
Can NPR Mob Rule Leadership Put Democrats Over in November?

The Democrat Party seems to have few meaningful issues this election year in comparison to developing racism and covid-care. NPR has provided much support for the story-line narrative that racism is the fundamental problem the U.S.A. experiences. As a primary corporate and government sponsored neo-domestic mob rule organization one wonders if the continuua of reiterating racism can be enough to put the Democrat Party over the top in Presidential and congressional races this November.

One might think from listening (full disclosure-I live in an off-grid part of Alaska- NPR is the only news source available-when someplace else I never listen to it) that the U.S.A. is being prepped for race war, that Democrats might like to disarm Americans so they can't defend themselves from mob power in the future, etc.). During their fund drives I remember that I would probably contribute if they would go away. I wonder if no one has noticed that since NPR was started the U.S. economy has increasingly concentrated wealth and the portion of national income that goes to the middle class and poor has greatly declined. Today ten percent of the people have 70% of the national income.

There are numerous political advantages for mobs and general corruption attractive to media cheerleaders. Writers on social media sites, including myself, that have every published any material the insiders of the internet world find offensive may have their content strictly moderated to cap daily views at ten or twenty. Before the Obama administration purge it was possible to get a few thousand views of articles per day yet that was crashed to the point that publishing today informs generally politically partisan organizations and that's about it. That development that took some time to perfect was a way to censor American writers without seeming to do so. I don't imagine that the Internet in the U.S.A. is so very much more free than that of China these days regarding free expression of political ideas without reduction of viewer reaction by insiders.

As a society moves toward corporatism, communism, plutocracy or various forms of totalizing power concentration the control of media and the marketplace of ideas becomes one of the first places authorities of various forms look to for controlling power. In the U.S.A. with the first amendment controlling Internet access must be some kind of relief as private corporate social media sites have the right to establish their own policies about what may be published or how many people will be allowed to see it. The U.S. government (and corporations) of course finance NPR and its leftist orientation sucking up to wealth and mob ethos yet it has not established a neutral Internet site for citizens of the United States that would not be censored. It should for keeping the marketplace of ideas free and in existence outside of proprietary corporate control is necessary if any sort of free political thought is to continue to exist in the public arena in the years ahead.

The possibilities for constructive political change are great when great ideas are ordinary and held in political leadership. A political ontology of idiocy isn't one that should be expected to lead far to advance human development on the ecospherically challenged planet. Satiety materially speaking  by to many without much interest in anything else can too readily support social decay. Historical cycles that are recurrent and easily recognized somehow escape notice. 


Demo Troubles with Economic Assumptions

Neither Republicans nor Democrats inspire much confidence in people this year as they seem unconcerned with fundamental economic matters. Democrat leaders seem to regard race as an issue that can solve fundamental economic inequalities objectively. That error concerns itself with social history instead of economic facts that have always affected all people equally regardless of race. That is, poverty is poverty regardless of race.

 As the generations born in the middle of the 20th century fade away so has the economic egalitarian that brought the upper class and everyone else closer together. Economic disasters of wars changed some of the fundamental order of capitalism to one that had income earned through work of more importance than inherited wealth.

 Because capital compiles at a faster rater than national income and wages (4.5% annual average for capital and 1.5% average increase of wages) usually, wealth tends to concentrate. That situation has prevailed for most of human history, and the 20th century was one where the lucky citizens experienced a close approximation of fair economic distribution and opportunity. That circumstance has been steadily eroded since the mid-1970s with wealth and inheritance again beginning to build. It is possible that the advantage of the rich of western nations will mean that their wealth will concentrate (it tends to be global networks of wealth rather than just national these days) and disadvantaged 2nd and 3rd world nations will remain comparatively poor, without meaningful regulation.

 Some Americans obviously weren’t full participants in egalitarian economics of the mid-20th century for several reasons and would like to correct that. The problem is that economics of capitalism concerns all people equally already regardless of race. The challenge for the poor is to find themselves in a position where they can experience some of the opportunities and advantages of good income and that requires good political economic management plainly absent from the Democrat party.

