
Biggest platform-fish eat political free speech

 Today the most political expression and language occurs on the internet. Internet platforms are generally privately owned and subject to corporate censorship. The most rich can afford the most powerful servers and set the rules for what language can be used, how it can be presented and listed in search engines and other visibility factors. Corporate media owns the broadcast news networks and selectively resents what is in their best financial interest as news; the Republican party generally seems to be the losers in the race for biggest fish able to eat the smaller fish.

Republicans have something of a dual nature; they have rich insider corporatists supported by people like former Senate majority leader McConnell and populist blue collar supporters like Sen Ted Cruz. Much of the conservative blue collar people are reliant on fossil fuel industry jobs and support obsolete and fatuous ideas such as global warming is really caused by puff the magic dragon’s flatulence that will stop when his digestion settles down. There are many conservative Christian fundamentalists with wrong end-times beliefs that believe the tribulation is ahead and President Biden is the anti-Christ and NPR is his puppet mouthpiece. President Biden is regarded in some paradigms as the anti-Christ. The left uses much of the above as proof of the racism of the Republican Party, and nationalism has come to be associated with the phrase ‘white nationalism’.

Because many Americans that don’t vote Democrat are pragmatists concerned with the U.S.A.’s prospects and believe the well-being of the nation and the national economy is in effect in their personal interest they tend to be nationalists. There is of course a great struggle by globalists to reduce nationalists and convert the exist middle class into downwardly mobile tools for corporatist globalism and the message is hammered down incessantly on the biggest platforms.

The bi-partisan politics that reinforce globalism over the national interests of the U.S.A. are helped along by the homosexual power movement that would use the United States as a tool to force homosexual marriage on the world under British supervision. Brits tend to be leaders at godless political atheism because of their application of the ideas of their very own Charles Darwin. Traditional British imperialism finds the promotion of atheism and homosexuality quite agreeable for building up their own interests among the English speaking world. Britain and the homosexual radical left would like to get rid of a Russia in opposition to homosexual marriage and not controlled by Wall Street.

There is confusion in the body politic concerning the difference between corporatism and socialism. In fact there isn’t much of a difference down the road as the body politic become drone workers without morality or faith under an imperialism agreeable to the 1% leaders in either Wall Street or Chinese Communist countries. I wrote this post because I read an opinion that no country is any better than another. People today haven’t read Plato apparently, and they should, for the ideas regarding one thing being better than others or not, and what is good-what the good is, is very old yet obviously unknown to plenty of moderns.

The concept of equality has been stretch and deformed to the point of meaninglessness and falsehood the past 20 years. Some nations have better political systems than others, some have less population density or better social safety nets. While none have sustainable ecological economic infrastructure perhaps they will some day. One might ask if any nation limits the amount of wealth a citizen might have in relation to the average income or if a nation as more secure borders against illegal entry than others. To claim that no nation is better than any other is a claim for the great mediocrity of contemporary political systems and the futility of trying to make government better. For some reason it is believed that one can make a better care, computer or casserole than any other yet no nation can have even a slight edge. If that were so than they all would be losers.

https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1497/1497-h/1497-h.htm The Republic


What Gravity is/Christian Cosmology/apologetics etc (video)

 What is gravity? Occasionally I speculate and write something about it. I have no idea about the extent of the Higgs Field yet it is popularly credited with doing marvelous things to energy and for mass these days. Blame it for creating the appearance of gravity too. So what is gravity? It could be an apparent effect caused by the shape or reshaping of the Higgs Field interacting with energy and mass. If the Higgs Field allows mass in three dimensions to be created from two dimensional energy slowing down in the Higgs Field, the Higgs itself might be morphed and reshaped making thereby the appearance of space being curved in relation to gravity.

If the Higgs Field is more or less than three dimensions, the field may allow quantum entanglement information to be saved or relocated from three dimensions and disseminated faster than light-itself an apparent phenomena in three dimensions- through the non-three dimensional field and return to three dimensional locations with something like a waveform collapse.

Gravity occurs at light speed, and that would be natural if light speed is the norm for massless particle-waves or energy not slowed down to three dimensions. When energy becomes entangled from two dimensions to three and becomes embedded in a steady state in the Higgs Field, the aggregation of mass in the field reshapes the field and draws other mass toward it in field curvature. The field itself may act at the speed of light and create the appearance of gravity acting at the speed of light. If the field is expanding or is something is acting upon the field that isn’t of the three dimensional mass the Higgs Field could seem to be causing space to expand. There is an obvious way to regard that condition though; aggregation of mass that causes the Field to warp and attract mass may reciprocally expand space of the field bereft of elements of the field drawn in the Higgs Field and mass interactive aggregation situation.

