
Sarah Palin, 2012 and Pipelines of Global Warming Disaster

Sarah Palin was a fairily large fish in a small pond in 2008. Senator John McCain was probably happier running with an attractive younger women than with some crusty older guy. Former P.O.W.'s and combat pilots can get a little cranky--Sarah was likely a more agreeable candidate and would attract X voters.

Presidential Candidate needed someone that wasn't ugly to draw voters away from the charisma of the Obama candidacy and the voice with rising intonation at the end of paragraphs.
Palin's success as the first X governor of Alaska was a good choice for the Republican party in that state a little disenchanted with another term as Governor for former U.S. Senator Frank Murkowsky who had appointed his daughter to fill the seat he vacated. Alaska only has a population of 600,000 plus and several governors have been elected from small town backgrounds. If one is quite ambitious and gets some meaningful politically correct qualifications its not too difficult to achieve state office in the right circumstances. Sarah Palin's family of origin was a fairly well established set giving her a good platform for a college degree and political ambitions a chance for fulfillment. Personally I believe that confidence in public speaking an an acceptable demeanor is about all that's required for the post of state Governor. I do not believe that a record as being a governor is a sufficient qualification nor requirement for being a president of the United States.

A U.S. President should be nationalistic and very well read in global history. He or she should have well developed ecological economic theory. To return to Sarah Palin however...
Palin has no ability to mechanically separate her own interests at all from trans-national corporate fossil fuel interests evidently. I will criticize her trans-Alaska and Yukon Canada pipeline policy in order to convey an idea of why her devotion to oil is wrong. She has little ability to develop a non-transnational political philosophy that would benefit American citizens and the environment as first priorities.

A Sarah Palin plan to devastate a wilderness and create more global warming infrastructure is a consequence of an importunate Alaska natural resource domination by foreign and trans-national corporations that control state politics with intense monetary and political, if not intellectual capital. Far too many accept the natural payout without considering the effects upon the future of state and national independence. An anarchic industrial drift is not in some way a better form of capitalism though its sycophants might say so. When the fossil fuel era has outlived its environmental usefulness the green still inertially rolls on.

Unfortunately the oil industry’s wealth and power determines adversely the direction of the state’s energy development for they can buy political influence and fealty to their in some cases royal personages. For non conformists the choice economically may be to be set adrift on icebergs alone in a global warming era. In order for the extreme foreign influence to be reduced in Alaska, and reduce the adverse Alaskan national influence upon national economic policy such that it could be recovered into democracy serving the real interests of U.S. citizens rather than elite, aloof trans-nationally wealthy corporate interests, state politicians would need to fund alternative energy developments in Alaska such as wind generators to power municipalities such that they are less reliant upon corporate oil profit sharing.

Alaska’s extreme reliance on oil development continues to determine nit’s political and social policy. Concatenated such policies nationally are making the United States a kind of corporate overflow contingent holding tank. Far too much U.S. economic development is supported by federal policies actualizing foreign investment rather than national investment.

In a state like Alaska with fewer than 700,000 people and twice the size of Texas in area, with many resources, the fossil fuel retardation into critical decades of alternative social and political development is a corollary of the corporate neo-authoritarian tendency to repress and punish through dismissal political expression of a non-corporate agenda. The democracy in Alaska independent of corporate oil policy is moribund. When government policy is to reinforce with its income and allegiance foreign and trans-national oil corporations, when media broadcasters target dissenting political opinions on environmental issues as communist-when the issue of economics and political ideologies are entirely separable, the specious political philosophical reasoning becomes evident.

Writing is simply one way that democratic opinions may be expressed. A democracy’s strength is in diverse real opinions rather than in a toadying to a single industrial domination. The rights of semi-pro writers to express opinions is equal to that of any corporate broadcasting communications, who are more socialistic organizationally than any of the oppressed environmentalists they seek to starve into submission or exile for recognizing the adverse effects of large scale fossil fuel pipelines corrupting wilderness areas.

China recently announced that it plans to get 40% more energy from increasing efficiency or present resources recently. Increasing efficiency environmentally rather than crass, vast sprawls of pipelines is what the United States needs to work upon as well. Without being a global environmental leader with a stable population and an increasingly healthy infrastructure with the well being of all citizens minimally reinforced at least the future of the United States as a global example or role model isn’t bright.

A Palin candidacy for President in 2012 would be the best way Republican's could guarantee a re-election of an Obama administration. President Obama seems set to expand the war in Afghanistan for the remainder of his administration at significant cost until 2012. Voters will want a change though he assures inn 2011 that 'the job will be done then'. Probably the 12th Imam will return and draw the attention of the Taliban away from continuing hostility to the Afghan government in 2013.


Ideas of a Spritual Unified Field Theory

Yes, I believe that a faith based spiritual field may underlie all of the apparent quantum mechanical concatenations that comprise the field we humans interpret through cognitive facilities as a spatial universe set in time. It is a wonderful appearing Universe with ever increasing mystery isn't?

Since Albert Einstein's general relativity was issued with ten or more equations from which physicists might extrapolate the expansion of a Universe eventually humanity has returned to the future of what a Universe is such as might Parmenides or Democratis have considered. We can consider with Leibniz a spiritual monad universe that has been issued an initial endowment of one dimensional windowless monads or membranes of one dimension from some kind of perturbative vacuum in a pre-big bang era.

Why did virtual membranes issue such as we might consider one dimensional strings to be of two dimensions? Why were they set apart in various intervals, and why was space arranged without initial time or nominal scale at all such that it might scale up/change? These seem illusory characteristics in some way; as insufficiently contemplated metaphysical paradigms for cosmological boundary conditions de novo.

Not being much of a mathematician as might have liked and a little better logician, I must speculate about the limitations and application of the calculus of Newton and others in the context of extra-dimensional investigations. Recently I ran into the logical philosophy of Arthur Prior and tense logic. It seems quite a little like algebraic group theory and matrices with contingent and temporal, logical ordered relations. So what if our cosmological speculations are contained in such intervals and units of reasoning as cohere within the phenomenality of being and nothingness that forms so much of our theoretical knowledge in abstract reasoning?

What if a continuum of undifferentiated basic correct perception is required to understand a concatenated series of apparent temporal relations that are perhaps just apparent and contingent upon the order the entirety is woven together as one and perceived from as a frame of reference?

Petr Horava from UC Berkeley has developed a theory of quantum gravity described a little in the Dec. 2009 issue of Scientific American. What if his possibly statistically derived calculus of cosmological field equations uniting the major and the minor aspects of the evident universe are bound up in the unknown quagmire of Priorian-Killing Group symmetry contingency complications? Because human observers are now familiar with perceiving the knowable universe in a set major cognitive premise the minor mathematics of the major-minor space-time unification become subject to separability as a working parameter in order to fit the known facts together.

That is what I meant by my limited mathematical knowledge-to what extent are Lie and Killing group mathematics unified consistently with infinite yet renormalizable dimensions of Priorian Tense logical contingence matrices? Obviously the uncertainty of the quantum worlds would be usefully modeled in contingent, simultaneous in temporal orders and actualizations such as found in all possible worlds modalities constructed with Priorian logic. A calculus of simultaneously infinite contingent logical orders may be a necessity for portraying a Universe that is recurrent or with any finite boundaries at all that a theory might infer.

A finite or infinite Universe has logical parameters consistent with mathematical representations of it. An it may be that the essential unit theory of any representation mathematically or logically of a Universe is limited itself in consistence with the capabilities of reason.

I liked Gasperini's book 'The Universe Before the Big Bang' and not least for his concluding comment that he believed God created the pre-Big Bang era. There is much room for upgrading of the speculations of Plotinus, yet I wonder about that logic of tense (temporal) order as a half of a calculus of contingent intervals of being and nothingness that leaves no more out of the intervals of the theory than whatever space-or time, Spirit or limited knowledge contrasted with omniscience places therat. Redundant and overlapping scales of space-time and energy between intervals of issued actualities may complicate making accurate calculations of what lies within and without the major and minor physical lines of being.

Tense Logic; Prior and Kripke--are worth the time to learn about

Logic in science has an ancient lineage; Aristotle was the world's first formal logician (he invented classical deductive logic) as well as one of the best early philosophers of science. He took the rational metaphysical ideas that Plato presented and inductively applied them to form a classification of cosmological ontology. Forms and genera and the presentation of matter in time were thoughtfully considered. That process has continued over two and a half millenia.

Symbolic logic was invented in the 19th century. It is true that Liebniz invented a symbolic mathematical logic, yet it wasn't published in his lifetime nor for a lengthy time after his death. There is a history of productive philosophers, mathematicians and scientists. Bertrand Russell and Allan North Whitehead wrote 'The Principia Mathematica' early in the 20th century. Logical structures representing abstract possible forms are a logical method to consider how the physical world is constructed to-especially at the quantum mechanical level. When structures become to small to observe-or perhaps too large, it is logical reasoning processes including math advances that must be developed to probe the way thing might be. Some philosophers such as Arthur Prior have even investigated the relationships of contingence within logic to a substantial extent. It seems a paradox that a hypothetical entity that is purely logical could have anything besides a nominal contingent existence, and could form a logical basis for representing real contingent relations.

It is rather amazing that Saul Kripke was in high school, or just out when he published A Completeness Theorem in Modal Logic'. Kripke had neen influenced by Arthur Prior-basically the inventor of tense logic.


Tense logic developed by Prior and later others in the 1960's established the logical relationships of temporal order. It was useful not only for computing logic but brought in the modal logical relationships of hypothetical worlds. Kripke developed a matrix approach to possible worlds, and I would think that ontologies of temporal based modal logic assume discrete values of units logically consistent and able to be falsifiable as existing or non-existing sates as trivial as that might be to remark.

