
School Shootings Should Be Pre-empted with National Basic Income

 Politicians like to talk about banning guns or putting new restrictions on gun access as a way to stop school shootings, yet that is just a theory, and one that would probably make it easier for an authoritarian Democratic party to take over the nation. Millionaires and billionaires too I guess meeting at Davos have asked that nations tax them more, and of course the President isn't interested in that, instead he wants to oppress Americans attacking the Second amendment. He should ask Congress to raise taxes on the rich to a more progressive rate and use it to fund a national basic income for all Americans at about $10,000. With an adult allowance kids leaving school would not feel so pressured or excluded from the economy, and would be less likely to decide to commit some heinous, unthinkable act like shooting little kids as a sort of revenge on a society they feel they are excluded from- except as targets of their peers.

Salvador Ramos had a strong lisp and speech issues that brought abuse from other teenagers. So many social adjustment issues could be solved with a national basic income so everyone has at least some practical opportunities early in life, and life-long, to better themselves. Ten thousand dollars can be used to lever college funding, home building starts etc. Being just broke and feeling like an oddball perhaps even weith social labels can make one feel existentially hopeless. Such individuals may wrench society in a number of ways besides guns, even if they need wait later in life for the built up resentment to boil over in some form involving physics and death.


Trade Land for Peace in Ukraine to End War

Former U.S. Sect. of State Henry Kissinger may in a sense be said to have laid the foundation for the present world order, along with President Reagan. Democrats are trying to destroy world peace with their uncomprehending policies that clash with good historical sense. The war in Ukraine would be a protracted war, like that of Vietnam and Syria, that were Democrat led engagements. One should not be less conservative in spending the lives of foreigners in war than one is of one’s own citizens I would think, unless the foreigners are enemies directly attacking one’s nation. Democrats should care about extending a war with finance that would enable thousands more Ukrainians and Russians to perish, even if it means that stopping the war would end much good domestic political rhetoric and public posturing.

Sect. Kissinger may have been the designer of the U.S. change to open good relations with China. He also was heavily involved in Middle Eastern policy to end conflict although permanent improvement in diplomatic relations required much sacrifice all around from Anwar Sadat to Donald Trump giving up golfing perhaps to get some Arab nations to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel. Henry Kissinger is concerned about the present China policy and bellicose statements concerning it perhaps (by President Biden), yet he has also expressed what I regard as a practical policy to end the Ukraine war; land for peace.


President Ford managing a land for peace deal wherein the Sinai was returned to Egypt. President Clinton helped Palestine get a homeland with land conceded by Israel at the Oslo Accord. President Biden isn’t likely to win a Nobel for negotiating an end to the Ukrainian-Russia war yet he is well-positioned to do so. Basically Russia would keep its present Eastern Ukraine holdings through war and would recognize West Ukraine as an independent state.




Americans are fairly daft at history concerning Eastern Europe and especially Russia though, so motivating the administration to grow a brain would be challenging. Thousands of lives could be saved if adult supervision could bring the administration to support Dr. Kissinger’s approach to ending a conflict that George Soros said could be the start of World War Three. World War III would be bad for business and the environment.


Sect Kissinger wrote a master’s thesis on Metternich and his role acting for the Hapsburg Empire. He understands the balance between nations and even empires. Democrats today are more of the Hillbilly, possession is 9/10ths of the law/Hatsfields-McCoys school of political thought. Republicans periodically need to clean up their wars, or bring them to an end as did President Nixon and Sect. Kissinger in Vietnam that was a Democrat led engagement. One should not be less conservative in spending the lives of foreigners in war than one is of one’s own citizens I would think, unless the foreigners are enemies directly attacking one’s nation. Democrats should care about extending a war with finance that would enable thousands more Ukrainians and Russians to perish, even if it means that stopping the war would end much good domestic political rhetoric and public posturing.