 Contemporary measures to change the course of economics toward a more egalitarian direction require changes in regulatory structures for the United States that are difficult to understand by the majority of voters. It is possible for a democracy to manage political economy and capitalism better and in a way that would stabilize and guide economics toward a sustainable economic and environmental status yet that isn’t easy; especially when the electorate is chasing after race issues that would take care of themselves very likely with greater economic egalitarianism and basic prosperity.

 In reading one text; Piketty’s ‘Capitalism in the 21st Century’ that author noticed a fundamental problem with capitalism that he named  r > g meaning the rate of return on capital is historically higher than the growth of productivity and wages; capitalism has an implicit uneven field tilted toward the direction of concentrating wealth. Even worse is the fact that at low growth of 1% and stable demographics wealth concentrates even faster. Thus a great challenge for ecological stability of the planet and egalitarian free enterprise earnings with capitalism is that wealth concentrates faster in an environment of zero population growth and conservation of the ecosystem; one ends up with  one one-thousandths of the people owning everything and everyone else renting from them. How to change economics so one can have ZPG and restore a health ecosphere are interesting theoretical challenges that probably have thousands of theoretical solutions with many that would actually work.



 There is no mistake that without careful thought seeking rectification of political economy the world economy will experience serious challenges ahead along with the environment. It would be a shame to choose to abandon reason and just let natural economic evolution lead to a crash course of poverty, subjugation and/or mass demographic disaster. Numerous remedies including different balances of public and private capital, higher or near complete taxation of estates on inheritance of more than 5 million dollars, a serious progressive tax rate and requiring new businesses to meet ecospheric benefit or non-harm standards or experience higher and progressive business taxation might be considered. I am sure that race is not the remedy for the problems of poverty and lack of opportunity experienced in the American democracy. Rather solutions will be found in the objective field of economics wherein everyone may be objectively considered in regard to their personal economic experience.  Opportunities to prosper in a society usually follow one’s economic class with notable individual exceptions. If one hang glides from the top of a 100 story building one is probably going to go farther or get higher than someone starting from the ground. Opportunities for good schools or buying good business locations tend to start with one’s economic class; Harvard is actually advantageous to people more so than is a G.E.D. for example.


Monism Doesn’t Preclude Mind-Body Duality

Can the Universe be said to be monistic because it is made of energy with mass as a secondary quality? If so, a Universe made of energy does not mean that pluralism of forms of energy such as exist for quantum structures cannot exist, for manifestly they do. Mind too may arise from energy yet may be said to have a different form than either plain energy or other forms of energy such as gluons or the color force may be said to have.

 Energy that is a coherent thread from the beginning of the local Universe may possess numerous unusual qualities in regard to time and space that are yet unknown for human researchers. One of those may be the relation of God to programmable energy that is subject to his will before the form of any or all Universes become perceptible to sentient minds. Obviously the relationship between God and subject-sentient-mind through revelation and the Son Jesus Christ does not require a necessity of a particular ecclesiastical structure except one that is in submission to God and saved through the atoning grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. The most effective ecclesiastical structure is one that is most well adapted to the communication opportunities of the age. In an era of Universal literacy and unlimited publication of the Bible for all that is an egalitarian priesthood of believers.

 Mind-consciousness is qualitatively different than energy for-itself that is believed to be non-sentient. Of course if God in energy and spirit before and extrinsic to energy has awareness then it could be said that God qualitatively differentiates plural material giving limited knowledge to sentient minds with not-transparency of divine mind in energy and forms for sentient others as are humans.


Covide Defense Masks and Statehood for Postage Stamp D.C.

The District of Columbia becoming a state is a ludicrous idea. D.C. as a state would have a certain piddling runtiness about it with a governor theoretically able to rule the Federal Government virus infecting the state. A federal district is supposed to be neutral in order to serve as an area for the federal government to base itself uncoerced by the power and laws of a state and the panoply of corrupt local politicians statehood brings. A state governor should not be free to exert his sovereign responsibilities over the Federal Government intruding in his state like a virus.

