Ideology is the pit and the pendulum swinging back and forth, inexorably drawing lower with each commercial iteration setting the sharp the edge upon the mind of the viewer, cutting into the solid independence of citizenship. Ideology bombards with ideas to kill the dandelions in the lawn with poison and eliminate the bees rest stop for pollinating flowers. Ideology urges one to consume fuel and drive low m.p.g. cars. Ideology makes all the pro-violent t.v. watchers build rectilinear houses in subdivisions and forsake the right proper way of geodesic home construction- so simple with commercial connectors.
Ideology is the globalist's greed selling out the United States for their corporate profit as the grass is greener 'over the border' with the masses of billions with commercial consumer market potential. Ideology is a wet blanket upon the fire of nationalism and U.S. political independence. Ideology is a mass communication brainwashing for corporatism today with the cult of television under the guiding greed of global corporatists providing the thinking that displaces personal interests for the minions of corporatism in the ongoing march of destruction of the independence and security of the people of the United States and its ecology...
Ideology hasn't traditionally been thought of as a philosophical discipline. Ideologies tend to be considered as political opinions formulated in to dogmatism. Yet ideas as a philosophical discipline has been throughout philosophical history an interesting field for contemplations and research; we shall not consider that here.
I like the idea of a nation being free to profit its own people and promote the ecological health of the country, yet in America today nationalism and protectionism are dirty words-in fact one is called a fascist for patriotism very nearly if that patriotism opposes illegal immigration, a stable population and national energy and transportation self-reliance. Not that their are not fascists out there in the real world-they may be homos for global corporatism as much as patriots for nationalism. With the broadcast media and unHolywood generally homos for global corporatism, and innumerable foreign nations interested in pimping the economic possibilities of the united States it shall not be a simple matter to free the nation from modern ideological stuffing.
Nations that may profit by exploiting or plundering the United States, and that are corporatist dependent will naturally oppose national self-interest and compare it to Prussia-possibly. The 19th and early 20th century conflicts wherein the very wealthy formally royal classes sought to continue their power through the glove of fascist politics failed, and democracy is full of morons to stupid to change to an ecologically renewable economic structure-so what ideology can avoid the globalist concentration of wealth or the ignorance of corporatism as well as preclude authoritarianism? This is not a simple criterion and the creeping ecological and demographic issues that challenge the world continue. I may offer a package of ideological approaches for $19.95 on the Internet if I have the time to put one together.
Modern ideology must begin where unmodern ideology leaves off. Maybe ideology from the 19th century is no longer relevant to political philosophical research interests, perhaps political scientists discover more in history reading than modern ideological formulators if such exist. It isn't as simple to create a modern ideology as a line of fashion dress perhaps, and that may not be simple. In the 1930's depression some Americans made clothing out of burlap bags or gunny sacks and the art has evolved a little since then.
If no ideology designers at global media evil headquarters are turning out ideologies to brainwash the masses with, or trying to get them all watching the right movies or listen to the politically correct songs before an election so be it. We may need to place modern ideology in the realm of those accidental accretions of change that form interesting composite structures like Darwin's theory, continental plates or science fiction anthologies. I noticed a painting for sale at an auction advertised on the Internet for a probably price of 5 to 7 million dollars-it was just yellow and white with swirls. Artists may have a keener notion of simplicity than I, yet Vincent Van Gogh probably would have created better paintings in his time that could not sell at all-perhaps its partially a factor of ideology that sets the social value of select objects of art.
Ideologies in politics tend to follow economic needs; either to rectify, conserve or liberate from collateral or reciprocal economic conditions. For Karl Marx opposition to one's side was conceptually always one sided so a dialectical opposition could be formed and a simple ideology of resistance advanced. Marx was lucky enough not to have experienced a circumstance were multiple opponents vied against him. If Marx had not hated Slavs he would have found Russian history more interesting in that it had multiple parties seeking to overthrow the tsar over the century before the successful Bolshevik revolution. Ideologies can rival each other and be discarded by historical neglect like last season's television shows.
