
President Obama; Cheerleader of Mohammadanism

President Obama recently has made speeches for religious tolerance in order that the nation will stop opposing the construction of mosques near buildings Muslims have taken the time to destroy. The President exhibits completely incomprehension of what religious tolerance is, and why Americans increasingly oppose Muslim immigration to the United States.

Americans are opposed to domestic violence, terrorism and seditious legal constructions such as Sharia Muslim law from increasing in this nation. On the other hand they are obviously tolerant of religions that have no element of organized violence and legal sedition as part of their belief system. One may argue that there are good Muslims and bad Muslims like there may be mostly blank bullets for a stage prop gun with just a percent of real bullets—yet it makes a difference to the actors if some of those bullets are live rounds.

One can argue that just some automobiles experience computer chip break failure or that just some bottles of headache pills have poison in them yet citizens care and suspend or recall the product until it is fixed.

The President may be a completely disingenuous idiot to not comprehend that the Muslim ‘religion’ has a large element of violence in it unique amidst major world religions. The United States may survive the President's unamerican ideas on religious tolerance. Being socialized outside the United States as a youth living in Muslim nations President Obama developed a warped, misguided idea of the nature of 'Islam' living as he was within the Dar al Islam.

Americans have no need to tolerate threats of mass destruction and sundry terrorist incidents along with ingression of a seditious legal system under the umbrella of ‘religious tolerance’. The President may fail to comprehend that the nation is tolerant of a myriad of esoteric and even fruit-cakish religions with equanimity and would have little to say about the Muslim religion if it shared the common characteristic of being non-violent and not legally seditious as with all these others. He should not be a kind of snake oil salesman of an evil empire of violence or a duplicitous follower of the false prophet levering support for the increase of terrorism in the United States under the label of ‘religious tolerance’.

Consider Americans religions like Soka Gakkai, Pure Land Buddhism, Eckankar, Christian Science, Modern Mormonism and even Wicca—Americans are tolerant of these sometimes extra terrestrial believing faiths because they give no concern about a percent of their practitioners as being terrorist mass murderers even with systematic jihadist theology. The President stupidly as a log believes Americans are opposed to religious ideas rather than to secular terrorist actions that a significant number of Muslims have are perennially evangelized by to become followers of the jihadist path.

Would Mayor Bloomberg or the People New York be tolerant of a Fascist Religion and the Construction of Nazi Temples of elegant scale? Would they be tolerant of a Sacred Church of the Klan constructed in Selma Alabama? Would Atlanta welcome a Shrine to Valhalla and the pagan Pantheon of Neo-Gods including Adolph Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Vice Air Marshall Kesselring?

Not everything that calls itself a religion is tolerated in the United States. It is the association of a religion with violence even at the periphery when it is common and recurrent that provides justification to sorting out and restricting the actions of organizations with simultaneously religious functions and doctrines occasionally interpreted as justifications for unholy wars through terror, subversion and other enemy directed activities against the people of the United States.

Today post Hiroshima and post 9-11 the Presidents call for religious tolerance of Mohammadanism in America sounds loudly untrue. If globally Mohammadanists forsake the way of violence for a few decades of their existence and have a change of heart worthy of creating a credible social belief that violence, terror and Sharia sedition are not really latent traits that often emerge in generations like transformative wolf man genes mutating human life consuming social progeny every so often then Mohamadanism could be tolerated in the United States could be tolerated just another religion.

The Romans and Greeks tended toward religious tolerance bringing new false gods into their pantheons from abroad. As they became decadent they also brought in and trained more soldiers for their armies from foreign locales. Attila spent some of his youth in the company of the son of a Roman elite politician-soldier. Roman tolerance of sundry creeds and peoples was ultimately the cause of their downfall, for they put to death God incarnate-Jesus Christ, whom they could not recognize amidst all their statuary. The living spirit of God dwells not in temples, mosques or jihadist and poppy growing terror cells in Pakistan these days, but in the hearts and minds of the faithful.

