
Where is the Presidential Candidate That Wants to Zero Public Debt?

The 2020 Presidential race is lacking a candidate that would choose to eliminate public debt. Democrats would like to add trillions and trillions to public debt as if they were nuts with no concern about busting the U.S. economy thereby. They don't mind risking Social Security, Medicare and all the rest of social infrastructure programs that could be eliminated if the Big Crash occurs.

President Reagan started the debt ball rolling with his use of permanent Keynesian economics relabeled supply side economics, to stimulate economic advance, grow the military and out-perform the late Soviet Union. Well, that program worked. Unfortunately not even the inventor of public spending that adds great public debt to stimulate the economy, John Maynard Keynes, regarded the policy as anything beside a temporary and phenomenal technique. Neither he nor most economists before the Arthur Laffer era thought the policy could be permanent.  

Over the course of history great public has been proven to be bad policy, I believe, with few exceptions. Debt has led to wars. Debt default usually harms the poor first as conservatives denounce the lazy or corrupt poor that won't work honest jobs as they have. Everyone it is held can advance socially to a better class if they try. Unrealistic as that is, the option of cutting spending on the poor that have poor political representation and economic leverage remotely equivalent to that of the rich is the first to go.

There isn't anything wrong with balancing the federal budget and eliminating public debt. Public debt of immense scale such as the 23 trillion dollars of U.S. public debt could take generations to pay down. Virtually anything that is done with an imbalanced budget could be done better with a balanced budget if politicians had a clue for the trail of innovation, invention and resourcefulness and management. It is easier though to select more politicians with bad policies without a concern about eliminating U.S. public debt or reforming free enterprise with directed evolutionary selection for programs and policies that restore the national ecospheric vitality and promotes all citizens from the bottom up out of poverty, social or medical insecurity. As was said in the Wizard of Oz, and could be said of many politicians; "If I only had a brain."


On American Greatness (and that of the rest of the world)

God is great. People should not be too concerned with self-image instead of achievement. The United States is probably greater than it ever was, it is simply the case that the content has evolved and mass urbanization and demographics have increased tremendously from the beginning. The U.S.A. has an identity crisis- perhaps a perpetual crisis, and as it has lost its frontier character it has found so many different values and peoples thrown together and there is necessarily conflict with those values. The problem is compounded by the will to power by so many groups, and the failure of plain governing authorities with good ideas to lead and fuse national character in to something more than greed and ecological ignorance. Even as the nation increases in education and technology it has decreased its environmental quality and certain traditional values as well. There is no question that in former times for example a century ago, ordinary Americans were of a more self-reliant and spiritual character. That was in part a result of the more sparse population and freedom of Americans from the intense socialization of the electronic media. The electronic media supplanted traditional agencies of socialization such as the Church. That does not mean that the nation is experiencing challenges today that are not capable of getting successful responses, though it may seem improbable. One major political party- the Democrat Party, is failing to represent ordinary lower and middle class Americans at all well. Its constituents are quite differently socialized than the politics of the masses from the past. It is programmed by the electronic media and socialized to seek power for itself as special class interests. It is a very shallow representation of the interests of real Americans that serves it poorly, for it has no plain empirical comprehension of the real challenges to the nation or what responses should be to the challenges of which it is largely discognizant. The Democrat Party has proven an ability to divide rather than unify the nation. It has gone along with tax cuts that have concentrated wealth too far while it failed to assure that the most poor would find it easy to rejoin the workforce at any part of their lives. The party has become too urbanized and simultaneously globalized and imbued with post-modernist philosophy that is more important than empirical common sense for the body politic. Republicans of course simply pursue tax cuts and the enrichment of the rich while not doing enough to defend a more egalitarian free enterprise system economically. Each party has failed to recognize the disastrous land use policies environmentally speaking that have brought the ecosphere into steep decline and brought a global mass extinction of species. Humanity depends upon the web of life of the ecosphere and need learn how to do economics without destroying it. It is very likely that if the web of life on earth is finally broken, humanity will become a casualty too. I think Christians always were going to be on their own with a different ethic and view of life than the lost without faith. Christians are the salt of the Earth, yet they need to have right opinions about the Bible too, and not be too overconfident that they correctly understand everything in it. There is a large disagreement about when the tribulation was for example. Some believe it already occurred in the first century A.D. and others think it ahead. Some believe that God evolved the Universe and life on Earth with his omnipotence, and others that it popped into being in six days without comprehending general relativity or the book of Genesis in its historical construction. Those failures of comprehension can make Christians lose their savor as the salt of the Earth (well, some at least), because in their error they make themselves pessimists and detached from concern about the well being of the ecosphere of Earth instead of being its stewards. Atheists are as bad or worse in misunderstanding the Bible and in making superfluous and rash inferences about the existence of God because of the Darwin paradigm of evolution. Christian error allows the schism socially and logically to go unchallenged; many are lost because they cannot believe that God could have evolved the world.
Philosophically speaking the nature of human speculation and orthodox opinions are interesting. Humans have ideas and groups of ideas to form sets of ideas that are given structure and become orthodox with the ratios and relations are true. Yet every aspect of true opinions of sets lends themselves to speculation and theoretical sets in order in improve knowledge. Believe it or not that process can be applied to theology too. I was amused by the subject and wrote a brief poem about reason and ratios today.
Reasoned Sets, Ratios and Metaphysics
Reasons set the ratios of sets relationships of elements known and the unknown theoretical relations forming metaphysics of sets' speculations Content of so many arguments about elements and relations inclusion and exclusion categories cats, eagles and dogs Universe with Wordsworth theoretical elements and field notations discursively captured phenomena before membranes, big bangs and other dimensions sets of theoretical speculations ossify in reasoned doctrine dripping stalagmites all.
The entire planetary ecosphere likely was evolved by God in co-dependent directed evolution from the beginning. Directed evolution is consistent with Universe pre-determinism and pre-destination. One cannot remove an arm or a leg here or there and not affect the entire organism in which humanity coheres. Many don't realize the evolutionary history of ecological systems or those of the water with a semblance of competence. The faithless have always been a part of society. Tolerance of diverse opinions politically is the essence of the marketplace of ideas that enables natural production and selection of the best ideas socially. Those ideas actualized drive human progress forward. Society need advance in competence rather than simple decadence or comfort of an empirically myopic character.
Eventually some politicians will need to comprehend the principles of sustainable ecosphere with a sustainable environmental business economic plan. It is far more than remediation for global atmospheric heating that is needed. The ecosphere health issue is important enough to the well-being of mankind that is should be an issue for itself unencumbered by partisan riders for social issues that are completely divisive. In the Toynbean paradigm of challenge and response both parties are failing the challenge of sustaining a health ecosphere on Earth. The United States has great potential as do the rest of the world’s nations. Building a reformed free enterprise economy that works within directed political economy parameters to restore the ecosphere and assure that all Americans have a good life quality with freedom is a great challenge that can be overcome someday, with work. Politicians should attempt to accomplish important non-partisan issues legislation that sets aside divisive social issues to work the reform needed for the future and present. Many of the special interest groups pursuing their own agendas to benefit themselves will need to find remedies for that within an egalitarian economic reform that is task oriented to accomplish work that benefits all of society without destroying the ecosphere’s health.