Matrix and group mathematical representation of fields in multi-dimensional time contexts have obvious values in forming cosmological theories. The tense logic of prior may have had some kind of use in cosmology, and even String or M-theory-I must say that the topic exceeds my present reading. I have only recently discovered Prior and tense logic, and look forward to reading more in the field.

Prior believed that logical formalism-the idea that logic is valid only, or mostly as an intensional, analytical phenomena , isn't valid. His approach of renormalizing intentional logic with the Universe may have been a method drawn from an assumption tat knowledge of the world's physics and time can only be known contingently so therefor logic must apply functionally if knowledge is to have any valid human foundation.

Logic is basically perhaps limited to ordering relations between existent and non-existent states as well as descriptions of their intervals and scale. Space-time events logically represented may be inconsistent with the potential physical relationships of physically concatenated elements. If such is the case then logical induction may be more difficult.

Given space-time fields of science the discovery of logical relationships is necessary for knowledge. Readings in Prior and of the mathematics of M-Theory such as may be made simply explained (really) promises interesting ideas for metaphysical contemplation, as well as tools for science.


The St. Novilistricka Plan

Before traveling north for then winter to look for work, I finished a brief science fiction novel in about four weeks. The book is named 'The St. Novilistricka Plan'. I took about four weeks to write the somewhat philosphically obtuse work. It could use a second draft obviously and topped out at maybe 30,000 words, yet I felt it worth the effort and enjoyed the composition quite a bit.

The book is about the philosopher from the University of Mars Patrick Voevoda's continuing extra galactic existential ventures--this time to recover his lost girlfriend--Lush who disappeared innocently enough. Perhaps he is a little like Sherlock in that regard, attempting to infer her location from the available evidence, yet of course perpetrators abound to complicate the issue.

Tolerant Intolerators of Intolerance

'Tolerance breeds'--is that true? Can tolerance breed intolerance? Does tolerance breed? Let's say that it does. Tolerance breads intolerance like one might horses or dogs. Tolerance is a kind of abstract thing. One tolerates a wheel wobbling on a car and drives at high speed until it falls off and thus intolerance naturally follows. Either one never again tolerates wheel wobbling or without a wheel to wobble tolerance of such cannot occur. Tolerance may be considered to be a kind of marginal error permissible because it's concatenated deviation isn't too significant--especially if one isn't going anywhere.

In the North however magnetic north may be to the east or west rather than North. Tolerance of deviation of compass azimuth/heading may not be tolerated by those without a g.p.s. Yet it is possible to find more tolerance and intolerance in political affairs commonly than in position in grid coordinates.

Toleration implies that one has a choice of being intolerant. That a good position to be in, better than having no choice at all.

How would it be to be a Jew and have no choice about intolerance for Nazi's stopping to deport you to a concentration camp in 1941? They should have been intolerant rather than tolerant of the putch party if they had a choice. Tolerance is however the yin of the yang and vice versa--the dark and the light, the apposite to the opposite, the being to the nothingness. Sometimes it's right and sometimes its wrong. The determination of what should and should not be tolerated follows from the conservation of individual liberty within a democratic context; things that reduce it should not be tolerated, things that impinge upon privacy should be stopped at the door or over the border.

Tolerance can be viewed through the perspective of piling up public debt. A little is tolerated,then more, and more and finally 12 trillion dollars going on toward 21 trillion. One would be an intolerant 'deficit hawk' if rationally intolerant of public debt approaching a year's gross national product. So let it go.Nothing is real. Its strawberries and marmalade fields forever,uh huh.

Tolerance is presumptive of a right of repression. One either has equal rights or not. no one has the right to be offensive, all have the right for self-defense. What's to tolerate in that? Intoleration is said to occur when the offenders are met with resistance in whatever it is--people have a right to keep h.i.v. out from getting under their skin haven't they? What isn't tolerated generally is intelligence and the pursuit of happiness that doesn't accord with the mass delusions in pride about what is possible economically and socially. The strong tend to rule and usurp roles of individuality and intellect. Society gets stupid and even hierarchical corporations and churches becomes intolerant of intelligence, innovation, intelligence and individualism.

Too big to be corrected, majorities tolerant of their own corruption, and that expect it in all others comprise a kind of Prince of Darkness that want's its finger in every pie. With mass economic and environmental delusion the lemmings happily run over the edge into mass disaster and everything becomes set anew to tolerance in demographic remoteness.

Tolerance connotes a decadent society confident that debt and sloth, corruption and conformity to political idiocy have no potneital consequences. Maybe the advocates of decadence breed intolerance when those aware of the increasing moral and political perfidy start writing iin opposition to the protracted wars, mass deaths behind cordon sanitaires such as occurred in sanctions era Iraq, reliance on foreign fuels and production, destruction of the ecosystem--when political opposition to stupid and nationally destructive policies becomes loud. To the 'tolerant' that give everything away, subvert every valid non-hierarchical religious impulse, pervert every youth, abort every potential genius or inventor of faster-than light travel and drop their drawers to every southern border illegal alien destroyers of U.S. wage labor value the dissenters are 'intolerant'.


On Holocaust History Obfuscators and Select Censorship

Political organizations of power not uncommonly deny the reality of inconvenient political facts. The United States denied that a democide was occurring in Iraq because of the sanctions and Saddam Hussein being in power. A lie about WMD's had to be the reason for the 2003 war-no one faced up to competent post-war planning. Trillions of dollars andtens of thousands of casualties was the result. The common truth goverrnor that makes a government incapable of pursuing or recognizing the truth within a reasonable margin of error was in effect. Human social organizations are not usually a lot of Richard Feynman's, but of apprentice, would be Joseph Stalins. So many deny the holocaust happened-oh vey!

Helium deleted six articles I wrote on the 2008 election. They said they had no editorial interest. So far I haven't got a trace of where they went or of how to recover them. In the modern internet era of the cloud we believe as writers that what we have published is permanent, yet it isn't so. Too commonly Internet publishers simply disappear content we believed was permanent. The Nazi sympathizers that deny the history of the holocaust pioneered that effort to deny history perhaps. As time moves on past the event that is politically incorrect today it is simply denied. The past may have no editorial value to those that prefer a different version or account of what happened. If the Nazis had won the second world war those inclined to deny the holocaust would probably be bragging about it instead and claiming that it was their relatives that manned the gates of the death camps, invented Zyklon B or censored impertinent Jews with hostile political opinions in the 1920'a and 1930's before they could be liquidated terminally. Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat its evils. Many wish to remember history from the point of view of a brave new world, yet honest historians and philosophers like to remember it as it actually was in order to stand upon better foundations for continuing to pursue the structure of truth where it leads.

In the late 60's I met a woman with the Auschwitz concentration camp numbers stamped permanently on her wrist. She was a survivor.

Famous deniers of the Holocaust exist with the President of Iran-Aminidinijab being the most infamous unlearned individual. False-conscious or lying convincingly to oneself isn't a new thing.Sartre wrote about false consciousness in his book written in occupied France-Being and Nothingness ((published in 1943). We like to have permanent political and sociological records to help understand the reasoning of humanity during evolving periods of history. I have written seven volumes of such contemporary history in the 'Waveform Politics' series beginning in 1999. With the instant deletion of my political writing during 2008 probably in support of Honest John McCain those ideas and the place they had, though small, in the streaming flow of ideas is now lost forever. Many powers would delete history for their convenience and lose their credibility as reliable keepers of records. With so much cheap digital storage there are no technical reasons to delete content without advising authors first. in order that they may conserve targeted, dissident material.

Deniers of the history of the holocaust may publish counterfactual propaganda in advocacy of an false historical record. Deletion of exiting material is important in establish the credibility of the false history. In most middle eastern Arab countries there is probably little true information regarding the holocaust and they way the Mufti of Jerusalem was a Nazi sympathizing collaborator with the fascists. Historical confusion created by the social support of lies as historical fact is probably one of the causes of protracted Arab and Palestinian poverty and terrorism. Without true and objective history mass confusion sets in and the limits on calibrating social truth increase contemporaneously with the inability to pursue ration political objectives. A culture of the perpetuation of dissimulation overcomes right moral social order as an egalitarian democratic society with increasing good social values.


The Nizkor Project is dedicated to the memory of the holocaust. Unfortunately it also targets white nationalists as the main deniers of the holocaust accomplishing on the front page a persecution of white people and an opposition to nationalism and socialism. We wish the Jews survivalist mentality would not have such hindsight that they put themselves in a bad as de facto advocates of globalism and communism. That is a kind of blindness utterly remarkable considering the history of Nazi Germany. The world today doesn't need non-white fascist movements or globalist attacks upon national sovereignty, private property and democracy any more than it needs white fascists violating the rights of non-whites. Epimetheus is the 'goddess' of the past. It is difficult to journey along with Prometheus walking backwards, to stop and stand like Lot's wife gazing forever at the wrong direction. If Prometheus had amnesia or delusions he would probably wander in circles alternatively.

The pursuit of a good, rational society and global ecological economic policy with a stable population cannot be accomplished with the creation of falsehoods of omission or commission. Such historical and political sins exert a will within a non-consequential existential political context that is illusory. Ignorance and the continuity of a culture of ignorance and dissimulation miss the marks of intelligent and positive natural law and progress as good neighbors rightly should. Perhaps the effort to be wise and just is too much for many of today's megalomanical globalist of fascist, Mohammedan and Corporatist kinds.

The holocaust denials of organizations and politicians create time consuming opportunity costs for forward human progress within a challengingly declining global ecological health. There are innumerable ways that weapons of mass or designer mass destruction might target the world for another round of pervasive general holocaust. The genocides of the mass should not be forgotten or minimized from anyone's history. Instead the conditions that lead to such activities should be researched without transfer of guilt to the wrong generations who are in fact entirely innocent of blameworthiness. Future democides could occur simply for global population reduction to sustainably low levels. In an acrimonious socially imbalanced political environment the human condition will obviously not be moving full speed to progress on solving the most challenging issues facing the world today.


