
On Being and Becoming a Repressive Minority (a poem)

When the former majority became an oppressive minority
concentrating wealth, buying broadcast media
flooding a nation with external proletariats
subverting the former majority further
democracy became a sham

 When the winds of the globe
reverse times a quarter billion years
hot oxygen depleted red tides
lap shores with cardinals mere memories
where deserts have replaced dry woodlands

Ecclesia for the kingdom of God
as a priesthood of believers
echoes of individuals with liberty
submerge with theocratic communist elites
corporatists destroying the day

for all to become night.

Free Course in Sustainable Development Starts Today (14 weeks)

A free 14 week course in sustainable development starts today on Cousera.org. The course is provided by Columbia University.


More courses in sustainable related economics include...



https://www.coursera.org/learn/sustainable-development-ban-ki-moon 21st century

Reds Like Rotten Apple and Hate Christians

Though the Communist Chinese government has banned Apple from import or selling a couple of models of phones that may have infringed on Qualcom patents, the Apple Corp has general been welcomed as sympatico atheist, godless materialists. Apple manufactures phones for export to the United States from the communist enclaves for foreign business.

The Chinese Government arrests protestant Christians while welcoming Apple. Apple of course has no problem with that and is mute on the matter being consistent with the basic corporatist policy of neutering political speech and language. Corporatism- a political philosophy developed by the fascist Dictator Mussolini is antipathetic with state media propaganda control of free speech, religious freedom and so forth. The official Nazi Church wasn't much different from the official Communist approved Church of China expect maybe it was a little more liberal.


The Communists of China should support free Christian churches as a better way to modernize and upgrade the evolution of socialism in that nation. It wouldn't be a Marxist approach obviously, yet godless atheism and the mechanical society of repressed drone workers in a great hive of secular oblivion hasn't worked out well. It resembles an advanced corporatist-ruled state , and that future of one world government will lead to civil war and megadeath like as not.

Smockocrats Resist Border Security

The reason why Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi can't compromise and keep the government open through Christmas may just be that they prefer illegal immigration and all of the dope things that brings over national physical security.



A border wall is just a natural evolutionary response to an issue that has been written about for more than a half century; that of southern peoples migrating north as world demographics and sundry motivations urge journeys to easier pickings. More than a quarter of a billion people migrated to other nations last year, mostly for financial reasons, and that sort of thing reinforces cheap exploitable capitalism that exploits the ecosphere while creating social strife. The right response is to make second and or third world nations livable with projects such as the UN Millennium project for Africa.


Modern transportation and communication support mass illegal and illicit nation-busting traffic. The U.S. Democratic Party simply isn't serious about governance (except for a move toward Stalinist Soviet Communism with the rich being the Communist Party elites) of the nation with security or development of rational responses to the external challenges presented in the contemporary world political and social environment.

President Trump should offer the Smockocrats a border wall proposal that has it covered with solar panels along with a plan to invest a couple of billion dollars in central American nations for economic development along green sustainable lines and establishment of Universal small arms home and neighborhood defense training; basic pistol marksmanship, a supply of small arms for each nation and training in organizing neighborhood militia. Those nations should be like the Swiss with a gun in every home so the people can combat drug and criminal gangs for-themselves.


Former Senators Warned of Dangers to Democracy

I don't like to be critical of the use of language by others. Yet U.S. Senators are supposed to have some element of quality in their speech and thought. I have regarded Senator Thune as being erudite enough. His former Senate colleagues seem unable to say anything directly at all with any sort of clarity however. They collectively warned of the peril to democracy that may follow the Mueller Investigation without actually saying anything.


Consider this quote from their news release;  “It is a time, like other critical junctures in our history, when our nation must engage at every level with strategic precision and the hand of both the president and the Senate. We are at an inflection point in which the foundational principles of our democracy and our national security interests are at stake, and the rule of law and the ability of our institutions to function freely and independently must be upheld.”