President Trump Apparently Intends to Make a Destroy-Wetlands-and-Streams Measure Law

President Trump seems willing to implement one of the most irresponsible wetlands and stream destruction acts made in the past few decades into law.


President Bush 41 brought a fair degree of wetlands protection to the nation and President Obama made some effort to do that as well. President Trump though is quite the opposite in working to destroy the nation's remaining wetlands in order to firm up red state voter support. President Trump may be trying to show Brazil by example that the Amazon rain forest could be made into a splendid profusion of farms, asphalt ribbons to parking lots and golf courses.

Some Americans value wetlands and stream quite a lot. When this generation passes and the politicians in D.C. are simply departed memories downwind, the next generations will not have the chance to experience the natural health of a profusion of wetlands destroyed by the power of President Trump, godless atheist Democrats and collaborators (mass transit tech and innovative systems could be part of a green ecospheric renaissance).

I hope he reconsiders. The world's land and water use is not generally planned rationally at all in an ecospheric health conservation context. If Democrats were not a party of dopey, homosexual favoritism, abortionist, godless atheists irresponsibly working to flood the nation with illegal aliens that make forming good environmental opinions in the electorate impossible and divided, the sort of act of President Trump would never arise. The idiotic and false parameters for impeachment is the sort of thing the Corrupt-o-crats are after. No party is good in D.C. ecospherically speaking; no not one.

Business is important and a lot of good business people couldn't give a rat's ass about the environment. The environment is regarded as an externality to their economic interests if it is regarded at all. Those without a proprietary business interest in destroying ecospheric health (it sustains life on Earth and will for some few centuries at a minimum) might support a rational land-use plan for the nation that would be a good example to other nations of how to restore lost environmental health and sustain a robust flora and fauna rich ecosphere at the same time as sustainable business continues within free enterprise parameters of directed economic evolution.

The entire planetary ecosphere likely was evolved by God in co-dependent directed evolution from the beginning. Directed evolution is consistent with Universe predeterminism and pre-destination. One cannot remove an arm or a leg here or there and not affect the entire organism in which humanity coheres. Many don't realize the evolutionary history of ecological systems or those of the water with a semblance of competence.

Eventually some politicians will need to comprehend the principles of sustainable ecosphere with a sustainable environmental business economic plan. It is far more than remediation for global atmospheric heating that is needed. The ecosphere health issue is important enough to the well-being of mankind that is should be an issue for itself unencumbered by partisan riders for social issues that are completely divisive. In the Toynbean paradigm of challenge and response both parties are failing the challenge of sustaining a health ecosphere on Earth.