The Universe in Relation to The Reference Frame of God (a hypothesis)

The question is of course difficult to answer in some respects. Traditionally it might mean that some location of God would determine his nature. if he is everywhere such as Spinoza believed then one is a pantheist. Such ideas bring along subsidiary associated criteria. As in any set theory the subset must be formed from within the categories of the larger set. It is a principal of logic that it is possible to formulate some things such that they are exclusive of other things.

If pantheism means that there is some inference of a lesser responsibility for living beings to morally obey God's right deonotological details because they too are a little bit of God, then it has some repercussions upon everything we might believe about the protocols of being such as good and evil and so forth. With this initial denotation of the importance of the question about where God is potentially,we can move on to 'where is God?'.

A very modern context is string theory cosmology. A very old context is described by the 3rd century neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus. It may seem difficult to believe that both old and new theories have a similar cosmological paradigm of the Universe, yet essentially they have. The Enneads of Plotinus go a little farther in completing the answer of 'where is God?' than pre-big bang theory does. Pre-big bang theory does help to make the Universe seem like an emanation from at least one zero dimensional membrane before the big bang in some sort of 'without form and void' context. The primordial void experienced some sort of a fusion of strings or membranes that became highly ordered (its inferred) before expanding rapidly as an inflaton then big bang of space-time mass and energy. Modern astronomy has viewed gamma ray star burst events from the period when the Universe was only 650 billion years old (in the scale that its now 13.7 billion years old).

Wherever God was when the Word was spoken for the expansion of light quanta (strings, loops, quarks or whatever) and the extreme radiation and light of the primordial Universe, we can infer that a He still is. The frequencies of space-time that were spoken to given an initial endowment of power and purposeful destiny to the Universe was an act of God. Everything that came to exist occurred because of the Word.

Even the standard model of physics and the equations of the general theory of relativity reduce the Universe at it's origin to a near infinitesimally small size. String theory has a slightly different point of view. The Universe's origin is like the tight spot of an hourglass through which energy has flowed. The load of mass into the top part was believed to have started from a void with the appearance of virtual particles that drew together under a kind of gravity particle. I should point out that so far as I know (and that isn't much) there aren't adequate field equations for the order and appearance of virtual particles in a zero-degree void. never the less the size of the Universe was small. God created the entire structure and it was smaller than the period at the end of this sentence by orders of magnitude. It was a reasoned actuation of a Universe that increased in scale. To God it must still be very small though it seems large to us humans.

Where is God then we ask? Where is the Universe? Is that a good question? If the Universe is the size of a period at the end of a very small sentence...with a type font size of less than 10 to the minus 35th size, we could fill the planet with all the red ink of the U.S. Government and it would disappear to insignificance, unless we citizens were shrunken to a comparably small scale. Well, where would that period-Universe be? It would be in the midst of some tremendous void bigger than good U.S. job prospects for unemployed, undegree'd philosophers in their fifties. God would however know everything in it, having made aforementioned Universe. If the Universe scaled up in size billions of light-years in size it would for God, probably seemed to have increased not much. Surrounding the period-Universe is infinity in all directions.

At least we might believe that the Universe is surrounded by infinity. The pre-Socratic philosopher Parmenides of Ionia considered the nature of everything, of God and where or what the Universe must be quite well. His inquiries were carried on by Plato and Plotinus. Today we can see Isaac Newton spinning bucket thought experimental criteria as continuities of the thought of Parmenides. He called the Universe a plenum, whatever was contained in it was a volume itself. Did it displace something or nothing? Where there was something nothing could not be. Substantial questions about nothing, yet it is from nothing that everything originated, with the Word of God.

Plotinus believed that The One is absolutely perfect. We can consider The One to be God. He is so perfect that He has no need to think foreknowing the answers to every possible question. The same goes for His physical existence; He is everywhere and yet nowhere. The Universe tat He emanated for some reason could just be an aspect of His continuing omnipotence in action actualizing all things. So we have a Being like that of Parmenides' style and simultaneously one such as another pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus might have described.

Heraclitus is the guy that said that one cannot step into the same river twice. He thought that everything is continually in change. Well, if God is actualizing all things forever as an omnipotent Being that is true, yet Parmenides is also right, because everything that is in change or being and becoming is of God. We would make a mistake to suppose that its all some sort of natural flow however, for God is about reason and good. Everything is known and inn order. All things that should be, are. God even seems to run close to the edge of deficit sometimes and allows apparent evil to occur within His divine economy of perfect goodness. Maybe that's to let some virtual evil exist that will be discontinued eventually in order to allow as much good and possible experience exist as is possible.

Plotinus believed that all things are a result of emanations from God's perfection. The Intelligence and The Soul are comparable to the Son and the Spirit somewhat, although the Soul cannot well be compared to the Holy Spirit of which Jesus and Paul talked. The Intelligence as creator of all forms and eventually of the material Universe seems well compared with Jesus Christ. In the beginning was the Word...

God has created every quanta of every structure, yet it does all have protocols and proper places that are in the process of change. People are creations of God yet not God. Perhaps people could be compared to being individual numbers without being all numbers (such as we could think about God being). Because each element is individual and finite they are not omniscient or omnipotent and can go wrong when they disobey the will of God. Presently some numbers want to change their number orientation-make their eigenvalues not what they should and at taxpayer expense. This is not appreciated by the protocols of the ordered quantum Universe. Just try to do what God wants and win bonus points in some future endeavor...they can be useful.

The Universe may be described as having reality, yet it is a contingent reality created by God even if one wants to describe it as a theistic evolution. It could be compared by analogy to an image in the mind thought intentionally,or even to vision seeing a view of the ocean perhaps. The view is how the mind interprets all of the waveforms striking the optic nerve and reaching the brain. The experience is different than the innumerable particles that make it occur. Our entire Universe can be said to have similar localized universal forces (localized in the Universe) that were created by God as our own brains and the environment of the Universe allow the creation of an experience of images of 'reality'.

The Universe is like a mist in the mind of God. God as absolute Spirit has created our Universe such that it appears material to us human beings in it. We thus exist to ask questions such as; 'where is God?'


Non-Self Philosophical Reference Points

Philosophers tend to use their natural logic in a somewhat more disciplined way than do most people. They may construct a theory of everything or just a theory about thought. Language and logic have themselves been the subject of philosophical investigation as well as the nature of the material or spirit perceived by the mind. When one strips down the methods of logic and language to its bare essentials we have an opportunity to process data that may be presented to mind and reasoning a little more constructively. There may be ten-thousand 'points of reference' or perhaps just one (allow that would be a very monistic criterion making the observer or user of one reference point something of a passive partner to the one point of reference perhaps).

Referred to points may be suitable for a particular set theory, yet of course we would prefer more than one point if we hoped to construct something meaningful. In systems of relativity at least three points of reference are required for directions of motion to be established. In language, one referent would be a one word vocabulary. Primordially even apes accomplish more than that with recognizable grunt referent meanings. The challenge for linguistics is to denote specific lexical ontology referents amidst others. Philosophically the challenge may be to reduce the possible plethora of words and objects to primary structures of meaning. Martin Heidegger pursued language in such a way looking for 'essents'. Modern analytical philosophers may exploit some of the ontological references of science for their cosmological criteria as well as neurological foundation for thought similes to epistemological phenomena subjectively.

Unreasonable points of reference are a little hoary, so we prefer reasonable ones if we are compelled to choose. So one must make a reasoned reasonable point to have a philosophy and eat it too, as if it were a cake. How might one argue with such fell logic as that? I think we must try.

A philosophy as an objective thing in itself seems something of a trivialization of the activity of the pursuit of wisdom. Yet moderns like to have sound bite reasoning and packaged products such as 'a philosophy' and then describe the contents it must have to be a marketable product. It needs a point of reference, and the point of reference must be reasonable. We cannot say who the judge must be of whether or not a particular point in a philosophy is reasonable or not. Certainly in ecclesiastical history there were those that de facto stipulated that 'a philosophy' was heretical and the authors would be burned at the stake or given unto the inquisition. At least Galileo learned to mind his p's and q's and was spared be burned at the stake. He knew when to assert a reasonable point of reference and when to kow-tow to the communist party ideologues of the day (a Chinese former communist professor was just given a ten year prison sentence for forming a political party. Only one party is reasonable in China).

We like to believe that in the many fields of philosophy including political philosophy virtually any approach regarding the mind or matter, spirit or social order, mass or energy might be taken with potential for good results. The French philosopher Descartes intentionally dispensed with any conventional points of reference in his quest to understand existence. His existential doubt was a result of the will to found philosophical knowledge upon first principles--things or ideas he could regard as direct knowledge in personal experience as true. He had no 'point of reference'. Cogito ergo sum was self-standing or self-evident. At least he believed it was and that belief advanced philosophy significantly.

Jean Paul Sartre's existentialist researches expanded French philosophical rationalism beyond the a priori, analytic thinking efforts of Descartes. Sartre's existentialism made the entirety of experience a self-aware cognitive field that was all that might be known. He recognized the heterodox nature of experience with the existence of other's in the cognitive event. The Critique of Dialectical Reason was an effort to describe the concatenated nature of that experience.

