
Obama & the G.M Acquisition

G.M.'s intention to offer the Obama administration a majority share-with the U.A.W. getting 39% and creditors the balance, I believe-is a substantial temptation for the United States Government to join either a socialist or a corporatist camp. Like the temptations of Christ in the desert by Satan, the President is offerred the world of fossil fuel automobiles and real transportation power if only he will take over the sputtering dinosaur. Corporatism was invented by Mussolini and in the modern economy global corporations have made it a pervasive Leviathan seeking to devour-how better to forestall innovative technological change in transportation than to dump an automaker on the people of the United States whioim should be bound to perpetuate the industry indefinately especially with the U.A.W. synergy with federal government unions.

President Obama can ante and raise the pot in the democratic battle against corporate global takeover of the government of the United States by taking G.M. and converting it in to a transportation prototype laboratory providing leadership in economic and ecologically synergetic tranportation change. The new G.M. could produce prototypes for distribution in mass numbers for three years before discontinuing production. G.M. should become a large skunk works producing electric cars, vehicles such as hovercraft that work on highways, no moving parts vehicles and so forth-automobiles represent one of the failures of capitalism in that cposts were not reduced at all but have steadily increased over the years far more even than gasoline.

Auto transportation made by a government design corporation could provide new working technol9ogies with patents released to other auto producers after three years of sale of new vehicles...the government can afford to coordinate highway design alteration with vehicles designed especially for the new highways. There should be special interstate lanes for vehicles that weight less than 600 pounds, and in-highway power lines or even super-conductors wrapped within hydrogen cooling pipelines to power electric vehicles taking electricity directly from the lines. America needs real change in vehicular platform concepts, or even for a new transport grid paradigm that no longer uses any four wheeled vehicles or roads...it is possible to imagine many such alternatives.President Obama must fence off the devil of corporate temptation and turn the plank of temptation into something morally acceptable to surf with.

Americans have little education about corporate ecological economic theory-President Obama hasn't at all taken upon himself the burden of educating the public about the political, international undertow that subverts the present and future of American, secure, prosperity and political independence. The concentration of wealth in the United States is devastatingly mired in social reality without concern for the environment or its ability to sustain human life on earth.

Modern Americans are largely incapable of significantly changing their economic structure in a timely and appropriate way in regards to returning the global ecosystem to excellent health. For most Americans are little better than occupational primates inertially focused upon capturing as much money as they can in order to have a good life in the planetary primate colony-and one with prestige and power too if possible. Environmental reality is independent of social reality, and Americans and world leaders judging from the talk emerging from the G-20 summit recently in London, are an incapable bunch of morons unable to comprehend what a non-expansive, ecologically renewable economy is-and that it is no necessary to transition into it...that failure will probably lead to global wars of population reduction when the corrupt contemporary economy with its dysfunctional co0llage of ecologically destructive components leads to cascades of economic and social breakdowns-rioters in the Wall-marts of social reality looking for fuels for their ecology destroying vehicles to drive on global warming creating roads.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently talked about 'growing the economy' as if it were a plant. She meant instead, I would think to say 'expand the economy'. For the non-renewable, disposable economic infrastructure can only keep full employment as it destroys the ecological health of the Earth; the economy expands but the planet doesn't. Global consumption increases as does the population while the ecology of the Earth decreases and is fouled with pollutions. While the Speaker may get her wish of increasing employment and natural resource consumption the planet edges closer to the brink of a plethora of economic and ecological collapses-the world politicians just don't get it-once the primate occupational procedures are firmly established they want to repeat the economic cycles endlessly and no politicians seem to have a clue about how to change to a nearly renewable, non-expansive economic policy and infrastructure that can have full employment and quality of life improvements without increasing resource consumption or 'expanding' the economy. Pelosi's idea of 'growing the economy' would be rational if it was an ecological economic concept; unfortunately it seem more retro politics intended to increase the wealth and global power of the established idiots at the top.

Corporatism represses free enterprise and the principles of capitalism as described by Adam Smith. It becomes a form of concentrating wealth and reducing the opportunities for actualization of democracy. President Obama is believed by some to be the most effective tool through which globalist corporatists can get Americans to continue it's policies and avoid substantial reform in the present post-Bush Ii political climate of corruption accomplished. Others believe that President Obama, while entirely unprepared to transition the United States to an ecological economic environment strongly based in Democracy rather than global corporate rule actual would try to accomplish what President Clinton failed to accomplish at all during his two terms as President...reform the energy and transport situation entirely away from corporate, global power supplies and vehicles and to a citizen home and office recharge of electric cars environment as a minimum step in the securing of a national democracy for the 21st century with security borders free of anarchic labor subversion from Mexico and China.

Democratic strength is in the right of individual citizens to actualize their own pursuit of happiness. Mass social organizations tend to work to conform and repress the development of individual interests more so than the reverse-yet that is a complex subject.

Many do mistakenly subscribe to an Marxist dialectical vision of capitalism-corporatism vs. socialism and assume that corporatism must succeed over socialist. In fact if corporatism must be placed in to that kind of Hegelian-Marxist dialectic it would be the synthesis emerging from the clash of capitalism vs. socialism. Many find that the merger of Chinese communism with western capitalism and corporatism following the end of the cold war is the actualization of the synthetic emergence of corporatism.

Corporatism is a corruption of the principles of democracy because it is anti-national, piratical and subversive regarding nationalism and democracy; corporatism represses political free speech by its employees indirectly (they fire you for free speech), corporatism through its concentrated stock owning power creates an endogamy of an owning class that inertially makes a semi-monopolistic political and economic structure that viciously attacks competition to it's establishment.

Corporatism for the United States is a radically destructive form of Toynbee's globalist phase of the decline of a civilization; the global phase coincides with the transformation of a formerly creative majority becoming a repressive minority and of the internal and external proletariat uniting (such as with the invasion of illegals and reorientation of the U.S. Southwest increasingly toward Mexico).

Corporatism is an example of Darwinian selection of the crude and unintelligent, unphilosophical business class of non-inventive exploiters of inventors pursuing and accumulating social and political power...the majority of mankind are not so inventive as a rare minority yet the majority want power in politics and wealth; the consequence is the establishment of a vast, unintelligent corporatist global entity without rational environmental limits failing to transition into an ecological economic policy centered upon national and democracy-for democracy cannot well defend national interests from the irresponsible power of concentrated wealth in globalist corporatism.

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