Gravity is a marvelous thing. If it is an appearance because people see through a glass darkly embedded in the mass of particle-waves slowed down to sub-light speed in the Higgs Field, humans at least have the promise of discovering how it arises some day. Like the time when Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac by God, and Abraham showed he had such faith in God existing so as to be regarded as worthy of the promise, the appearance of gravity on this side of the cloud of unknowing may someday be rewarded by the saving grace of truth appearing; as when God sacrificed His Son Jesus Christ to save all of those of faith. The truth will set gravity theorists free.

Some people wonder about the relationship of God to the Universe and how the theory of evolution juxtaposes with the explanation of creation provided in the Bible. The accounts of contemporary cosmology and of the book of Genesis aren't in necessary contradiction or even in conflict as superficial reading or analysis indicates to some, though most haven't troubled to look to far into either field.

Consider what an eternal being who could create a Higgs field with a thought, or a thought of a field that has always existed like a library of every possible idea or universe that could ever exist, completely existing with God, would want to tell beings in a universe or thermodynamic process that he actualized, about how it came to be. I will give a shot at imagining what kind of reconciliation he would try.

Briefly He might say that; “I saw nothingness and brought light to it and over a period of time -days for you I will call them since general relativity wasn't existing yet nor even special relativity or energy and mass- I brought stars and dust to exist and man evolved innocently in an Eden of blissful ignorance until he/you/they grew smart enough to cultivate orchards, plant crops and etc. You were de facto booted out of Eden, into clothing, guilt with the knowledge of good and evil's difference and into the realm of Cain kills his brother Abel to just continue evolving in a wild format until I tried to correct your existential estrangement from my way of peace, wisdom and so forth.

Your first civilization incidentally was located at a spot that is now beneath the Persian Gulf. At least there was one guy who followed my warnings about the rising global sea level during the end of the Wisconsin ice age. He- Noah and his family build a boat and survived the flood that drowned those wicked people that kept going on with their immoral drift of destruction. Noah's sons went out to people living south of the Mediterranean Sea and became leaders, somewhat like the Verangian Vikings became leaders of Slavs living around the city they founded at Kiev. Hey, that brings you up to Charles Darwin and the present time with all of the interesting questions you can create concerning the paradoxes of the Higgs field, of mass, energy, space, time, a plethora of universes and modal logic possibilities without end.

It is a great time to be alive except for the planetary destruction of the ecosphere and so forth. The problem about ignoring my son's (Jesus Christ) prophecy concerning the great first century tribulation should have been surprising to me yet it wasn't of course. Some of you are still looking for a great tribulation and take that paradigm as an excuse to keep destroying the environment and to stop building the kingdom of God up on Earth through an egalitarian, literate priesthood of believers. I am supposed to be resting now though, so I'll get back to you on that.

There are many interesting historical researches going on today, and that have been in addition to cosmology that provide much information to consider for Christian philosophers and the thoughtful. I think it is the case that some established church authorities have sought to freeze various structures in place because the contemporary dogmatics support the economic positions of the authorities and that can lead to schisms and reform such as that Protestants established in the 1500s.

I have learned more about the history of the first civilization over time in Summer (southern Mesopotamia). Abraham was from the city of Ur. Summer was established circa 5400 b.c. so it was an old civilization by the time he got the call from God to exodus about 2100 b.c. That was a period when Summer-Akkad was in the final throes of its span and a good time for Abraham to leave.

Abraham and family journeyed north nearly to the Mediterranean and the west to Israel or Canaan. That region was between the two great early civilization of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Learning that some of the information Abraham brought to Israel with him from Ur where he probably worked as a scribe has similar paradigmatic concurrence with ancient Sumerian data such as the flood during the end of the Wisconsin ice age should not be troubling to Christians. Instead they should be thankful that Abraham brought the truth with him.



The Utility of Doctrines

 Doctrines are a good way of summarizing complex ideas for the simple or of objectively stating policy. To be in-doctrinated is to learn a doctrine and there isn't anything implicitly wrong with that. Some social or political doctrines may be better than others. I think the point is that one needs to think for oneself about doctrines that one has to determine their worth. Presently corporatism is indoctrinating everyone to accept their policies concerning tax rates, homosexual marriage, population density, the harm of nationalism in regard to the United States in an era when all of the cheap labor is in China where Wall Street wants to invest. 

There is much anti-Christian dogma these days and doctrine that followed Darwinism. People aren't generally philosophically well informed enough concerning not only Genesis and the Higgs field to reconcile the idea that evolution isn't necessarily anti-pathetic to the Biblical book of Genesis ideas- they haven't much interest in ancient history, literary interpretation, anthropology and other fields that are needed to make well-informed determinations concerning the viability or veracity of certain controversial ideas. And of course a dozen people will emerge with false doctrines if a profit could be made with it in some way. So I think a good idea is to use the Socratic measure of uncertainty concerning deep subjective epistemology and examine for oneself any sort of doctrine and belief system encountered to decide what elements can be useful in constructing your own personal doctrine most useful for-yourself.