If one has a reasoning mind it is important to keep free the criteria of investigation with which one might construct a philosophical lexicon of ideas. If one doesn't have a reasoning mind then find a point of reference and make that your philosophy. Be an elephant that grasps hold of the tale before thee and waddle along to the beat of the same drummer booming through the speakers of your brain housing unit. Otherwise break down those ideas into workable size and use a little symbolic or even classical logic to analyze the meaning they have. Remove all of the adjectives and such to get to the salient proposition if it may be approached that way. Determine like Hume did what is sophistry and what isn't. Determine what is actual rather than some sort of actually meaningless metaphysics or passing the buck refer to a point of reference next that is just one of an infinite series of points in some order along a meaningless path of unnatural numbers representing computer generated phrases. Think for yourself but read those great ideas worth learning in order to not reinvent the wheel each day.

Philosophy is more than an epistemology or theory of knowledge. A theory of knowledge is implicitly referential to something other than the immediate self-awareness; that is it must explain itself preferably within its own terms and context. Of course to do so is in a way self-defeating. Theories of knowledge naturally tend to be propositional ontologies other than self. If one is referring to a theory of knowledge as a theory of mind, which one presumably has, then it must always be a kind of alienation of idea as experience from self. It is a reductionism from mind to an ossified phrase and inert, or dead.

A point of reference does seem to a prior assume that points exist, and that a particular point-do we mean geographic or linguistic coordinate reference points- has some ordination from which all other inferences and deductions are made. A philosophy would seem in this context to be contingent upon a prime meridian for meaning, placing the meridian at a higher level than the egalitarian context of the rest.One may reasonably assume certain axioms within any given ontology to induct and construct the remainder of the composition members of the element set. In matters of life and experience referring to the world as it appears we find it improbable that a single reference point-a most obscure assumed premise-might adequately serve to anchor a theory of either monism or pluralism. it is instead a kind of social myopia that fails a criterion of pragmatism.

W.V.O. Quine's 'Word and Object' and 'Ontological Relativity' of course are linguistic and logic based philosophical analysis of the meaning of language and of how it is used. It especially considers how the philosophical uses of language and symbolic logic are structured. Life itself has a self-standing reality about which people talk. Talk and words to refer to present and not present things or events are primordial in the history of mankind. Perhaps one-hundred thousand years ago more or less simple human languages existed. Language has as many objects or referents potentially to talk about as there are objects in the Universes of experience and imagination. Words refer to objects. It is a wonderful fact that words can refer to themselves. They are address points of meaning. The Universe itself is the one primary referent, and of course we include ourselves within this Universe. Human beings even refer to their own being, and self, in self-reference.

Philosophically we prefer to consider knowledge of what is experienced, and of knowledge beyond one's personal being, and of course of existing at all as activities or investments of our time worth the pursuit. Some element of wisdom seems to exist in learning all one can about life. Of course we also pursue these most general yet intimately important of concerns is philosophical activities. Philosophy is a method of inquiry. Knowledge continually should advance without ever reaching a conclusion in some sort of omniscience. Theologically our interests are developed in learning about the Ultimate Designer of the Universe1 and of any potential other Universes. In such concerns our metaphysical inquiry becomes an alternate ontology rather than the self-evident one into which we are born, live and die.

It is somewhat fashionable nowadays more than a 150 years after Darwin's theory for many in society to regard themselves as liberated from hoary church dogma of creation. So many were oppressed by corrupt ecclesiastical neo-theocratic relationships with feudal lords that history did not refer sufficiently to the role that the Catholic Church played occasionally in opposing rising national imperial powers. Following the Inquisition such neglect was perhaps well deserved in the popular realm. At any rate following the Darwinism many were concerned that the disbelief that a scientific explanation for the origin of the species could not be anything besides a contradiction and even a negation of the Genesis story of creation. The last forty years have shown us that a theistic evolution of the Universe is consistent with the Bible, yet without modern scientific knowledge there were few that could interpret the book of Genesis in such a light.

The 'incredible lightness of being'; the giddiness of disbelief in God was feared by some authorities as leaving mankind rootless and adrift in a meaningless mechanical Universe. Of course the assumption that the Universe as it is cannot be a self-evident ground for being philosophically grounded isn't too valid. Cicero's natural law and a myriad other systems are able to provide an ordination for morality inferred from the criterion of being in-the-world. Kant's categorical imperative is a deontological inference from logic and being. Kant believed in God yet his moral law is axiomatic. The 'point of reference' a mariner might have wanted in the era before the invention of the compass isn't too applicable to philosophy. The Universe of experience exists for-itself; the 'reference' is all around us. We believe also that God exists transcendentally though we have no material point of reference for that faith. The ungrounded with hysterical 'philosophies' requiring a 'point of reference' have existed throughout history even before Darwin or the reformation. The Dionysian choice may itself become an ethic for a majority of ruling elites. A point of reference is no assurance of the existential validity of a particular philosophical ontology.

Philosophers did not first invent an a priori language such as found in Descartes cogito and then construct reality from it; they simply have tried to learn more and more about the actual world experienced. Perhaps some could miss it. Take the first right...


Health Care Bills 2009 U.S.A.

The U.S. Government is stuffed legislatively with the astigmatic viewpoint of wealthy politicians seeking to enrich their paymasters. The useful middle class seeks to make all tax benefits directly of benefit to themselves--and screw the poor. With such a federal policy and an NPR cluster of accomplices the advocates for an independent and no-cost, no-load public health service for the poor are few. The present federal health care follies in congress are a case in point of the malaise that has settled upon the U.S. Congress like a dank and fetid fog of political poison released by the effluent bowels of the global corporatism that one hopes is in a declining state--as it is a fundamentally treasonous political method of redistributing wealth, health and power to powers of a transnational basis consolidating their wealth and devastating the ecological well being of the planet Earth.

The present federal congressional planning to compel Americans to become enslaved to global corporate surveillance known as global insurance companies is a treasonous bit of political perfidy duping the somnolent middle class toadies of globalism farther into the evil clutches of the evil trans-national corporate-communist empire. The requirement that Americans buy insurance from global corporations in effect tithing secularism and trans-nationalism is a gross bill of attainder and federal coercion compelling allegiance to trans-national corporations with the payment of insurance 'tribute'.

Evil global corporations seeking to enslave Americans as enthralled indentured servants would with federal complicity receive mass personal data to distribute to anyone on Earth via the insurance corporations. Al Qa'eda sympathizers in oil rich OPEC nations will know just who and how turkeys of the U.S.A. rightly ought to be plucked. In the rush to find more free wealth for the middle class the poor are held hostage to the stuffed technocratic corporate and federal disdain for human and civil rights.

A plethora of no-load health care provisioning policies for the poor should be created by a federal health service, while the matter of the relationships between the comfortable and the global predatory insurers and corporations should be dealt with separately by honest politicians should they ever arise in congress again. Obviously the congress is barely representative any more, and is more of a servo-unit for the kind of post-Reagan era privatizing of government that destroyed the economy of New Zealand before it reversed its course in recent years.

The myth of tax cuts and federal deficits as beneficial to the U.S. economy was just that--it was a plundering redistribution of wealth to a corporate class of global crooks and the TARP theft was the most recent consequence. The United States will be the last to understand that corporatism and communism just aren't so different. Each are opposed to individualism and free enterprise, and each are inimical to freedom and good human ethics. A healthy American poor can get out to work and help themselves instead of losing decades of time while the comfortable and effectively spaced comfortable class just injure them further with the corrupting closure to reason that follows the possession of too much power.

Poor Americans may move a lot of the time in search of work. They may be homeless annually and strive to save what meager earnings they can from sporadic labor even while injured. A health insurance federally requisite structure would degrade furhter, potentially, the quality of life for those requiring medical services for hernia repair for example, that must travel and are not comfortably sedentary citizens able to receive mail from an insurance corporation owned by Duubains or Moscowvite organized crime syndicates, delivered by the postman ringing twice always while they 'wait a minute, wait a minute, then look and see if there's a card or a letter for me'.

Unrealistic and aloof federal thinking in government is a norma aspect of a nation in decline and fall. The reform of health insurance should have a real safety net for the poor without insurance that works without subscription or payments from anyone to global health corproations. The ciorrupt congress should go back and try again, yet they make money on that too and just have more of a chance to get kickbacks from lobbiests while in office. Is there even one senator that isn't a millionaire?


President Obama; Policemen' Acted Stupidly' Protecting Cambridge MA Property

Contemporary history understanding may benefit a little by the reading of literature. When President Obama commented on the arrest of Henry Louis Gates at the front door of his home by a Cambridge police sergeant saying the police acted 'stupidly' it was plain that he probably read Uncle Tom's Cabin while growing up in Indonesia.' Such sensitivity to the plight of black men returning from China that appear to be trying to forcibly enter a home and that become belligerent when challenged by a white policeman trying to protect property of people in Cambridge Massachusetts plainly shows that the President knows that Cambridge policemen are invariably racists. That the policeman was doing his job attentively instead of taking bribes for helping to sell organs illegally like some New Jersey politicians indicates that he needs remedial training to learn that people wearing suits don't break in to houses (a tip for burglars to avoid being improperly dressed).

The Police Sergent probably has some sort of breaking and entry tools in his luxurious police cruiser and rightly ought to have helped the black man break into his home directly without asking racist questions. Policemen in metropolitan Boston and surrounding areas should never accost black men trying to break in the front door of a Cambridge home. Uncle Tom was no Malcom X, and if Malcom X were alive today breaking into home only racists white police pigs would insult him by challenging his personal identity as a human being.

The President's understanding of American history helped him to select Judge Sotomayor for the U.S. Supreme Court, who said that he could judge better than any white man or something such as... plainly white men in Massachusetts are racists and sexists, and also live 8 years longer than black men because of the ethnic conspiracies of Boston and surrounding areas.