The violence in Mohammadanism is the reason for the desirability of excluding Muslims from immigrating to the United States. Mohamadanism is a security threat even if only one percent of Muslims are terrorists, supporters of terrorism or thinking about sedition support for Sharia. The United States simply doesn’t need them or the problems they create. It is true that Muslim abstemiousness from alcohol and sexual perversity are excellent things when actualized, yet like pagan idols they won’t b sufficient for salvation. Like violent pagan religions such as those of The Church of Thor and the First Church of Mars, Blood Death and Thrill Killing, Mohammadanism should not be tolerated unless it enters a universal condition of remission and usual non-violence almost all the time.

President Obama has combined the worst Clinton era economic bad infrastructure to the Bush II deficit spending policy to produce a hybrid economic malaise. His own new contribution seems to be advocacy for increase of the uniquely violent major world religion as a community organizer in the United States.


Donald Trump Makes Offer on Problem Mosque Property Near Ground Zero

Donald Trump has made an offer on the 4.85 million dollar property the potential 12 story mosque would be built on near ground zero. This article quotes the developer as saying he has been offered three times that already. Trump offered 25% more money (an extra million more or less).

That mosque problem sure drives up real estate values near ground zero.


Florida Dove Church Pastor Jones has cancelled plans to burn Qurans and has a meeting scheduled with an Imam Rauf of the Muslim Center. Terry Jones believes after talking with a local Imam that the plans to build the center have been cancelled.


President Obama Sends Best Wishes to Muslims/Condemns Florida Pastor

Voice of America reports that President Obama sends greeting to the Muslim world to celebrate the end of Ramadan (hasn't anything to do with the Hindu Rama except perhaps etymology).


Meanwhile, he sharply condemned the Florida Dove Churches plans to burn Korans.


The dar al America is under attack from the dar al Islam. In the early 20th century the U.S. Government halted immigration of Eastern Europeans largely because of the concern about anarchists and communists. Immigration of Muslims should be stopped for the same reason.

The more Muslims are admitted to the United States the more it will become a dar al harb. Democrats of a spoilt nature may be unaware of world history and have a que sera sera foreign and domestic Mary Poppins policy. They attack Christians because Christians don't support sin, yet they are making a fundamental error when they fail to recognize the political nature of the Mohammadan politico-religious system that is the moral equivalent of Marxism for the 21st century.

The immigration act of 1924 was designed to slow immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe. With terrorist jihadist being a significant percentage of Muslim populations and practices the allowance for immigration of Muslims to the U.S.A.should be stopped for a few decades until the social interaction of trust naturally develops and muslims are able to develop their own ecologically economic based economies and not require immigrating to take over America with Shri'a law treason.


Spaniards and other freedom fighters needed nearly a thousand years of bloody war to role up the Dar al Islam and send it back to Africa. Some spoilt Americans give up their western civilization with a smile. They haven't had close personal combat with swords to defend their liberty and beliefs. Some people need that to believe that others may not regard their own liberties as meaningful. Wisdom would let us learn from the experience of others and take a better course toward political stability and conservation of human rights beginning with our own.

U.S. immigration policy was never intended to subvert the security interests of the people of the United States. Permitting Muslim immigrants to the United States does so undermine the security of the nation. It should be stopped.

Early in the 20th century there was a large number of immigrants from Eastern Europe. U.S. policy in recognition of the potential for anarchism and communism from groups from that area in that time halted the flow. Today the flow of Muslims should be halted, for they are of a religion uniquely established to generate a significant number of terrorists as a percent of their population. The terrorists seek to establish a sedition-a dar al Islam or realm of Islam, in whatever nation they occupy.