 There are a zillion other larger regions in the U.S.A. that could become states that would make more sense. Alaska, for example could have a dozen states with no stretch of imagination or credulity; maybe a thousand or more D.C. sized states. If the people of D.C. want to become a state they should revert to being part of Maryland and or Virginia, or move from the District of Columbia and let the federal government be free at last to move west to mile-high Utah, Missouri or some other lowland locale.

 The federal government may want to use the possible statehood of D.C. to move west and centralize itself in some new location that would be entirely neutral and free of any permanent residents. Living in the new Federal District would not be allowed. There would be federal buildings and a capitol there and no housing except for federal officials- anyone else would need to commute from outside the small federal district on high-speed hyper-tube trains or possibly electric cars.

 Much has been said of Missouri as the location for a new federal capitol. Any state that wants to host the new federal capitol would need to relinquish or donate about 25 square miles of its land to the venture, yet would likely receive many times more value than the land in increased federal spending. Utah, Colorado and other western states of the Rocky Mountain region would also be good locations for a federal capitol. The District of Columbia could return to its historical slumber as part of Virginia and Maryland and erase the muscling in on federal business that would fade away as a distant, unpleasant memory.

 The District of Columbia may be ripening for relocation and fading into history. Many Democrats hate Columbus and Columbia is a poke in the racist political ant nest of Democrat party activism. The new federal district could be renamed the District of Washington, although he makes the hate list too for owning slaves. The District of Lincoln would be a good choice except that historians have found that Lincoln said he preferred his own race and thus he could be viewed by some as racist too. Maybe the sole non-controversial choice would be the District of Truman, since he was less racist than many and dropped the first atomic bomb in history which may be less offensive to Democrats than racist thoughts.

 If I were choosing a name for the new Federal District I would name it the District of Jesus. Democrats would oppose that however because they prefer godless atheist iconoclasm as if they were restive Muslims. Democrats would ascent to the name District of Darwin I would guess. Evolution’s leading figure is regarded as good by Democrats and evolution as the end-in-itself correct idea for-themselves, even as the moral principle of the age whenever it is used in support of Democrat Party goals. Evolving in non neo-liberal directions without an increasing rate of return on capital and reduction of taxes on capital and high income is probably considered unthinkable.

 Democrats as the party of hate and racism content have an easy target in President Trump. Like the President, Democrats seem to exist without a surfeit of good ideas instead relying upon race, gender and perversion issues; emotional issues that are harmless to the richest 1% and occupy the time and thought of the Republic. President Trump is good at business and bad at environment. He is boisterous and brags to possibly compensate for a lack of high end intelligence. Assertiveness and hubris can help in business and war yet fail to well-serve high-end creative thought that tends to be quiet and contemplative. So long as no unusual challenges arose that required brilliant analytical ability and quick reaction President Trump was o.k. With the continuing failure to do very well at managing Covid 19 the President has dropped in the polls and Democrats salivate considering prospects for November 7th 2020. The D.C. statehood issue is another Democrat hate mechanism to erase U.S. history and transform the nation into a corporate, national socialist entity something like the emergent Chinese Communist-Corporatist entity that is not too unlike Hitler’s ideal national-socialist state minus the foreign wars except where victory is guaranteed.

 A neutral federal district without local political affiliation is requisite for keeping a free and impartial federal government. There are a lot of political forces that would like to subdue federalism and create a patchwork of splinter cell-states where global corporate boards would be the actual leaders of primary and last appeal. If President Trump wants to be re-elected he should develop a Doctor Welby image if he is capable and create a Covid Defense Mask in white-face, black-face, brown-face, clear-face, lavender-face and designer colors that provide full face protection against the virus. The mask should have C.D.M. in bright red letters in the lower right corner. The President should have a half-hour prime time fireside chat demonstrating to the public how to use the masks and explain their value at preventing infection and allowing people to return to work somewhat normally (in addition to wearing surgical gloves or frequent hand sanitizing). The masks should be easy to wash after removing filters and work well for college students on beaches or school kids on buses. Of course secret intelligence agencies would need to forego facial recognition tracking systems efficiency for a while because of the masking; therefore it might be a good idea to watch the southern and northern borders for terrorist infiltrators a little more carefully than usual. If the alternative to having full face defense mask wearing is 100,000 extra dead Americans, a secondary casualty is likely to the second presidential term for Mr. Trump. The President should have a top-ranking comedian help him in the C.D.M. show as an assistant able to provide a little, yet not too much, humor.


