
Is the Point? (the poem)


Coding monkeys too hot find new wars fiscally thrilling puzzles
like artificial intellects fluttering across cool neural network zoos
keystrokes by the zillions comprise new Shakespearian stanzas
entered with a thousand fingered Stratford butterfly
from reductionist, erratic world flight lines
inductive reasoning subtracted logic points
-withering term logic leads
dictum de omni
the point


The Left or Right Sentence (a poem)


Concrete language poured
metaphors like dogs upon the moor
chasing harsh, dank moonlight shadows
with a pack of adjectives

  Over the edge phrases sank with nouns
in frigid silence to the sea floor
where a distant window light of day
shown through the surface

  Constructions of language pieced together
clause witz moments where apostrophes maligned
good intentions to take the fortress
of paragraphs just before day break

  Artillery lobbed full political power
like similes with shrapnel analogies
of military grade plosives puffing up
dust high in the air

  The conquest was recurrent
stakeholding putters, castled
duffers duffing the day
seized with tomes of data

  Dogs ran wild unleashed
to the front of cold loam
far from dry, bright yellow dirt
casting clashing worlds into the sky

  Each plan for retainers
holding back the analysis for constellations
made a check of satellites above the fertile
high country of conflict
sentenced to lie.


Voids Within Evolving Thermodynamic Fields (poem)


Creative destruction of fire makes a peaceful clearing
without any trouble leaving none breathing
ashes to ashes and dust to dust
settling clouds of tephra fuss
claiming bodies to peacefully enshroud
after artillery loud
has quieted its deadly, deafening thunder

Peace within the edge-rings of war
advance like chokes upon nature’s chat
downward, soundward scintillas of hope
war mongers ate up profitable jokes

An evolution of power is concentrated wealth
good-for-onself yet not everyone’s health
advancing claim lines of political forms
politics of war lack peaceful mean's norms

Enters the dragon of conflict resolution
cleansed with the mortality of death’s own ablutions
baptisms of fire
revolutions of waste
forests crash down at irrational pace

Reasons to govern and build peaceful wells
creative and thriving with waters of life
in the Lord’s presence wars need fade to hell
as millions of casualties lived not too well

Only mortals arriving bled
crucibles of economic change
conveyor belts of the machine
function as organs of wealth arranged
dialectical conflicts
find frozen ideological camps
ossified ideas in profit making scams

Echoes of silent peace-
voids from political engines
sell oiled machines to billions of minions.

Anticipating the End of Never (poem)


When time runs out of incandescent levers
and space-time is rolled up with gravity chords
axons and dendrites won’t resemble mashed gourds
sleeping or dreaming to never will wake
from the cold swill of motors and rhyme-stuffed earthquakes

Nothing passed forever when eternity’s now
the future could resemble broken barges and scows
tied to dark wharves with things of the past
neither shaken or stirred when the last die is cast

With incompleteness theorems a meta-world of deep fakes
soaks up minds like business sponges of time
reflecting in prisms the thoughts it can take

Political levers eventually wind down
and finally stop when the Lord comes to town.

Incompleteness Theorems and the Unknown as Fiction (a poem)


Regarding the unknown as fiction
multiverses in the mind of God
forever and ever time slowed down
to a single instant from eternity found

Eternal recursion within thought’s spirit base
future and past within present space
time for the saved, elected to ever
unbelievers were lost for choosing the never

escribe mi nombre on relativistic clocks
where microseconds are years
of one day each ticking tock
space time compacted to smoke and mirrors

Reflections of everwhen’s quantum entanglements
transparent singularities foreshadowed
with Holy sacraments
when time isn’t borrowed

The Lord in-the-world
a presence from eternity
visited the secular temporal
being the gate to God’s infinity

Why does a Universe manifest God's thought
as concentric expansions of incompleteness theorems sought
like Neo-Platonist emanations of the One's Mystery
becoming the reality of everyday history.

The Culture of Transistor Loopiness (a poem)


Transistors and programming loops defined
iterations of economic fruit like grapes on the vine
maturing and aging to alcoholic mirth
applications in new technology for what its worth

  Software spinning tighter for every thread
faith in microcircuits to preserve the dead
while asphalt streets absorb rays of the sun
promoting global heating with the force of the gun

  Weapons of war improved to kill and maim
draw loaded investors like moths to the flame
mass and energy to catalyze profits once more
brought Pandora's box to Charon's front door

  Recombinant research split the genetic code
growing human organs with the mind of the toad
leap frogging reason fusion's implosions untamed
recombine reason with technological AI games

  Retro-causality multiplying quantum entanglements
complexity of nature with predicable predicaments
sins of omission and commission apply
technology to profits with externalities sky high.


Why Disappearing Time Distracts (the poem)


Death happens like a falling tree
taking a life swifter than night
the sights the sound, the dreams of the dead
remain present for survivors in light

Of the book of Kismet few have read
concerned with the world and rough scrapings of winter
many would make good life evolve sinter
traveling somewhere to first-last homesteads

To think, perchance to not
invent hard time’s one’s fought
encountering recurring mishapen plans
broadcasting, coiled antinomy to man
true and false networks
praise golden calves of Dan.

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