When Scopes was charged with the crime of teaching that man evolved from a lower life form and Clarence Darwin successfully defended him for some a new era in ideology was born. It unfortunately allied itself rather well with revolutionary Bolshevism and Marxist atheist theory. Marx's atheist leanings were probably motivated in a real politic sense by the affiliation of churchmen historically with land and the ruling classes. The papacy was perhaps the greatest single landholder in Europe for a time, and the Church of England still has the Queen as its titular head, while Calvin supported a revolutionary justification for charging interest or usury because the advancing Swiss business classes liked it. Ideology historically tends to follow leading socio-economic classes.
The hierarchical priesthood in the United States today tends to oppose changes in dogmatic Biblical interpretations as a sort of reflection of former eras of claims of papal infallibility. The theological ideological dogmatism cannot be altered because many of the priests are not motivated more by understanding the Bible than they are in using the church as a way to provide income for themselves and families. The same disdain for intelligent reform of dogmatic beliefs regarding understanding the book of Genesis in light of reality and philosophy as well as what might be inferred about the nature of God and time-space relations from quantum mechanics is found in an ignorance of the ecclesiastic need for reform in to a priesthood of believers structure without an hierarchical priesthood. Republican political ideology during the Bush era was heavily influenced by the need to exploit the fundamentalist Christian vote as Kevin Phillips noted in 'American Theocracy'.
Political ideologies of convenience economically and social mass inertia toward the adoption of certain new beliefs are in part a function of modern mass communications and mass government financed lower education. The global interests of corporatist developers and the preference for immorality by the unHolywood-perhaps better named Devilwood- film industry- support the promulgation of an ideology in support of atheism; without God as a witness they find no accusers of immorality to their comfort. Communism does not require atheism for existence-actually it is moderately compatible with Christian compassion for others-so long as it leaves of authoritarian rough edges, yet it is paradoxically capitalism that works most in the present ideological era to undermine Christian values-and hierarchical priests chasing tithing income and power are doing a fairly good job at that for-themselves. We shall pray for a change of heart to enlighten them towards comprehending that a priesthood of believers can be a radical new applied theological tool for support of democracy and Christian values.
Modern ideology such as Madonna's 'Material Girl' express the desire by the masses for material security if not glamour and over abundance. Epicurus paradoxically, while the quintessential materialist, was for moderation in everything and fundamentally enjoyment of life without pain or want. The modern moderate monism philosophy of analytical philosophers has found its way through intentional-inward and extensional-outward empirical criteria, to a depletion of the abstract phenomenalities of the a priori represented by mathematics and changed the way people think about not only the relationship of words to objects but of the relationship of mind to matter (negating each) and relating matter and mind to events that can be described as relative wheres and whens if not ultimately so much as why's from the beginning.
Ideology in the post-modern monism does not require an atheist acceptance of either evolution nor its nullification by dogmatic creationism, it does not need quantum mechanics to pair with a concept that God could not possibly do more with quantum mechanical referents than physicists, it does provide a way to investigate the beautiful and interesting world presented for humanity as a life experience; yet lets return to more dampened forms of contemplation of modern ideology for now...
A philosophy of modern ideology could be fairly simple; 'if you don't mind it don't matter', or dogmatic 'give the public sex and slop if you want them to vote Republican again', yet the most cynical petite philosophies would seem to be 'tell them what they want to hear'. Like the broadcast media content the matter can be changed completely later.
Julius Caesar was criticized in the Senate for seeing to be all things to all people-best friend of every man and best man of every woman-he had the redeeming and useful political trait of being a military genius. Modern ideological content may change yet the human purposes may not. The concentration of wealth and gaining of advantages over others with subtlety and sophism is for some the meaning of real life, repression of civil liberties and the reduction of human potential is the cost for the many.