 It is noteworthy that the Presidential office is too contentious these days and the Congress not bright enough or skilled at making the nation more than a tool for global plutocracy leading to plutocrats over a sub-dictatorship of the proletariat. Perhaps the Presidential office should be vacated to 24 years and twin pro-consuls serve instead with one from each party having the job for a year for a period of four years alternating power. The Roman Republic had some features that could be emulated in this era where the U.S. government is being reduced to ineffectiveness and Democrats seek to reduce it to a role in the global sub-dictatorship of the proletariat beneath the stars of the 1%. The president should have developed a salt-water filled desalinating canal through evaporation and capture border canal instead of a fence if he were clever. Can people really argue across S.W. desert states against renewable millions of gallons of fresh water for agriculture?

The Roman Republic Two-Thousand Years Ahead of its Time

In some respects the Roman Republic was two thousand years ahead of its time. When the Republic was brought to an end by the first charismatic general able to command the allegiance of the masses (Julius Caesar during the civil war) a new political concept for humanity started by Plato and Greek inspiration came to an end. Humanity for most of its history civilizations had imperial rule Athens and other Hellenic Greek states were not like that. What followed the civil war was nearly 1800 years of imperialism across the globe except where tribes were too primitive and small for empire.

 Looking at history this way creates a new window for the analysis of the past. Christianity served after the end of the Roman Republic as the model for democracy. The election of a pope instead of family inheritance or pure force to rule was the norm even after the rise of the Roman Empire. 

 During war the Republic that often had twin Consuls in a shared-Presidential kind of role were placed under the power of a Dictator who ruled the nation for one-year terms until the war was concluded. The role of Dictator for war is obsolete in the modern age for the United States at least, although China has a president for life who has power somewhat like a dictator.

 A pope had the power to rule after election something akin to that of a Roman Republican dictator who served for a year during time of war. The Pope’s power of dictatorship in a Holy War against the realm of Satan continued until the Protestant Reformation when Christian leadership from the generally democratic Catholic Church splintered into a constellation of non-imperial political self-determination as well as spiritual self-determination under the Lord Jesus Christ and God. Christian leaders became founders of democracies and imperialism was rolled back over the course of centuries.

 In the modern era the success of capitalism is a renewed threat to democracy. Concentrated wealth brings political power and laws of advantage to the richest citizens as they form a global neo-imperial empire wherein all except the one percent and their ten percent professional class of insulators have little political power and a fraction of national income.

 The correction of the trend toward a proletariat ruled by an elite may be difficult to reverse because of demographics of the planet, limits to material productivity increase and the fact that capital increases at 4 to 5% annually while growth of productivity increasing at a half-percent as is necessary to conserve non-renewable resources means that concentration of wealth is self compounding at a much faster pace than productivity. Capital increases and high-level wages benefit 10% and less of the people while world ecological health decreases and people have little real power to do anything about it. Maybe the ancient Roman Republic could provide examples and ideas for how to reform U.S. politics in time to save national sovereignty, democracy and environmental viability.


Economic Philosophy for Government Supercomputer

 Economic Philosophy for Government Supercomputer 

Mood slate ‘verberations
obsidian windows
life and death

Waves over triplicates
driplicates under waves
duplicate reverberations

Economic engine margins
ballooned scalar structures
field beyond the edge.

  The political philosophy of the economic system of the modern world is about two - three centuries old. The modern economic philosophy was designed for a human economy largely before industrialization and entirely before the rise of computers. It was largely an evolved village life system with caste systems of rulers repressing or alternatively defending the masses, peons, proles, people and so on. That system continues today and it is maladapted to the modern machine-computer,  inhuman technology of the era.

