
Theories of Everything

A theory of everything is the natural criterion for cosmological theory; human understanding natural defines an undifferentiated or unified field from the one down rather than from the bottom up with partials, fragments and discrete singular particles or pluralistic units sewn together to comprise a complete theory. Human reason itself exists in a complete, finite sphere of knowledge that actualizes ideas temporally. From a temporal point of view it has an intuitive idea of the all or the One and in the modern world seeks to fill it in (knowledge) with theories of everything in units and quanta (Einstein), with dimensions and quantum entanglement-with mechanistic or self-standing operations theories of the Universe while we don't even know what a Universe is or if it has purpose implicitly.

Jesus Christ said that 'the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak', implicitly providing a description of spirit as the thinking aspect of human existence rather than the material or inert, not thinking mass of nature (we can infer the last aspect and preclude, probably in error, Leibniz's theory of monads or smallest components of quanta as one or two dimensional membrane of a spiritual nature. With spirit mankind examines all that is presented to his awareness and exploits the capability for inductive reasoning to hypothesize about the Creator in the abstract through logic, and to explore with inference and contemplation through inductive logic the nature of the Universe of experience so far as it can be confirmed tentatively through the logic of scientific method for empirical confirmation.

We cannot be sure of the results we obtain with empirical, a posteriori judgments-we may use calculus to consider the tensors of the past and of the future, yet we run in to uncertain with quantum entanglement in more than two relationships and would find perhaps complications with the special theory's relevance in the quantum world-how does it parameters work in the extra-dimensional criterion in itself and how is the conservation of momentum and energy transferred between the extra dimensions. With the newer theories of Super-string and M-Theory we are presented with up to 11 dimensions and wonder if the problem of dimensionality is parallel to the problem of wave-particle duality and relativity, or to the fundamental issue of was the singularity unique, or are their an infinite number of them perhaps in the mind of God. We find more questions the more new information is presented. A theory of everything is an effort to define and make finite the understanding of the functions and scale of the Universe, while Godel's Incompleteness theorem's provide a mathematical notion that every theory of everything would be infinitely in error because of its incompleteness-there may be far more to the apparent Universe than is apparent even if a good mathematical model of select aspects of its workings can be matched. Mathematics remarkably model's known functions of the universe, yet they generally prove to be incomplete eventually. We like the Biblical paradigm for Genesis because it's literals are logically necessarily contingent upon God who is eternal. Yet we explore the given realm of experience to understand it better.

When the modern foundations of cosmological theories unifying quantum mechanics with relativity that conform to the standard model of physics seems to be crumbling, one should remember the bumper sticker that reads... '186,000 miles per second isn't just a good idea-IT'S THE LAW!'

The trouble with writing about the beginning is determining where exactly too start? Quantum super-positioning (spooky action at a distance), entanglements and that improbable and uncertain road-map ahead, behind and existing in what seems presently to be the real world changing perpetually in order to make room for the next shapes of things to come may have been spoken in to existence as a sort of sono-luminescent order of God inducing fusion of ideas and energy. Such a sudden impact crashing all things in to being and becoming with the indeterminacy of change and quantum mechanical quirks that could produce everything is thought to be a criterion of reality. A Higgs Field of a 'dehydrated, instant' Universe in minimal singularity that was the second millisecond/millisecond to some power may be known in full-A Universe in full is always cancelling out its past and changing in its destiny towards age. Could one say that the Universe had fulfilled it's destiny while it was still in the process of change?

The favorite theory of special relativity is under serious challenge by quantum mechanical theories; everyone except Adolph Hitler and Adolph Eichmann liked Albert Einstein-he was the grandfatherly genius that replaced Issac Newton as the resident planetary cosmological cognoscenti for-himself. With all of the complexities of relativity we have had to learn since youth such as the attenuation of waves, red-shifts blue shifts, the twins paradox and the differential calculus of time differences on the east side and west sides of the Universe it is hardly fair to say that it might all have been a waster and really non-locality is the rule. How can one take time seriously if it is itself subject to uncertainty or entanglement and other effects that are supposed to stay in the quantum mechanical realm of theoretical explanations? Recent articles in science magazines have pointed out that most of what had been considered to be traditional, standard models of physics may be wrong...so where to start on synthesizing a new one for the public to consider (see the March and April 2009 Scientific American issues on Einstein and Dark Energy)?

An article with a theory on what causes the appearance of an increasing acceleration of the expansion of space was published with a conjecture about the replacement of that theory with one that has the Earth in region of space that is a comparative vast void in relation to the density of space and matter of most of the rest of the Universe. The Universe may have a material distribution that isn't symmetrical in either shape or content. Instead of the Earth being a typical insignificant clump of dust left over from stellar synthesis it may be in some sort of rare empty region of space-time in which light may pass without so much gravitational slowing as in the balance of the Universe. The red shifted measurements of the recession velocity of distant, ancient light/from stars/novas/quasars etc. may be effected by the travel time of light through the more dense regions; or it may be that the more dense regions are more slowed by local gravity and the less dense regions may move more quickly. If the Universe has such large scale uncertainties for observers one can readily imagine other uncertainties regarding the role of the apparent Universe as possibly just a small part of a protocol in a structure of unknown configuration or purpose.

The need to determine the relationship between quantum mechanical effects and special relativity regarding space-time configuration would seem to be a difficult task for explorers in theories and experiments. At the smallest scale quanta repel sometime violently or annihilate and release energy (such as anti-matter and matter have been thought to do); the beginning of the Universe may have been such a phenomena; plurality emerged from a singularity rather than a plurality. Space itself as it is today seems to be a large nothingness or monistic field yet it too yields a pluralism of virtual particles of brief existence appropriate to the low density in which they appear in space-time.

Relativity posits that time is subjective and locally experienced in space-time, quantum mechanics has faster-than-light tunnelling entanglements of particles and information of quanta at distances incommensurate with the space-time characteristics of a relativistic Universe leaving just two alternatives obvious to me if the idea is taken seriously... 1) Space-time has 'short-cuts for quantum mechanical particles through extra dimensions or an underlying field through normal space-time perhaps with echoing effects of time (especially if space dimensions have moved) 2) Other explanations for relations of quantum yet should be discovered such that treat the appearance of mass-energy as appearances upon an intelligent-in-effect underlying field. The field may be considered to be a membrane of zero dimensions I suppose, or it could be that some unification of relativity theory with quantum mechanical theory such that each are true yet at different levels of the association of matter, energy, space and time.

It might also be helpful to consider the configuration of space-time in some way in the light to a theistic policy of eternal construction by God that is temporally experienced by human consciousness. This would be a realist policy in which God had actualized every possible way of existence that was good from eternity including the appearance of the passage of time. In a theory of everything one might desire some kind of a formula that will account for all of time that is coordinated as a fractilized non-locality with the pieces yet moving about within the laws of special relativity. The quality of human experience of movement through space-time may be the primary way that time exists for human beings-for itself space dimensions and the allocation of energy and matter resources may just be a meaningless question or relation unless one takes the Spinoza option for an opinion about everything.

String and Super-string theory, Membrane Theory and other non-standard models that consider the relationship of quantum mechanical relationships creating effects in the observable Universe do not conjecture extra-Universal structures beyond the range of the observable Universe- for such imagination would have neither a theoretical or observable relation to science-and that is a convenience for amateurs required to draw upon their non-mathematical speculations with assistance form philosophy and theology.

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