On America being de-platformed until the Impeachment trial is over

 Russell said that Plato was a fascist- of course that was during the second world war. Socrates and Plato supported oligarchy instead of democracy of course. The best part of the Republic was the concept of forms that was elaborated better by Plotinus in his Enneads roughly six hundred years later. Presently so many people with comments about the U.S. political seen are being de-platformed. It makes one realize that the system is something of a joke with corporatism having taken over entirely. One may find it silly to be considering various political systems when one's own is just owned by the rich.

People even mentioning the nominal insurrection tend to be de-platformed these days. Facebook may sort one out and just allow political sites they believe a writer belongs in- partisan sites. Quora may suspend editing for a while because questions seem not to be apposite for the impeachment proceeds, etc. The rich really own social media from which the U.S. electorate may experience partisan banning during important political times- social media is the ban media when it counts. For the government not to have its own citizen websites and server to prevent gross censorship in favor of corporate policy preferences makes the democracy seem somewhat like a pet.


Which Americans Should be impeached to preclude running for President?

 The Democratic Party is beginning the process of deciding if Donald Trump should be convicted of impeachment. I can hardly wait until they finish that and move on to Hillary Clinton to prevent her from running again in 2024. Some might consider impeaching George Washington to get to the source of the problem. About anyone living or dead could be impeached in the post or pre-office holding paradigm. Impeaching Americans that aren't President of the United States, even if they were in the past, is a great new trend that can increase the efficiency of returning Democrats to the White House down the road.

If President Trump was legally guilty of some felony crime while in office he is not immune from being charged by some federal prosecutor for that. What he should be is immune from a partisan majority in Congress usurping the judiciaries role of hearing criminal cases of American civilians or choosing who to make ineligible for political office by partisan vote. Inciting a riot or inciting an insurrection probably are actual criminal offenses, and it is not at all the role of a kangaroo court of Democrats in congress to prosecute. In a civilian court any defense attorney could easily have kept most of the Democrats in Congress from being on the jury; they are  hate group with Donald Trump their target the past five years. 


The Higgs Field is an interesting concept

 I am interested in the Higgs field's effect these days. It seems that in the popular realm at least much isn't known about the field that gives mass to massless quantum particles.

Is the field comparable to an electro-magnetic field and the massless force-carrying particles it has named photons? Of course the Higgs field is far more primary, and all of the other forces presumably occur within or subject to the Higgs field.
There are paradoxes concerning the nature of the field of course. Are the basic forces of this contingent Universe of mass not fundamental because like the mass of the Universe it occurs just as a secondary phenomenon of massless particles being slowed down in the Higgs to sub-light speed so they seem to have mass and three dimensions rather than two? How could those forces not be present at the higher, primary level of the Higgs field and just in the secondary somewhat illusory region of mass in the Universe?
What are the dimensions of the Higgs field if massless particles are two-dimensional at light speed? Does the Higgs have any sort of force carrying particles (not the Higgs bosun) and is that massless too, or is their a higher protocol field that allows the Higgs field to exist? etc.

The excuses for covid 19 masks

A year after the scything wave of Covid 19 entered the nation there still aren't a lot of clever, innovative designs for masks to prevent public transmission of the lethal virus. The Congress is pursuing a conviction of the former President for impeachment so he can't run again though. Unimaginative work as a sour grapes for failing to get a conviction of Trump-Russian collusion to win the 2016 election. It would be good for the government to encourage some designs of better filter masks in preparedness for some unforeseen airborne pathogen of the future.

One of the reasons people don't like to wear paper and cloth masks is that the amount of air one gets is reduced. A nation already suffering from legal dope, booze and Co2 need all the oxygen they can get- not less. So designing better masks that work well and that could be mass produced through use of the defense act would be an improvement over the la me way things are.

A better air flow quantitatively need arise. That probably means using rechargeable batteries good for at least ten hours of powering a small electric air intake fan that pulls air through some quality, drop-in filters in a thin rectangular box. Air input to the breather would surpass that of normal breathing, yet the air input level might be adjusted by dialing up or down the speed of the electric fan.

Air probably should be filtered on entry and exit. The air tubes should e made to snap on to a variety of face coverings from futuristic full face and eye covering masks to some that just covers the nose and mouth. Maybe Halloween mask manufacturers could be the ones to produce masks in large quantity should a new wave of unforeseen airborne pathogens of a lethal nature appear from some place with a runway.

Does mask wearing reduce oxygen input and make people stupid, or harm pregnant women? Like global warming CO2 reduced oxygen input could be bad for the brain? Perhaps better masks should be designed with rechargeable electric batteries that increase oxygen input.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...