 Defenders of the modern economic philosophy primarily argue for capitalism or Marxism's varieties. Neither system is actually in effect in any pure since the rise of machines and computers. Instead, an ad hoc patchwork of economics grew to bring society along where required. An upper class of elites remained. A thousandth of the U.S. population owns 20% of the wealth. Ten percent of the people own approximately 70% of national income; it is a very inefficient system almost comical in its works throwing trillions of dollars here and there in ‘emergencies’ and running up 26 trillion dollars of public debt to plumb the depths of the super-computer guided machine like deep sea explorers of the Calypso.

 One must wonder what an efficient new software install of economic philosophy would do for the super-machine. Perhaps Bill Gates and windows was the patchwork D.O.S. install the wealth managers of the village system put in to exploit the modern global economic potential of the machine, yet that was still founded in the village system and wasn’t cognizant of the environment or people and human loss of potential that it brought.

 The U.S. government built the first electronic computers in the quest to construct an atomic bomb. The elite classes used the technology for their own uses in harnessing modern technology to serve them. It would be good to liberate the potential of modern technology for the maximum benefit of humanity with an upgrade in political economy software.

* Clear Halloween face masks with eye coverings and small replacable nose and mouth filters would be popular with those seeking good protection from covid 19 in heavy people traffic, yet the government seems disinterested in mass producing the easy ppe that even people on buses could wear to and let bus the economy work a little better without the mass new infections.





Quantum Field Theory and Immanuel Kant

 The 18th century German philosopher contributed numerous important ideas to the advance of philosophy. Some of Immanuel Kant’s most well known concepts concern epistemology and logic regarding how people think about the world they experience. The world people experience cognitively, interactively, the world of sight and sound as Rod Sterling might have said, is phenomenal in Kant’s lexicon. One may consider it with a posteriori, a priori and synthetic a priori judgments. The phenomenal world exists in contrast to the noumenal. The noumenal is the world as it really is in-itself (to borrow Sartre’s terminology). There is quite a difference between the world and things of the world that are perceived by humans and the things or substance of the world as it actually is for-itself.

 Quantum field theory is a way of describing the fields in which quanta of energy occur. The electromagnetic field is one such field and the Higgs field is an example of another. The Higgs field is of especial interest these days because its description is mostly undefined and its existence allows particles of other fields to slow down enough to have a third dimension instead of just two dimensions as they are flattened travelling at a velocity near the speed of lights where Einstein’s special theory of relativity kicks in to affect mass and energy. To a certain extent Kant’s phenomenal world is comparable to the actual world of the mass of the Universe that has three dimensions because of the action of the Higgs field on all particles.

 It is said that mass is convertible to energy and vice versa and that mass is a secondary quality of energy. Like the phenomenal world of appearance that is present when humans observe it with select cognitive capabilities and with a particular molecular composition that allows certain kinds of interactions with non-self mass/energy, the world that physicists observe of the quantum realm in field theory descriptions of where packets of energy known as mass probably occur is a phenomenal world with somewhat deeper structural characteristics than the more general and topological phenomenal realm of experience. Maybe the boundary or frontier of the deepest intuited noumenal realm keeps moving back to deeper, unfathomable regions more remote from common sense.

 Kant’s noumenal realm today might be thought of as that of pure, unknowable energy for-itself that emits all of the energy and fields that appear as a phenomenal world and Universe. If the noumenal realm of pure energy is unknown, so is its nature. Pure energy for itself may be conscious and without spatial or temporal location; it could be without dimensions or any determinative quality that would reduce it to a finite status. If it were thought of as a string-cable of pure energy there could be an infinite number of Universe-phenomenalities-for-others that arise in an infinite number of spaces, perhaps like solar flares from a star- the topic is interesting to consider, and one of the challenges is that the possibilities lead readily to theological speculations in addition to the problem of considering a no-dimensional, non-space-time pure energy being in-itself as the basis for all fields that exists as they run through their thermodynamic quantity of original energy.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...