Kissinger says U.S. Should Get along with China

 Former Sect. of State Henry Kissinger; 99 years old, spoke at an economic forum on the need to get along with China. If the Biden administration had its oars in the water on international affairs it would understand that mentioning the U.S. would go to war if China invades Taiwan is a diplomatic faux pas. There are other ways to let China know what the administration thinks about Taiwanese independence and U.S. support for that without using a bludgeon, in a manner of speaking.

 The Democratic President and his party leadership are used to forcing whatever they want into being, since the U.S. is regarded as the most powerful nation on Earth militarily and financially and party leadership realizes that force can get what they want done sometimes. Yet nuclear war with either Russia or China shouldn't be an option; and it is for Democrats as an escalation from conventional war implicitly. Having peaceful and mutually prosperous relations with China is advantageous for the world and the world environment. Intelligent leadership needs to find a way to return international affairs to order as soon as possible including ending sanctions on Russia directly if they sign on on halting the Ukraine venture in place and sign off on a permanent peace.

The Hillbilly approach to international relations with feuding and nuclear brinksmanship simply is rotten politics, especially sionce the Biuden administration didn't even bother to get a global warming remedy stand-alone bill sent to Congress breaking all sorts of campaign promises to policy that voters believed existed in the process. Presidents can make pompous and bellicose speeches ad nauseum until they are out of office, yet it is better if they can leave national affairs better than before they were in office rather than worse.


White House over-uses 'Extremist' label re; Pro-life

The Vice-President declared pro-life legislation, extremist;VP Harris was wrong. Political opposition that is so mainstream as pro-life in opposition to abortion is merely a different, antipathetic political opinion. Saying the Democrat leadership should be hung would be extremist; anti-abortion legislation isn't.

There isn't really a lot of middle ground on abortion any more than their is on murder. One can be pro-life and anti-murder regarding humans at any stage of their life span from conception to joining the Democrat Party and that simply isn't extremist.


Get Finland in, Turkey out of N.A.T.O.

Finland Should Replace Turkey in N.A.T.O.

Finland should join N.A.T.O. because it was brutally attacked by Stalinist Russia after a deal was cut with Hitler. Finland has a legitimate right to join a defense league that could help it defend against any future Russia aggression. Turkey however should be cast out since it isn’t anywhere near the Atlantic and was on the German side in the first world war. Poland should be deleted from N.A.T.O. too since it has no reason to be in it and is a potential threat to Russia. Poland can at least defend itself rather well I would think.

A too large, bloated N.A.T.O. is a threat to Russia and it might be a good idea to get rid of the former east block countries that joined after peace broke out in December 1989 when Cold War I ended that wasn’t to restart until 1994 when President Clinton and P.M. Major defeated Russia at the paper writing table to wrench Ukraine away from it. The post-Cold War 1.0 new members of N.A.T.O. excluding the Baltic republics that have a real need to be part of N.A.T.O. because of their size and location, should join a new mutual defense organization called Plato that seeks wisdom and can work with Russia and the west to bring prosperity to both. It might have defense agreements with the U.S.A.and Russia, although France should be excluded because M.V.L. won the Superbet 2022 chess event and I was rooting for Wesley So or Levon Aronian.


When it's done (poem)


Smashed an orange world grows round
trashed strange new swirls thrown down
thoughts to the blue Earth
empower what’s worth
lotta mirth
goes profound

Clashed just whole continents bled
stars shined and green things grew dead
evolving the dumb
an immortal sum
waiting numb
where it led

Spirit eternal ever is fast
thermodynamics never last
progress to the one
God’s eternal Son
when it’s done
Jesus saves.

Self-standing spirit (a poem)

Immanence beyond the edge, drawn
just over the ledge falls the pawn
sunshine and days flow
water like life goes
hope one knows
on and on

Truth seems greater, forward in time
past equals future, it is fine
become better, grow
things one ever knows
virtue shown
spirit’s line.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...