Modern ideology may uses the over-the-transom method of swamping citizens with data and complexity of an entirely artificial sort. Propaganda methods may take direct attacks and dissolution of local autonomous self-determination may be enhanced by contemporary globalist styles and broadcast techniques. Ideology is a simplified sharing of political goals and a rationale for doing political work that will best support a government of, by and for the people. Global manipulators are generally against anything besides concentration of their wealth and power, yet will never generally say so
The erosion of opportunities for self government follow the success and communication screens of mass attraction with constant anti-self-interest programming. The de facto ideology of the C.E.O. and owners of trans-national corporations replace personal, individuated political ideological foundation. The economy develops in an unstable way that is premised upon trans-national corporatism uniting with communist on a pedestal.
The Khmer Rouge wanted to restart the world at the Year Zero. A death of ideology, the elimination of theories that rival the ultimate cult is a fact of the modern world.
A philosophy of ideology is something of an oxymoron-ideology tends to be an ossification of ideas that people use yet don't much want to think about for-themselves. Its a 'fire and forget' approach to politics that works especially well in this century old era of mass electronic communications (more or less).
Yet let's take the idea of a philosophy of ideas that are bent, folded and mutilated (and spindled even) seriously. There is a history of ideas, and probably a history of ideology too. There may even be a pursuit of wisdom about ideas that have reached love-of status.
Dictators love ideologies. Stalin and Mussolini were idea-ologists. Their ideas were the only ones that were politically correct. Mao had a nice little red book he wrote himself. Marcus Aurelius-possibly the last great Roman Emperor was a stoic philosopher and compiled enough ideas to have a book named 'The Meditations' with his ideas in it even though it wasn't a crime punishable by death not to revere the book. He was not ahead of his time in that regard.
Politics in a democracy is about pluralism. Politics are the brain waves of civilization flowing through the masses like wisps of reason seeking a cluster of neurons to fire with imagination. A society without political free speech, dissension and contention for leadership is a moribund society under the influence of authoritarianism and facing the inevitable stagnation and decay that rots its way in to the still, silent acquiescence discovered within the conformity to political death. Ideologies may have a political correctness to them that resemble the rightness of a sailboat properly anchored with storm winds approach the little bay-one just knows its correct and walks to the store with confidence that it won't drift up on to the jetty of doom.The philosopher G.W. Hegel believed that the entire Universe is fundamentally an idea evolving in to sentience.
Hegel's ideas were radical and comprised in his 'Phenomenology of Mind' a brilliant evolution of theistic will derived many surmise from the Judeo-Christian histories of the evolution of the Universe in 6 movements/nominal 'days' alluded to in the book of Genesis. Karl Marx developed his ideology of Marxism not just to make his name famous, but with the help of Hegel and Darwin's twin tower ideas about evolution of the spirit and evolution of matter-life Marx formed an evolution of politics through dialectical competition to an ultimate peace and pax non-ideologica in brotherhood/sisterhood of human beings.
Marx had good reasons to develop a redistributionist utopia because he had a rotten life with dead kids and all living in poverty striving to be a writer and profit in some way in an industrialist London with pervasive social adversity for workers...communism was a way to beg the point politically and negotiate for higher wages with the premise that everyone is against the rich-and that may not be so unless they steal 50 billion dollars too often or make 750 billion dollar public loans to redistribute to rich bankers in society.
Ideology is a mass market era phenomena in which millions of people locked in to an urban industrialism and post-industrial globalism can all think or not-think something about politics and social responsibility. A label such as 'conservative' or liberal can morph to mean about anything or the same thing as people quit thinking for themselves in the specialized pursuit of earning a living. The boundaries of real personal economic egoism expand to encompass the globe while ideology that is accurate is left behind as the mass media of communication broadcasts smokescreens of inaccurate distractions politically that make masses malleable to their exploitation.