Just so much time exists in life to accomplish an expert depth in comprehending the past.. As journalists learn particular methods of finding 'news' to report, not much including reading the latest Harry Potter novel, historians learn of the past without much regard to ancient fiction unless they are historians of fiction. In is essential that fiction and fact remain clear. Propaganda or 'rave is truth' sentiments may be popular amidst the corrupt however historians must try to have some sobriety in their assembly of information with which to form general theories of the past. Intuition and inference are fair enough tools to use in try to full in gaps in understanding of past events and eras as an historian conjectures about the unknown, it cannot be sufficient to present a record of the past though. The historian must plainly know what is fact and what is possibility.

Reading history books is far more important than is reading fiction to learn the truth about the past.. In some societies it is impossible or impractical to write other than in fiction about the present-the 'Secret History' of Procopius allowed him to remain alive. Soviet authors sometimes had to write hidden meanings into fiction works in order to express ideas and facts repressed by the ruling powers. In the United States it can be difficult or dangerous to write concisely about ad hoc structures of oppression. Much of history is never written because it is the point of view of the oppressed in modern society. A financially trashed author could not have the stable writing environment of one that does, and thus the production by the establishment writers may be far higher than that of the forced into poverty through ad hoc means writers. History does not record such phenomena generally.


Judge Sotomayor and the Extremely Globalist Evil Empire


Would Judge Sotomayor on the U.S. Supreme Court add another member to form an Evil Empire faction of globalists? Justice Sotomayor believes the Court should consider international law-definitely a characteristic of global corporatists and socialists.


Judge Sotomayor has been tight-lipped in the hearings so far, declaring to the Senators that her personal opinions are not what she is being hired for, and that in effect they should rightly stick their questions where the sun don't shine and just say yes--she will interpret the laws without the requisite of disclosing her influences, opinions, ideas--we would like to know if she secretly admires cannibals and spins things deftly in that direction. Her anatomy is not really the issue--so her mind's thoughts must count for something--what goes on in that brain of hers anyway? Scientifically the public might make inferences from her judicial record and observations, but she should disregard the advice to say nothing, no nothing as a nominee robotic interpretor of laws and chat about anything so we may learn if she has her oars in the water in fact instead of by allegation and declaration. There is nothing criminal about talking like a rational and decent human being during the public confirmation hearings--she should try it and fool the teflon spray coating advisers trying to help her slip silently out of the frying pan and onto the court.

Her reluctance to be forthright and candid with the American people is a little disturbing. The Court ought to have people that at some point were plain and truthful--they can just stick to the law if they are confirmed on the court. judge Sotomayor's opinion would make it fine to set aside the opinions of Adolph Hitler as irrelevant if he were the nominee instead of Judge Sotomayor, as long as he said he was being hired to interpret the law, not offer his opinions. That sort of cypher-ness seems to appeal at least to Senator Sessions gushing support for a quick confirmation of Judge Sotomayor.

Sotomayor's apparent belief that the law is dead and deciding new cases upon the precedence of the prior is simply wrong. The U.S. Constitution is far less substantial than the Pentateuch of the Bible, and Jewish rabbinical legalists have been interpreting and arguing the meaning of those laws for more than two thousand years compiling volumes of opinions. With far less material to start with the U.S. Constitution is always being added to by Supreme Court opinions that are not themselves infallibly correct.  Personal opinions matter quite a law in the deciding of what is constitutional, virtually any honest and informed legalist ought to realize. Thus I prefer than an articulate and good spirited third generation American with nationalist bias rather than global 5th columnist quisling opinions be nominated instead. President Obama can find some third generation American of Mexican ancestry if neccessary--there must be one out there fully qualified to be on the Court. A Justice should have more relatives in the United States than in Mexico.

The Italian Judges and Judge Thomas seem to be certain patriots, yet some of the more cheesy members may have an over-the-border center of economic effort. Democracy must have national, rationals patriotism and good will toward fellow citizens if it is to survive the approaching era of global neo-totalitarianism. Justice Sotomayor's lack of candor during the confirmation hearings reminds us a little of Janet Reno-former President Clinton's Attorney General. We prefer our Justices to be a little less conservative on speaking on personal and political issues publicly, and more liberal on plain talk unafraid to lose out on getting a job promotion. Already Washington D.C. is full of bureaucrats; the Court ought to have some individuals.
Justice O'Connor was not a first generation American with many foreign relations. In prior centuries being an immigrant meant going through a legal and social process of complete change and transformation into the new culture. Today with global communications and millions of illegal immigrants from Mexico loyalty is more optional than de rigeur for children of immigrants to the United States. Unlike in times past immigrants and children can talk cheap to people 'at home' in foreign countries and fly by night to awaken in another nation on the other side of the world or the boarder. Such people making it to political office, like mosquitoes, may pump in anti-blood clotting political measures making it harder to halt the flow of money and jobs out of the country, and making it easier for illegal aliens to enter and conquer U.S. politics especially of the Southwest.
Chief Justice Roberts is heavily invested-more so than any other member of the court, in trans-national stocks. Justice Ginsberg as a Jewish justice and Justice Sotomayor as an Hispanic justice perhaps with closet politics sympathetic to La Raza may be too far towards the globalist Evil Empire sympathizing corporatist quasi sedition subverting U.S. national independence. It isn't surprising that she was nominated by a son-of-a-foreign-visitor President raised in a Muslim nation in Asia within the Dar al Islam. Such globalists tend too easily to disrespect U.S. national interests in defending the nation from permanent foreign alliances and the degradation of the social and economic position of Americans already here. Instead of an open door policy the globalists have created a revolving door policy.
The present deep recession is a logical result of revolving door economic and political policy created by the naked greed of globalists something like that which brought the downfall of the Roman Empire and Roman Republic. The quest for international wealth and power when fulfilled created greater advance abroad than nationally, and the nation became decadent with corrupt rulers. It is only a matter of time before the United States to has a junta to rectify the debt the new president anticipates doubling. A trillion dollar annual federal budget deficit is not acceptable for long term economic viability.
One of the paradoxes of modern change is that the consequences of change are often unforeseen. The U.S abolition movement firmed up Federal resistance to the southern states insistence upon slavery and the right to return slaves escaped north to the south. The civil war occurred, the U.S. Government won and eventually the slaves were emancipated and able to enter politics as equals. Besides the obvious loss of cheap labor to former slave owners and the lengthy time period required for substantial integration as equals that do not do harm to the economic and social interests of those not formerly slaves or descended from slaves, the consequences had comparatively little affect upon society. Liberating one group of society such as U.S. blacks
did not generally alter the trans-racial criteria of the social paradigms in the abstract of white society. Women's liberation in the 1960's following birth control was substantial greater on the scale of gestating social and economic circumstances that could alter the composition of the nation of the United States.
Freeing the slave in affect just added some more white people painted permanently black-no net change when they already live here. Women taking birth control pills halted white population growth and changed social structures in radically transformative ways that generally were unintended secondary development. As women sought to gain social prestige and take jobs held formerly by men at male pay scale, the traditional home disappeared. As so much new cheap labor entered the nation white collar and business fields as well as unions, unions disappeared along with the growth of pay for college graduates in the United States. Muslims abroad tend to hate this phenomena incidentally. They rightly are concerned that their patriarchal Muslim values are fundamentally threatened by the west, and they are right in so far as the women's movement goes. The paradox for the west is that the women's movement is a righteous liberation in most respects, yet the unintended consequences are far more extreme than most other kinds of revolutions.
It is difficult to design a society at all before it forms or to revise it significantly while it is under way. Making women equal to men economically tends to have the consequence of destroying or substantially degrading the male economic structure with it's historical balances. As women move to enter the male dominated economy many parts of it disappear, and the society overall declines economically. The reasons for that are many and complex in a capitalist and globalist social structure. Obviously many jobs have been sent to China and India while cheap foreign migrant workers arriving illegally from Mexico along with many harmful recreational drugs. Much heavy industry was outsourced. Globalism creates a permanent most-advantaged status for capitalized corporations able to relocate fastest to cheapest sources of labor, production and raw materials. That process is goo for the production of material advantaged and concentrating wealth yet harmful to the global environment and well being of the people of the United States. Too many globalists on the U.S. Supreme Court well help drive that reinforcing cycle of corporatism and ecological decay to the point where the untended consequences or externalities present a challenge to the survival of significant portions of the human race.
With the women's liberation movement it becomes possible for women to raise children themselves without husbands. Those that choose to 'take' a husband may wait later in life to marry and just for a brief time, or sequentially marry two or three over a lifetime. The 1960's zero population growth models continue to be the primary intellectual paradigm of planning political economies, yet that paradigm was based on a traditional nuclear family model with people having just two kids instead of five or ten. Obviously the birth control and womens liberation movement subverted the nuclear family and the economic facts that made it practical. Instead of more traditional family units a redundant and separate male-female income and material wealth stream developed that co9ntinues today. I do not believe in regression economically or socially for women in the field of political economy, yet there are real challenges for keeping the United States intact, independent and free from foreign control, or from the control of the Evil Empire variously of Global Corporatism or global socialism. The goal of forming a stable feminine economy simultaneously with a balanced environment healthy for men is an odd goal that hasn't a rational form in theory in an environment economically that is globalist, competitive, corporatist and non-renewable. Feminine economics may be the closer to national existence, and so may the non-renewable traditional economics of male industrial production with fewer managers and financial related service workers. There is no good economic model for the United States to follow that is sustainable, yet the goal of defending the nation's borders and proximal ecological and social health should be of immediate concern.
Sotomayor on the court may represent the tipping point information of an Evil Empire unit at the highest court. It would typically support illegal immigration, anti-environmentalism and the advantage of Chinese and Mexican interests, pragmatically considered. A more conservative choice could help create a M.I.T.I. style proprietary national economic and environmental policy to help advantage the people that already live in the United States as citizens. It should be friendlier to alternative energy policy and the elimination of federal debt. It should support loans for the uninsured to travel abroad for hernia surgery in a timely way so they can work before collecting social security in several years, but protect Americans from requirements that they buy health insurance policies they cannot afford. It makes little sense for those in poverty yet healthy to spend thousands each year for decades on the chance of being sick before retirement. The money is needed each year instead to pay federal taxes on self-employment and to buy food and hot coffee when homeless but working. While the poor cannot clump up money for the rare surgery,they could repay a federal hernia surgery loan of $5000 dollars.
A society may develop a situation where lots of women work and raise kids alone while men have little to do in the workplace with the jobs apportioned abroad by globalists. A nation must be prosperous or able to borrow trillions of dollars to afford that kind of process incidentally-Muslim nations that are poor cannot sustain the sociological changes many American white women would expect them to, yet no non-Jewish white women will be on the U.S. Supreme Court for quite a number of years probably so their concern about globalism is a moot point... i.e. Perhaps a non-globalist on the court will drop dead and free up space for a white female globalist.