The U.S. government is well known to use strategic precision liberally applied. That worked in Iraq and in Obamacare for recent examples. President G.W. Bush's cash for clunkers was another precise strategy. American politicians are veritable surgeons at balancing budgets precisely.

Apparently the people are being warned that we are at an inflection point, for one thing. American has many veterans of inflection point battles and can deal with that. Sometimes napalm was used to get the right inflection, and at other time indirect fire. Of course I know that napalm isn't direct fire in the form of bullets- merely fire in the form of fire.

Secondly, besides emergent inflection, foundational principles are at stake. That is principles of foundation; the foundation that occurred more than several two score and two hundred years ago. Those principles of foundation such as homo marriage are at stake. So is dope using and the right of foreigners to enter the nation illegally and for the broadcast media to dominate propaganda for the benefit of concentrated wealthy owners.

Foundationals include...
1) Concentrated wealth
2) Broadcast media
3) Illegal entry by foreigners as they will (there were only a quarter of a billion migrants in the world last year so its no big deal)
4) Homosexual marriage
5) Legal dope smokin
7) The right to use large nutcrackers on partial birth abortions
8) The right to make up reasons for wars with baloney yet official principals of foundational arguments ie Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and maybe a Nuke Russia and Take Back Crimea Resolution.

These high principals are in danger of experiencing a setback mif President Trump is allowed to continue instead of Hillary Clinton who could be appointed Special Envoy Adviser to France and England or something to keep her busy because she could probably fix those nations and their weirdo parliaments right away).

President Trump has principal foundationals that could also be undermined by the Mueller Probe including...

1) Getting rid of air quality control and child labor laws
2) Expanding offshore drilling wherever there are good beaches except near Marrow of Lardo Key
3) Eliminating taxes on the rich and making pay as you go user taxes on people breathing air or buying food
4) Putting more sawdust filler back in school lunch green meat treats
5) Requiring citizens to watch NFL football or report to reeducation camps.
6) Eliminating biological life as a threat to reduction of building maintenance costs

Probably the main bi-partisan threat is their support for corporatism and the concentration of wealth with globalism making peons of us all. They don't know what corporatism is though.


Democrats Should Support Green Wall Construction

Democrats need to face the Presidential challenge to fund the wall or experience a government shutdown over the budget. There is good ground for compromise to help reduce global warming fossil fuel for energy reliance; build a green wall with more solar panels than any other project in history. The President has pledged support for that green project already...



Rioting French Luddites Want Trump and Cheap Diesel Fuel

French Luddites opposed to a gas tax to discourage fossil fuel use have been rioting recently turning Paris into something more like an American City with a Black Lives Matter weekend.


Unlike the clean and peaceful U.S. Tea Party assemblies the conservative French rioters known as yellow jackets behave like wild animals on LSD. France seems to be more unlike that peaceful society with bread and circuses these days. It is lucky that police persons haven't the opportunity to fire their automatic weapons with an equal measure of careless wild abandon just for the heck of it. In prior eras mass police shooting increased protest response- except notably for Tiananmen Square where the people were pacified with machine gun death.  Personally I visited Paris in 1987, found it quite expensive and left after a few hours. I am sure it remained a somewhat decent plays to lose a few dollars until recently.

President Macron's policies in support of a more green agenda illustrate the incompetence that democrat reformers have in moving toward ecological economics even mildly inasmuch as they need comprehensive reform that includes compensation for persons displaced by reform. President Macron should have examined the particular economic transport conditions of rural Brittany and installed electric vehicle discounts, charging stations, high-speed electric mass transit or whatever else might have served to replace the costly gasoline; otherwise he left the sorry unpatriotic rioters without any hope of being able to afford gas and German pastry.

One should make no mistake about President Trump. For our President capitalist fiduciary axiology far outweighs rational transition to newer transport and energy infrastructure. He is a Luddite for fiscal reasons unable to comprehend that other values exist that require competent government economic direction sufficient to accomplish meaningful goals.

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...