
Mars Under Glass More Efficient Than Terraforming

One shouldn't seek to change a planet such as Mars into a replica of the Earth. It's actually fairly silly since the way things are done on Earth if done on Mars would have a partially green planet soon phasing out most species and green things etc.It would be good enough to just manufacture thick glass lock-blocks on Mars and construct glass domes and other structures inside which plants would be grown.
image credit: N.A.S.A.

Allowing Martian ice and water to escape into the atmosphere is just a big, extravagant, profligate concept. Every day Martian water is being lost to space and there is no reason to expedite that.
When a surfeit of water exists somewhere and time perhaps from comets then actually terraforming some small planet experimentally would be worth the water.

Construction technology easily could learn to build vast solar energy collecting buildings to let human habitation and wildlife in other structures exist safely on Mars. It is just the reasonable way to go if designers want to have their oars in the water on Mars or Saturnian moons.


N.A.S.A.-Cassini Imaging Team

He Shall Have Dominion - a third edition of the best eschatological work of the era

Kenneth Gentry's excellent eschatological work on Christianity and the post-millennial view is presented in He Shall Have Dominion 3rd edition.


It is unfortunate that so many Christian's have missed out the prophecies of Jesus regarding the 1st century apocalypse that were fulfilled, and the continuing era of building the kingdom of God that is present.

Russian Collusion in NFL Anti-National Anthem Knee Taking?

Special Investigator Mueller should look into the anti-national anthem disrespect of NFL player and NBA players to determine if the activities were catalyzed or planned with Russian collusion. Have any Russians attended NFL games or been observed in NBA games? Did any leaders of the anti national anthem knee taking activities travel to Moscow or know Russian sleeper agents?

LeBron James, N.B.A. superstar, has shown the blindness of racism in choosing to blame President Trump for the idiotic N.F.L. anti-American knee-taking during the national anthem. President Trump did not start that godless, evil anti-American protest that so many former NFL viewers hate.

LeBron demonstrated why pro athletes are radically over-paid contributing nothing to society besides entertainment. The super-rich can moon the U.S.A. during the national anthem and President Trump is to blame. Kolin Kapernikus started sitting or taking a knee during the national anthem in August-September 2016 months before the November election.


James believes the President is using sports to divide America. Apparently he believes Americans should hate the U.S.A. as much as he or the N.F.L. does, if one interprets hate as meaning disrespecting the national anthem for an agenda of super-rich sports celebrities.

Rich biological entities with no apparent loyalty to the nation are worse that yippees; they are a fifth column of 'we are the world' globalists with various agendas of racism, plutocracy and aristocratic tendencies.  Many Americans care about democracy and the nation for it's all they have. They are not post-jet set globe trotters with no concern for a nation-in-particular.


LeBron James; LA Racist, Blames Trump for Sports Scum that Disrespect National Anthem

LeBron James, N.B.A. superstar, has shown the blindness of racism in choosing to blame President Trump for the idiotic N.F.L. anti-American knee-taking during the national anthem. President Trump did not start that godless, evil anti-American protest that so many former NFL viewers hate.

LeBron demonstrated why pro athletes are radically over-paid contributing nothing to society besides entertainment. The super-rich can moon the U.S.A. during the national anthem and President Trump is to blame. Kolin Kapernikus started sitting or taking a knee during the national anthem in August-September 2016 months before the November election. Was Russian collusion involved?


James believes the President is using sports to divide America. Apparently he believes Americans should hate the U.S.A. as much as he or the N.F.L. does, if one interprets hate as meaning disrespecting the national anthem for an agenda of super-rich sports celebrities.

Rich biological entities with no apparent loyalty to the nation are worse that yippees; they are a fifth column of 'we are the world' globalists with various agendas of racism, plutocracy and aristocratic tendencies.  Many Americans care about democracy and the nation for it's all they have. They are not post-jet set globe trotters with no concern for a nation-in-particular.

That's the Way Things Spin Theoretically

Interesting ways of modeling ‘fundamental’ particles continue to develop along with algebras to use experimentally. The standard model of quantum physics doesn't use Octonion or Dixon algebra that could be valid ways of finding sharper descriptions of the way things spin.

Spin and non-commutativity are important concepts about particles that may be represented algebraically

http://www.7stones.com/Homepage/_matter_dominant.pdf Geoffrey Dixon “The Standard Model arises from T := C⊗H⊗O”

The concept of finding deeper math that scientists can use is encouraging for those interested in learning how the mass-energy of this apparent Universe works. Hilbert space allows non-Euclidean extension of space representation to any number of dimensions. Algebraic representation of particles in any number of dimensions might be turbo-charged theoretically with new approaches.

using Octonians to develop the standard model of physics particle-waves

http://www.tunl.duke.edu/nnpss/lectures/19/NNPSS-I.pdf Fundamental symmetries of the standard model

Government Shutdown Might Be a Libertarian Event

IMO some deficit hawks will be happy that the government is shutting down. Government is too large and President Trump may possibly think about building a wall around D.C. too.

President Trump has supporters of all kinds of political spin. Maybe they are modeled with non-commutative SU (3) matrices somewhere (a unitary group ideal). The 1% in earnings (not the 1% in the motorcycle world) seemed to have their politicians in the Repub Party work against Donald Trump’s election. Democrats are government workers and against the President. Maybe the rich will hate the closure, the Demos in government hate the closure, and those that voted for the President in some areas of a Boolean algebra truth table will be unhappy, and others with different values, happy.


If some sort of extraordinary permanent budget reduction could occur whenever the government shuts down- as if when a plant didn’t get water for a while it shrank in size- that would be helpful.

At least President Trump is exercising a bit of libertarianism on European security with some reduction of the U.S. role in paying for it, and allowing libertarian trends in global trade relations by cutting out so many bureaucratic, automatic insider trading circuits for a little while with tariffs.

Government inefficiency reflects its primary concern with serving the most rich and lesser economic levels from the top-down. Government grows in size yet without making a more effective social environment for as many as 100 million Americans on the bottom of the economic mountain. Probably government could be cut in half yet its efficiency increased 50% with some cleverness.


Wift Broke British Brexit Soy Stands For Food Supply Substitute

Since China helpfully tariff'd away its U.S. soy imports Britain's challenged with potential food supply issues from a broken Brexit has a ready, cheap source of high-quality protein from the U.S.A. available for acquisition.

Soy is a vast right-wing vegetable protein useful in myriad food products. British technical scientific researches can probably convert soy into the new Spam of foods to stand beside conventional, traditional Spam and discover new ways to combine it with fruits and nuts into candies with extended shelf lives. Adding soy to the 49% food supply produced in Britain should cover the gap for some time-until locally grown intense mari and polyculture increase food productivity.


Soy is a fundamental food available in great quantity and easy to ship in bulk. Soy warehousing could be made in temporary tensioned-membrane domes for thousands and thousands of tons of bulk soy powder.



Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...