J.M. Keynes & U.S. Economic Policy Reformation

John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) was a Cambridge homosexual scholar of the first rank in Economics considered revolutionary by some. Keynes believed governments should just say 'charge it' and pile up debt with stimulus spending to 'pump prime' a moribund economy locked into a stalemate of stagnation or recession.

Common sense and dead reckoning at the macro-economic level is necessary for the salutary adjustment of national economic interests. In some instances national leadership has it, and at other times or in other nations it is lacking. J.M. Keynes in some ways seemed to understand a fundamental dynamic between sateuthority and corporate interests in addition to free enterprise, capital and monetary theory. Theroretical dogmatism is a kind of bureaucratic inertia ploughing ahead in spite of the lack of correspondence of theoretical models to the real world situation. Some politicians and economics believe they might make or create reality by the force de majeure of power usually precipitating disastrous economic consequence. In wonder to what extent J.M. Keynes intuitively abstracted relationships in his era; how far his sketch notes in mind reduced to set theory the macro-economic players.

In some ways organizations of any sort-regardless of their capital assets can be reduced to symbols of personnel, and those in Venn diagram representation in power levels. Beyond these diagrams of organizational personnel we see the x's and o's of men and women citizens in the nations that if critical of the larger organizations and overlapping affiliated networks of people attack in some ways the citizens. They can do that because they have so much economic power to control national capital asset flows. The Chinese Red Army it is said controls tens of thousands of quasi-corporations in China, Wall Street corporations have interlocking shareholders with the majority of stock owned by less than 5% of the U.S. public. J.M. Keynes may have been aware that democracy and it's people falling outside the circles of insiders with economic and political power can occassionally rectify locked up economic policy with clever measures such as brief deficit/stimulus spending (that doesn't work repeatedly any more than repeated heart electroshock works for protracted heart treatment).. Obviously where and how the money is spent matters-if it goes to the same people that created the problem it is unlikely to create much relief. What a J.M. Keynes would do in the present global circumstances of invariant corporate and communist hegemony over free interpose and democracy is hard to say. Every economic advance tends to be along lines that enrich the rich and concentrate wealth too efficiently to allow a sustainable economic advance. Quantitative materials resource increase is required to expand corporate profits...Wall Mart prices seem to be going up now that they have driven so many out of business with low prices. As the U.S. economy was conquered by trans-national corporations the U.S. Congress acted to willingly as cheng di yu -'fish at the bottom of the ocean' or foreign agents seeking to enrich China and/or trans-national corporations. Those symp senators are the cause for U.S. dependence on ffreign manufactured fossil fuel burning vehicles and for oil products from Saudi Arabia, Libya and places in the dar al harb. Toyota prius technology could be scaled down an electric converablet mini-cars for commuter use getting 100 miles per gallon equivalent in electricity costs for a plug in electric reasily could be made. Congress could have encouraged American manufactures to produce such and made smaller roads at less cost on which vehicles over a certain weight were banned. The cheng di yu in the sneante banned alternative energy Independence in favor of the Exxon-Mobils and G.M. Suv's, the Hallibutrons in Dubai and Dubain Royalty powers. They look in economic lust uphill toward Tehran and the vast gas fields of Iran wondering how they can co-opt the first-strike nuclear genocide seeking lunatic president in order to invest sufficiently to get a cut of the take from new Iranian prosperity they dream of. J.M. Keynes would have recognized the many fallacies of classical economics when trans-national corporations fill economic policy more full of leaks than the Titanic after hitting the iceberg popping its many cheap rivets.
Keynes wrote several works the most important of which was the 'General Theory on Employment, Interest and Money'. The approach to economics dealt with several ongoing issues of the era in the unique Keynesian formula. Hicks later created the SI-LL aka IS-LM model to portray Keynesian ideas. These theories are about markets, timing, savings and production relationships along with money flows. Needless to say flat-earth abstract modeling of economies are good for bureaucrats that continue on long past it's period of relevance too often.

The Keynesian method seems to work fairly well if the applications are of a short term nature of borrowing, and if the debt is repaid. The post- Regan era supply side economic neo-Keynesianism had the downside of a slide into scholastic sloppiness with theorists explaining that debt doesn't matter for the United States. Debt for second and third world countries mattered to the world bank and other lending institutions, and bad large scale loans to poor countries would eventually be paid for with public debt financing to buy the bad debt. Voodoo economics was okay if you are the most powerful nation militarily ion Earth.

The resort to crank Keynesian in the 1990's and first decade of the 3rd millenium had the U.S. Congress gullibly accepting the premise that continuing significant deficit spending with long term stagnant repayment rates would be the best way to 'stimulate the economy' as if the infusions of cash to banks, consumers, insurance corporations and others by the trillions of dollars was a kind of heart restarting shock treatment or brain shock treatment to restart or reboot the disc drive of economics. Instead the Keynesian deficit spending by the government principle was a kind of syrupy sweet methadone to the heroine addiction of globalist investing abroad, and for corporations of a trans-national nature without any real loyalty to, or dependence upon the economic well being of the United States. While Keynsianism might have been practical in an insular English economy of the post-war era, or in the United States when the economy was far more independent of globalism and world trade and trans-national corporations far more limited in scale. in the post-cold war political and economic environment Keynesiansm became more than a stimulus of an individual national economy and grew into becoming a perennial prop for a decadent non-renewable fossil fueled economy profiting trans-nationals and the neo-totalitarian Chinese economy adapting itself to several aspects of capitalist production in a time when capitalism has regressed into the neo-oligarchic sickness of global corporatism. John Maynard Keynes would probably not suggest deficit spending today as the remedy for the non-renewable, confused global economy of today.




Invent New Roofing Technology to Replace Asphalt Shingles?

In working on a couple of traditional asphalt shingle roofing jobs this year I was struck by the extravagantly wasteful process of materials consumption suitable to maybe the 1940s before envirronmental enlightenment began to emerge in the United States. I thought I should try to invent a better replacement system of a general nature that would work on flat as well as steeply sloped roof pitches, and in areas of high wind as well as blistering desert sun. The characteristic needed over time built up, a little like a third layer of asphalt shingles, yet I resolved to take it all down to the basic principles, or plywood and rethink the criteria of roofing.

Roofing shingles weigh a lot. There are about 20 in a package that weighs maybe 60 lbs. They are made of oil products and cover millions and millions of roofs. They require lots of cheap labor for installation, need to g oover some tar paper or a more advanced product, require staple and roofing nails, nail guns and razor knives and tubes of construction adhesive. A large truck must transport the shingles from a supplier, a fork lift commonly lifts up the shingles to the roof and maybe thousands of pounds of dead weight are piled onto the home.

Asphalt shingles basically are not supposed to be torn up in order to make roof for special tech items placed on the roof, and sometimes allow water leakage because of improper installation not rarely. One can imagine replacing those satellite dishes screws through the shingles with a better complete roof grid antena able to make some kind of deep astronomy contribution wired into a network of roof space-data collectors via the Internet.

A better, faster cheaper material and technology should be invented to replace the venerable yet very old technology.

Metal roofing exists and its good yet costly,easy to install yet not so good on level pitches and tend to get quite warm. An elastomeric roof is good enough on flat roofs but ineffective on slopes because it runs off during application. A new material and technology is needed for roofing that will be modern and forward looking regarding solar voltaic collection techniques.

Some criteria for the new roofing technology would be a simple house wrap equivalent adapted for the new chemical composition of the roofing material. It would be rolled on and held down with nail strips with 12 volt conducting wire inside. The one inch wide nailing strips are of heavier material and have snap in tie places for bracket supporting bolts through the two additional layers in order to support optional solar and panels and so forth.

Atop layer one needs to be placed some kind of a grid to contain a spray or roll in top layer of foam or some other moderate viscous, drying material that is lightweight and hardens to complete water resistance. The new lightweight roofing system should require far less time to install and far fewer materials while remaining effective for much greater periods of time with complete effectiveness.

The advanced roofing technology ought to survive any hurricane without suffering significant damage, and if damage should be simple enough to effectively repair. It should be designed to sustain simple cut-outs of sections and replacement of underlying basic layer, reconnected nailing strip, base grid and top layer. The top layer material should be sold in spray on cans for easy repair when needed for whatever reason.

The advantage of an advanced roofing technology should be many and able to cohere with further advances in roofing technology energy efficiency increases. The grid could become a better insulator honeycomb for building temperature purposes. More panels could be retrofitted without increasing roofing repair costs, and the roof should be albedo neutral so far as possible and mimic the albedo index rating of the natural, but displaced environment. In fact the advanced roofing technology should be lightweight, strong and water resistant with a variety of colors and optional additives able to serve as an efficient water barrier for working rooftop plantings of green vegetables and so forth; the weight savings from not using the asphalt shingles could be given over to food production in container adapted to snap-lock on to the bracket-bolts.