Music is a contemporary source of fractalized mini-ideological reinforcers. Many songs can't have two sentences without repeating a third phrase three times. All of the Beatles song lyrics probably could be condensed to 4 or 5 paperback pages yet they influenced more people politically than many serious political ideologists. The 2oth century became the century of the mass man as Ortega y Gasset wrote in 'The Revolt of the Masses. Gasset anticipated world war two as should many other. Clemenceau realized that the U.S. failure to stand with France in negotiating a peace treaty with Germany would doom a second go round. Ideology has interpreted the causes for the second world war and of how to regard the German people with their history of genocide-lets take a look at some of the actual causes for the first and second world wars from a general perspective and see how they coincide with the present philosophy of global anti-nationalism in support of corporatist-communist expansionism.
Germania was invaded as far as the Rhine by Julius Caesar and legionaries, yet it was Charlemagne who established a unified France and Germany in a Holy Roman empire after the battle of Tours to stop the Mohammedans in 722. Germany through various circumlocutions thence experienced a royal or imperial rule until 1918 when the people revolted following Crown Prince Ruprecht's brilliant yet doomed by lack of manpower final offensive in France. The German people finally created a Republic-their first...the Wiemar Republic.
German history is notable for its division racially in to scores of small principalities, that is Germans were never unified as Germans in a democratic context until modern history. On the east and west and to the north and south to lesser and greater extent Germany was bounded by racially non-Germans and in their won assemblage of affiliated states Germans under oppressive political rule probably aspired for liberation and unification. With the additional issue of wealthy Jewish merchants affiliating with the upper classes the seeds of racial self-actualization were deeply set. The old regime in Germany would have a Jewish pogrom when times were bad to relieve pressure upon themselves.
Following the defeat in the First world war, a war fought by the royal government for its own reasons separate from racism and generally against democratic nations yet with more complexity involved then just that the German military leadership sent the charismatic Adolph Hitler to take over the German Socialist Worker's Party to form a populist movement perhaps though the initial reason was espionage. Hitler had a rare voice that vibrated at a yelling tonality in normal speech that mesmerized audiences. The adroit movement by the military to lead a German populism developed in the brief history of the Wiemar Republic to become the Nazi Party.
German desire for a racial unification in a democratic state for the first time in German history amidst a dangerous European political environment with Marxist revolutionaries on the east in the former Russia and the antagonist Allies (such as Britain, France and the U.S.A.) demanding large reparations and real estate concessions on the west and with deep poverty and social chaos made the 1920's Germany an easy and logical place for a modern populist dictatorship to rise.
Ideology in a populist dictatorship has an interesting derivative facticity in the modern world generally-a state receiving modern mass transportation and broadcast media is faced with a choice of unrestricted liberalism with necessary state intervention to prevent sedition and corruption of the freedom of the media or censorship of it with the correlating authoritarian formation of government. Technology changes the social environment Oretega y Gasset realized.
Following the German defeat in world war II Conrad Adenauer led the first Germany government of a really democratic nature, yet it was just a half a loaf for the Soviet Union would occupy the eastern half of Germany for nearly 45 years evidently trusting it more as a subjugated communist authoritarian state that as a potential adversarial one. Thus German still has a history of democracy and freedom for all in a unified state for less that a quarter century and that is just a beginning. Nationalism wasn't the cause of German wars in the 20th century. It may be said that political evolution was the cause of the mass wars. probably the German people signing off on fascist populism had no idea where it would lead a priori. Corrupt political leaders were happy to take control as usual and commonly and bring an impoverished and suffering people the promise of prosperity. Quick government projects and highway building provided the impetus to get the fascist economy moving although unsustainable without war. This is another of the paradoxical coincidences of the new Obama administration and Adolph Hitler besides the voice. Obama has a 3/4 trillion dollar highway and infrastructure plan perhaps also on a 1930's conceptual paradigm (it isn't 3000 m.p.h. people pods crawling along power lines through the middle).
