Apology Ready

If the shooter that hit a policeman at the nation's capitol complex was Muslim the President will need to make an apology for the nation offending Muslims somewhere I suppose. The media have the public so trained to give up their national political sovereignty that people here or in Europe are regarded as extreme right for wanting to halt immigration or at least restrict it to a reasonable number carefully screened.

http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-washington-capitol-idUSKCN0WU1L3 DC shooter

Globalists want one world order with people just consumers and without rights. The environment will suffer, Muslims atheists, Christians and environmentalists won't be happy, and pluralism will perish along with secure national boundaries. The leadership will be a generic bureaucracy oppressing masses and dissent won't be possible. End game logic.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...