Functionally the roof space should not add to global warming as do asphalt roofs and highways with their heating and cooling cycles, and should not be an ineffective insulator as asphalt shingle roofs. The roofing technology should be simple and low cost, replace all existing asphalt shingle roof applications for a fraction of the price, and support home electric power production from solar and wind generation seamlessly.


Modern Ideology

Ideology is the pit and the pendulum swinging back and forth, inexorably drawing lower with each commercial iteration setting the sharp the edge upon the mind of the viewer, cutting into the solid independence of citizenship. Ideology bombards with ideas to kill the dandelions in the lawn with poison and eliminate the bees rest stop for pollinating flowers. Ideology urges one to consume fuel and drive low m.p.g. cars. Ideology makes all the pro-violent t.v. watchers build rectilinear houses in subdivisions and forsake the right proper way of geodesic home construction- so simple with commercial connectors.

Ideology is the globalist's greed selling out the United States for their corporate profit as the grass is greener 'over the border' with the masses of billions with commercial consumer market potential. Ideology is a wet blanket upon the fire of nationalism and U.S. political independence. Ideology is a mass communication brainwashing for corporatism today with the cult of television under the guiding greed of global corporatists providing the thinking that displaces personal interests for the minions of corporatism in the ongoing march of destruction of the independence and security of the people of the United States and its ecology...

Ideology hasn't traditionally been thought of as a philosophical discipline. Ideologies tend to be considered as political opinions formulated in to dogmatism. Yet ideas as a philosophical discipline has been throughout philosophical history an interesting field for contemplations and research; we shall not consider that here.

I like the idea of a nation being free to profit its own people and promote the ecological health of the country, yet in America today nationalism and protectionism are dirty words-in fact one is called a fascist for patriotism very nearly if that patriotism opposes illegal immigration, a stable population and national energy and transportation self-reliance. Not that their are not fascists out there in the real world-they may be homos for global corporatism as much as patriots for nationalism. With the broadcast media and unHolywood generally homos for global corporatism, and innumerable foreign nations interested in pimping the economic possibilities of the united States it shall not be a simple matter to free the nation from modern ideological stuffing.

Nations that may profit by exploiting or plundering the United States, and that are corporatist dependent will naturally oppose national self-interest and compare it to Prussia-possibly. The 19th and early 20th century conflicts wherein the very wealthy formally royal classes sought to continue their power through the glove of fascist politics failed, and democracy is full of morons to stupid to change to an ecologically renewable economic structure-so what ideology can avoid the globalist concentration of wealth or the ignorance of corporatism as well as preclude authoritarianism? This is not a simple criterion and the creeping ecological and demographic issues that challenge the world continue. I may offer a package of ideological approaches for $19.95 on the Internet if I have the time to put one together.

Modern ideology must begin where unmodern ideology leaves off. Maybe ideology from the 19th century is no longer relevant to political philosophical research interests, perhaps political scientists discover more in history reading than modern ideological formulators if such exist. It isn't as simple to create a modern ideology as a line of fashion dress perhaps, and that may not be simple. In the 1930's depression some Americans made clothing out of burlap bags or gunny sacks and the art has evolved a little since then.

If no ideology designers at global media evil headquarters are turning out ideologies to brainwash the masses with, or trying to get them all watching the right movies or listen to the politically correct songs before an election so be it. We may need to place modern ideology in the realm of those accidental accretions of change that form interesting composite structures like Darwin's theory, continental plates or science fiction anthologies. I noticed a painting for sale at an auction advertised on the Internet for a probably price of 5 to 7 million dollars-it was just yellow and white with swirls. Artists may have a keener notion of simplicity than I, yet Vincent Van Gogh probably would have created better paintings in his time that could not sell at all-perhaps its partially a factor of ideology that sets the social value of select objects of art.

Ideologies in politics tend to follow economic needs; either to rectify, conserve or liberate from collateral or reciprocal economic conditions. For Karl Marx opposition to one's side was conceptually always one sided so a dialectical opposition could be formed and a simple ideology of resistance advanced. Marx was lucky enough not to have experienced a circumstance were multiple opponents vied against him. If Marx had not hated Slavs he would have found Russian history more interesting in that it had multiple parties seeking to overthrow the tsar over the century before the successful Bolshevik revolution. Ideologies can rival each other and be discarded by historical neglect like last season's television shows.

When Scopes was charged with the crime of teaching that man evolved from a lower life form and Clarence Darwin successfully defended him for some a new era in ideology was born. It unfortunately allied itself rather well with revolutionary Bolshevism and Marxist atheist theory. Marx's atheist leanings were probably motivated in a real politic sense by the affiliation of churchmen historically with land and the ruling classes. The papacy was perhaps the greatest single landholder in Europe for a time, and the Church of England still has the Queen as its titular head, while Calvin supported a revolutionary justification for charging interest or usury because the advancing Swiss business classes liked it. Ideology historically tends to follow leading socio-economic classes.

The hierarchical priesthood in the United States today tends to oppose changes in dogmatic Biblical interpretations as a sort of reflection of former eras of claims of papal infallibility. The theological ideological dogmatism cannot be altered because many of the priests are not motivated more by understanding the Bible than they are in using the church as a way to provide income for themselves and families. The same disdain for intelligent reform of dogmatic beliefs regarding understanding the book of Genesis in light of reality and philosophy as well as what might be inferred about the nature of God and time-space relations from quantum mechanics is found in an ignorance of the ecclesiastic need for reform in to a priesthood of believers structure without an hierarchical priesthood. Republican political ideology during the Bush era was heavily influenced by the need to exploit the fundamentalist Christian vote as Kevin Phillips noted in 'American Theocracy'.

Political ideologies of convenience economically and social mass inertia toward the adoption of certain new beliefs are in part a function of modern mass communications and mass government financed lower education. The global interests of corporatist developers and the preference for immorality by the unHolywood-perhaps better named Devilwood- film industry- support the promulgation of an ideology in support of atheism; without God as a witness they find no accusers of immorality to their comfort. Communism does not require atheism for existence-actually it is moderately compatible with Christian compassion for others-so long as it leaves of authoritarian rough edges, yet it is paradoxically capitalism that works most in the present ideological era to undermine Christian values-and hierarchical priests chasing tithing income and power are doing a fairly good job at that for-themselves. We shall pray for a change of heart to enlighten them towards comprehending that a priesthood of believers can be a radical new applied theological tool for support of democracy and Christian values.

Modern ideology such as Madonna's 'Material Girl' express the desire by the masses for material security if not glamour and over abundance. Epicurus paradoxically, while the quintessential materialist, was for moderation in everything and fundamentally enjoyment of life without pain or want. The modern moderate monism philosophy of analytical philosophers has found its way through intentional-inward and extensional-outward empirical criteria, to a depletion of the abstract phenomenalities of the a priori represented by mathematics and changed the way people think about not only the relationship of words to objects but of the relationship of mind to matter (negating each) and relating matter and mind to events that can be described as relative wheres and whens if not ultimately so much as why's from the beginning.

Ideology in the post-modern monism does not require an atheist acceptance of either evolution nor its nullification by dogmatic creationism, it does not need quantum mechanics to pair with a concept that God could not possibly do more with quantum mechanical referents than physicists, it does provide a way to investigate the beautiful and interesting world presented for humanity as a life experience; yet lets return to more dampened forms of contemplation of modern ideology for now...

A philosophy of modern ideology could be fairly simple; 'if you don't mind it don't matter', or dogmatic 'give the public sex and slop if you want them to vote Republican again', yet the most cynical petite philosophies would seem to be 'tell them what they want to hear'. Like the broadcast media content the matter can be changed completely later.

Julius Caesar was criticized in the Senate for seeing to be all things to all people-best friend of every man and best man of every woman-he had the redeeming and useful political trait of being a military genius. Modern ideological content may change yet the human purposes may not. The concentration of wealth and gaining of advantages over others with subtlety and sophism is for some the meaning of real life, repression of civil liberties and the reduction of human potential is the cost for the many.

Modern ideology may uses the over-the-transom method of swamping citizens with data and complexity of an entirely artificial sort. Propaganda methods may take direct attacks and dissolution of local autonomous self-determination may be enhanced by contemporary globalist styles and broadcast techniques. Ideology is a simplified sharing of political goals and a rationale for doing political work that will best support a government of, by and for the people. Global manipulators are generally against anything besides concentration of their wealth and power, yet will never generally say so

The erosion of opportunities for self government follow the success and communication screens of mass attraction with constant anti-self-interest programming. The de facto ideology of the C.E.O. and owners of trans-national corporations replace personal, individuated political ideological foundation. The economy develops in an unstable way that is premised upon trans-national corporatism uniting with communist on a pedestal.

The Khmer Rouge wanted to restart the world at the Year Zero. A death of ideology, the elimination of theories that rival the ultimate cult is a fact of the modern world.

A philosophy of ideology is something of an oxymoron-ideology tends to be an ossification of ideas that people use yet don't much want to think about for-themselves. Its a 'fire and forget' approach to politics that works especially well in this century old era of mass electronic communications (more or less).

Yet let's take the idea of a philosophy of ideas that are bent, folded and mutilated (and spindled even) seriously. There is a history of ideas, and probably a history of ideology too. There may even be a pursuit of wisdom about ideas that have reached love-of status.

Dictators love ideologies. Stalin and Mussolini were idea-ologists. Their ideas were the only ones that were politically correct. Mao had a nice little red book he wrote himself. Marcus Aurelius-possibly the last great Roman Emperor was a stoic philosopher and compiled enough ideas to have a book named 'The Meditations' with his ideas in it even though it wasn't a crime punishable by death not to revere the book. He was not ahead of his time in that regard.