Ideologies of a political nature are invariably disposable and can serve only temporary goals-there can be no conclusions or final solutions to the human condition. Change and antipathy, corruption and bias and all the evils of Pandora's box are forever renewed by each generation of human beings that seeks to eliminate any opposition to its rise to political power hopefully with all rivals to their way repressed or exiled. Ideologies require continuous refining and reformation in order to accurately reflect the political priorities of an age in a nation. Wrong ideologies such as anti-nationalism can drive millions to foul their own nests politically and surrender security and prosperity to foreign rule, while anti-foreigner ideologies can be exploited to drive millions in to corrupting their north slopes to plunder oil and harm the environment instead of surrendering to purchases of Saudi Arabian oil for import.
In the Obama era about to settle upon the nation like a cloud of unknowing a green revolutionary ideology may develop tat will place electric power lines in interstate highways to power electric cars, segregate SUV's and other fossil fueled vehicles from some traffic lanes in order to let lightweight electric commuter vehicles drive safely to work. U.S. electric energy independence may become an ideology that renews the desire for home power production independent of foreign owned power company electron sales in the U.S.A. The ideology to segregate fossil fuel vehicles through gradual marginalization of their place in American life may replace the ideology of segregating people for various reasons from equal protection of the laws and equal reason to have a fair standard of living. People require ideologies to live and the upgrading of obsolete ideology should be a priority in the Internet era allowing communication of right moral ideologies to all at low cost.
In the build up of the second (2003) Iraq war Americans had cheap gasoline and little concern about the 50,000 vulnerable Iraqi citizens said to be dying annually during the sanctions that started in 1990. The ignorance about the democide in Iraq was notable during the discussions about the right or wrongness of going to war. During the post war nation reconstruction the Democratic Party provided virtually no ideas about how to speed up successfully the transition to a stable Iraq-they just advocated immediate withdrawal while contradictorily fully funding the U.S. military venture.
Ideologies that provided defensible posturing were positioned more so than solutions advanced that were founded upon understanding. Ideology drove the democratic party to call the Iraq reconstruction a war itself for four years and protest as such and in the Vietnam Conflict era of 1969 to 1972 to protest a war that the Democrats had created but the Republican President Richard M.Nixon had begun the inexorable process of withdrawing from. He told Premier Thieu in December 1968 that he would immediately begin withdrawing U.S. military forces from Vietnam upon taking office. Richard M. Nixon was America's 'peace with honor' President accomplishing what the Democrats could not. Ideology drove the populist politics far more than reason, while today the United States is being undermined by global financial ties that will perhaps result in a world dictatorship following some future economic global depression.
It is a fact that ideologues in politics can be terribly destructive, yet the Savonarola's of religion or reform may not irrational exuberance in elite areas that fund socially ruinous trends even if there methods of correction are wrong. If right political courses can be compared to navigation at sea with a compass, then accuracy in each is desirable because being a little off in heading even buy three or four degrees can take a ship of state to a bad end on some shoal water, reef or lane of pirates. As the evil rise to political power and the founders are replaced by those simply seeking power it is easy to understand why mature societies do decline and fall.
The criminal politicians like Joe Stalin would have been just as successful in Al Capone's Chicago mobsterism as in Moscow of the 1920's. Intellectual reform that recognizes what the real interests of people are isn't ever in over supply. Communist pandering to the masses of ignorant, indolent mass broadcasters dominating politics through exclusive mass media power is similar to that of a corporatist society. Intellectuals may be directly exploited without the security of a just democracy with reinforced civil rights allowing people to have the opportunity to profit from their own work. Thugs make 'equalize' social economics to their advantage as might apes take away from chimps wood tools they have invented to snatch ants out of deep and inaccessible hives. Gosh-life isn't fair always and it requires right ideology to save even the planet from those that are too stupid to comprehend the concept of non-renewable resource exploitation limits yet smart enough to exploit it to profit themselves personally right now.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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