Reasoned Sets, Ratios and Metaphysics (poem)

Reasons set the ratios of sets
relationships of elements known
and the unknown theoretical relations
forming metaphysics of sets'

Content of so many arguments
about elements and relations
inclusion and exclusion
cats, eagles and dogs

Universe with Wordsworth
theoretical elements and field notations
discursively captured phenomena
before membranes, big bangs and other dimensions
sets of theoretical speculations
ossify in reasoned doctrine
dripping stalagmites all.


How Applied Post-Modernism Devastated Democrats

Post-modernism comprised a number of fields including certain philosophical movements especially those concerning truth and the verifiability of truth. Subjectivity became a pervasive outlook; some regarded that as overly introspective and in support of confusion or denial concerning the reality of the world. Social reality supplanted empirical pragmatism. Select elites regarded the entire movement and its effect upon the masses as possibly a good thing since they were becoming more malleable to elite persuasion.
The Persistence of Memory, 1931 - Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali- The Persistence of Memory

In the early 20th century the majority of the lower classes of Americans were earthy, godly people. They would even serve in major wars because of loyalty to government and virtue to a certain extent, for good or bad. During the Vietnam Conflict era post-modernism and draft resistance catalyzed a me-first subjective outlook. With birth control and affirmative action the establishment began to lose credibility and became suspect by the new masses. What was being lost though during the time of accelerating urbanization and technology advance was the earthy and Christian pragmatism that had been the backbone of the nation. Certain elites regarded the entire mess of over-population and ecospheric degradation as threatening. They believed that a new social organization needed to be cultured that would reduce population and stabilize environmental loss. The traditional economy and family unit were regarded a villains. Radical transformation was sought after, and that required the masses to be ideologically severed from owning real property, farming, the Church and heterosexual marriage. 

President Trump represents some of the values- especially economic values, and the new elites of Harvard, M.I.T. and of California hate that- hence the fabrications of the Mueller investigation and the Impeachment. What the new elites lacked was faith in God and the U.S.A. and willingness to trust and get the masses to follow new economic reform guidelines voluntarily. Instead they work to dupe the herd into being sycophantic echos in metaphorical cattle pens of political control.

President Trump is the ultimate carpet king do-it-yourself TV commercial owner-salesman who measures the world in square feet. That is good for business and bad for the environment. As an indoor guy the wilderness is just an undeveloped area to the President. That is bad news for Alaska wilderness areas- the only quality ones remaining in the United States, and bad news for the prospects of survival on Earth since the wild isn't superfluous. The trouble is that there is just no realistic alternative with Democrats being godless atheist redistributionists seeking to enrich the most rich and add trillions and trillions to the public debt on their course to restore the power of Harvard elites. 

What is needed is some political leader that excels at innovation and who comprehends the principles of ecologic economics so well that he can understand how to adapt it to free enterprise actualization with directed economic evolution that respects traditional American values.


Apparently Democrats Want a 2nd Impeachment Trial in the Senate

 Democrat leaders apparently want a second impeachment trial in the Senate. Dissatisfied with the House impeachment they feel a desire to have another one with witnesses, depositions and testimony in the Senate. That isn't the way it's supposed to work. Witnesses should only be called after the prosecution and defense have made their cases, if the Senate needs more input or data for clarification.

The streamlined version of a constitutional impeachment process is for the House to have what amounts to a trial and the Senate acting as a jury to decide the verdict to convict the President of impeachment. When the House chooses to impeach a President it has made a material finding with a higher standard than that of a Grand Jury. It has in effect had a trial and rendered a verdict. The Senate is supposed to convict or acquit the Democrat's finding.  Democrats want to jury rig the Senate's deliberation process and make another trial of it, and that is wrong.

The House acts as the prosecution in an impeachment movement and indicts a President if partisan or if the President has committed high crimes or misdemeanors. The House prosecutors aka impeachment managers make their case before the Senate, and the President is permitted a defense; then a vote should occur although more witnesses or other material may be brought in. In a purely partisan prosecution a purely counter-partisan acquittal is anticipated.

Democrats did not charge the President with specific crimes in the House kangaroo court. The Democrat Party is regarded by a few as lunacy in post-modernism bereft of truth and incompetent at legislating. Anti-global warming remediation for example should not be packaged with poison pill riders such as socialism. If the party were serious about that issue it would promote atmospheric remediation with free enterprise and directed economic evolution with a few good regulations and incentives.


Are Fox, Google Search Englne Listings, C.N.N. etc Repressive of the Public Sphere?

There is a brief review of Jürgen Habermas' thesis of the Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere that seems apropos for this particular 2020 Presidential race.


If the public is holding the bag on vast public debt and don't really participate in the public sphere except as left or right party sycophantic echoes how can America ever be great again? That would require no public debt and the poor very squared away, with a great ecospheric restoration to health.

Resurrection and the Conservation of Quantum Information

 Conservation of quantum information postulates that information cannot be lost- it is comparable to the law of the conservation of energy t...