Politics in a democracy is about pluralism. Politics are the brain waves of civilization flowing through the masses like wisps of reason seeking a cluster of neurons to fire with imagination. A society without political free speech, dissension and contention for leadership is a moribund society under the influence of authoritarianism and facing the inevitable stagnation and decay that rots its way in to the still, silent acquiescence discovered within the conformity to political death. Ideologies may have a political correctness to them that resemble the rightness of a sailboat properly anchored with storm winds approach the little bay-one just knows its correct and walks to the store with confidence that it won't drift up on to the jetty of doom.The philosopher G.W. Hegel believed that the entire Universe is fundamentally an idea evolving in to sentience.

Hegel's ideas were radical and comprised in his 'Phenomenology of Mind' a brilliant evolution of theistic will derived many surmise from the Judeo-Christian histories of the evolution of the Universe in 6 movements/nominal 'days' alluded to in the book of Genesis. Karl Marx developed his ideology of Marxism not just to make his name famous, but with the help of Hegel and Darwin's twin tower ideas about evolution of the spirit and evolution of matter-life Marx formed an evolution of politics through dialectical competition to an ultimate peace and pax non-ideologica in brotherhood/sisterhood of human beings.

Marx had good reasons to develop a redistributionist utopia because he had a rotten life with dead kids and all living in poverty striving to be a writer and profit in some way in an industrialist London with pervasive social adversity for workers...communism was a way to beg the point politically and negotiate for higher wages with the premise that everyone is against the rich-and that may not be so unless they steal 50 billion dollars too often or make 750 billion dollar public loans to redistribute to rich bankers in society.

Ideology is a mass market era phenomena in which millions of people locked in to an urban industrialism and post-industrial globalism can all think or not-think something about politics and social responsibility. A label such as 'conservative' or liberal can morph to mean about anything or the same thing as people quit thinking for themselves in the specialized pursuit of earning a living. The boundaries of real personal economic egoism expand to encompass the globe while ideology that is accurate is left behind as the mass media of communication broadcasts smokescreens of inaccurate distractions politically that make masses malleable to their exploitation.

Music is a contemporary source of fractalized mini-ideological reinforcers. Many songs can't have two sentences without repeating a third phrase three times. All of the Beatles song lyrics probably could be condensed to 4 or 5 paperback pages yet they influenced more people politically than many serious political ideologists. The 2oth century became the century of the mass man as Ortega y Gasset wrote in 'The Revolt of the Masses. Gasset anticipated world war two as should many other. Clemenceau realized that the U.S. failure to stand with France in negotiating a peace treaty with Germany would doom a second go round. Ideology has interpreted the causes for the second world war and of how to regard the German people with their history of genocide-lets take a look at some of the actual causes for the first and second world wars from a general perspective and see how they coincide with the present philosophy of global anti-nationalism in support of corporatist-communist expansionism.

Germania was invaded as far as the Rhine by Julius Caesar and legionaries, yet it was Charlemagne who established a unified France and Germany in a Holy Roman empire after the battle of Tours to stop the Mohammedans in 722. Germany through various circumlocutions thence experienced a royal or imperial rule until 1918 when the people revolted following Crown Prince Ruprecht's brilliant yet doomed by lack of manpower final offensive in France. The German people finally created a Republic-their first...the Wiemar Republic.

German history is notable for its division racially in to scores of small principalities, that is Germans were never unified as Germans in a democratic context until modern history. On the east and west and to the north and south to lesser and greater extent Germany was bounded by racially non-Germans and in their won assemblage of affiliated states Germans under oppressive political rule probably aspired for liberation and unification. With the additional issue of wealthy Jewish merchants affiliating with the upper classes the seeds of racial self-actualization were deeply set. The old regime in Germany would have a Jewish pogrom when times were bad to relieve pressure upon themselves.

Following the defeat in the First world war, a war fought by the royal government for its own reasons separate from racism and generally against democratic nations yet with more complexity involved then just that the German military leadership sent the charismatic Adolph Hitler to take over the German Socialist Worker's Party to form a populist movement perhaps though the initial reason was espionage. Hitler had a rare voice that vibrated at a yelling tonality in normal speech that mesmerized audiences. The adroit movement by the military to lead a German populism developed in the brief history of the Wiemar Republic to become the Nazi Party.

German desire for a racial unification in a democratic state for the first time in German history amidst a dangerous European political environment with Marxist revolutionaries on the east in the former Russia and the antagonist Allies (such as Britain, France and the U.S.A.) demanding large reparations and real estate concessions on the west and with deep poverty and social chaos made the 1920's Germany an easy and logical place for a modern populist dictatorship to rise.

Ideology in a populist dictatorship has an interesting derivative facticity in the modern world generally-a state receiving modern mass transportation and broadcast media is faced with a choice of unrestricted liberalism with necessary state intervention to prevent sedition and corruption of the freedom of the media or censorship of it with the correlating authoritarian formation of government. Technology changes the social environment Oretega y Gasset realized.

Following the German defeat in world war II Conrad Adenauer led the first Germany government of a really democratic nature, yet it was just a half a loaf for the Soviet Union would occupy the eastern half of Germany for nearly 45 years evidently trusting it more as a subjugated communist authoritarian state that as a potential adversarial one. Thus German still has a history of democracy and freedom for all in a unified state for less that a quarter century and that is just a beginning. Nationalism wasn't the cause of German wars in the 20th century. It may be said that political evolution was the cause of the mass wars. probably the German people signing off on fascist populism had no idea where it would lead a priori. Corrupt political leaders were happy to take control as usual and commonly and bring an impoverished and suffering people the promise of prosperity. Quick government projects and highway building provided the impetus to get the fascist economy moving although unsustainable without war. This is another of the paradoxical coincidences of the new Obama administration and Adolph Hitler besides the voice. Obama has a 3/4 trillion dollar highway and infrastructure plan perhaps also on a 1930's conceptual paradigm (it isn't 3000 m.p.h. people pods crawling along power lines through the middle).

Ideologies of a political nature are invariably disposable and can serve only temporary goals-there can be no conclusions or final solutions to the human condition. Change and antipathy, corruption and bias and all the evils of Pandora's box are forever renewed by each generation of human beings that seeks to eliminate any opposition to its rise to political power hopefully with all rivals to their way repressed or exiled. Ideologies require continuous refining and reformation in order to accurately reflect the political priorities of an age in a nation. Wrong ideologies such as anti-nationalism can drive millions to foul their own nests politically and surrender security and prosperity to foreign rule, while anti-foreigner ideologies can be exploited to drive millions in to corrupting their north slopes to plunder oil and harm the environment instead of surrendering to purchases of Saudi Arabian oil for import.

In the Obama era about to settle upon the nation like a cloud of unknowing a green revolutionary ideology may develop tat will place electric power lines in interstate highways to power electric cars, segregate SUV's and other fossil fueled vehicles from some traffic lanes in order to let lightweight electric commuter vehicles drive safely to work. U.S. electric energy independence may become an ideology that renews the desire for home power production independent of foreign owned power company electron sales in the U.S.A. The ideology to segregate fossil fuel vehicles through gradual marginalization of their place in American life may replace the ideology of segregating people for various reasons from equal protection of the laws and equal reason to have a fair standard of living. People require ideologies to live and the upgrading of obsolete ideology should be a priority in the Internet era allowing communication of right moral ideologies to all at low cost.

In the build up of the second (2003) Iraq war Americans had cheap gasoline and little concern about the 50,000 vulnerable Iraqi citizens said to be dying annually during the sanctions that started in 1990. The ignorance about the democide in Iraq was notable during the discussions about the right or wrongness of going to war. During the post war nation reconstruction the Democratic Party provided virtually no ideas about how to speed up successfully the transition to a stable Iraq-they just advocated immediate withdrawal while contradictorily fully funding the U.S. military venture.

Ideologies that provided defensible posturing were positioned more so than solutions advanced that were founded upon understanding. Ideology drove the democratic party to call the Iraq reconstruction a war itself for four years and protest as such and in the Vietnam Conflict era of 1969 to 1972 to protest a war that the Democrats had created but the Republican President Richard M.Nixon had begun the inexorable process of withdrawing from. He told Premier Thieu in December 1968 that he would immediately begin withdrawing U.S. military forces from Vietnam upon taking office. Richard M. Nixon was America's 'peace with honor' President accomplishing what the Democrats could not. Ideology drove the populist politics far more than reason, while today the United States is being undermined by global financial ties that will perhaps result in a world dictatorship following some future economic global depression.

It is a fact that ideologues in politics can be terribly destructive, yet the Savonarola's of religion or reform may not irrational exuberance in elite areas that fund socially ruinous trends even if there methods of correction are wrong. If right political courses can be compared to navigation at sea with a compass, then accuracy in each is desirable because being a little off in heading even buy three or four degrees can take a ship of state to a bad end on some shoal water, reef or lane of pirates. As the evil rise to political power and the founders are replaced by those simply seeking power it is easy to understand why mature societies do decline and fall.

The criminal politicians like Joe Stalin would have been just as successful in Al Capone's Chicago mobsterism as in Moscow of the 1920's. Intellectual reform that recognizes what the real interests of people are isn't ever in over supply. Communist pandering to the masses of ignorant, indolent mass broadcasters dominating politics through exclusive mass media power is similar to that of a corporatist society. Intellectuals may be directly exploited without the security of a just democracy with reinforced civil rights allowing people to have the opportunity to profit from their own work. Thugs make 'equalize' social economics to their advantage as might apes take away from chimps wood tools they have invented to snatch ants out of deep and inaccessible hives. Gosh-life isn't fair always and it requires right ideology to save even the planet from those that are too stupid to comprehend the concept of non-renewable resource exploitation limits yet smart enough to exploit it to profit themselves personally right now.

Resurrection and the Conservation of Quantum Information

 Conservation of quantum information postulates that information cannot be lost- it is comparable to the law of the conservation of energy t...