An immigration policy predominantly set today to accord with the que sera sera outlook of the Democratic Party and Republican globalists is perhaps terminally misguided in believing that the charisma of a secular, amoral material prosperity from the United States will fundamentally transform the Muslims of the world brought into the American secular anti-umma of immorality into becoming tolerant of homosexuality, abortion, federal deficits, pervasive perversity and non-clerical rule, and they are wrong.

Admitting more Muslims to the United States will bring in more terrorists and increase the disestablishment of the comparative peace and advance in human right that has grown in the United States as a Christian nation the past 240 years often at great cost. The que sera sera Democratic political outlook of blind faith in existential material production sources in non-local global economic structures will lead the many of the women of the United States back in to a discipline they lack and perhaps secretly desire under Shri’a.

There is no reason for the people of the United States to be tolerant of a violent religion that is politically sedition. Shri’a is sedulous in America and the que sera sera portion of the populace that phenomenally photograph themselves skydiving without a parachute simply do not understand the consequences of bad political judgment. There are no other major world religions with a comparable element of political motivated violent conquest.

The basic elements of the dar al America are not consistent with a dar al Islam. Democrats and other symps of sedition reinforce Mohammedan force build up for a dar al Harb, or harbor of war of conquest in the humma (the United States with a good economy and ecological recovery policy without foreign terrorism). The New York port authority was drawn into the dar al Harb by the 9-11 terrorists and forces to construct a vast axis of evil mosque near ground zero. The Humma is threatened and waning. To restore the dar al America ti a condition of full employment and no public debt, innovative thinking and the stop of illegal aliens and Muhammadans to the dar al America must need occur.

-NOTE In Arabic 'dar' means 'place'. It also is used to mean 'house' in the Hanafi muslim school of legal jurisprudence (see then wikipedia article link).


The morpheme 'al' in Arabic is a language particle fixed to a noun making it a definate article. Al Qa'eda thus means 'the base'. Dar al Harb (or Dar al Garb) means the non-muslim areas.

The House or Place of America is a term I created to serve in distinction to the Muslim criterion.

Package Large-Scale Science Projects Within Instant Economic Infrastructure

The Higgs Boson had only a slim chance of being discovered at Cern. It would be a very heavy particle of a class only hypothesized to exist. There is yet much other good science going on.

The Higgs field is thought to have existed in the first second of the Universe within a Big Bang model, and there are newer theories than that one. If it was found it might give credence to being a more fundamental particle that the other particles were formed from. It wasn't a hyperbole -god particle, just another physics advance in knowledge.

The trouble with large electromagnetic superconductor particle accelerator is the cost of the magnets and the scaling up required to make better tests. They have rather reached a size-cost limit and better engineering ideas synergizing with politics is required for further progress.

The original magnetic particle accelerators like the cyclotron were very small. I believe that building super-conducting accelerator structures on the moon as part of a national scientific research base would be a better idea. The same electromagnets would be used as a mass driver to send cargo on its way off into space and for around the moon local transport as well as particle accelerating. The accelerator speeds would be variegated within differing protocols of the low temperature super conducting plastics.

Fundamental large scale science projects using new technology should be constructed as integral elements of applied science, engineering and economics projects in order to get more bang for the buck.

End Muslim Immigration to the dar al America

U.S. immigration policy was never intended to subvert the security interests of the people of the United States. Permitting Muslim immigrants to the United States does so undermine the security of the nation. It should be stopped.

Early in the 20th century there was a large number of immigrants from Eastern Europe. U.S. policy in recognition of the potential for anarchism and communism from groups from that area in that time halted the flow. Today the flow of Muslims should be halted, for they are of a religion uniquely established to generate a significant number of terrorists as a percent of their population. The terrorists seek to establish a sedition-a dar al Islam or realm of Islam, in whatever nation they occupy.

An immigration policy predominantly set today to accord with the que sera sera outlook of the Democratic Party and Republican globalists is perhaps terminally misguided in believing that the charisma of a secular, amoral material prosperity from the United States will fundamentally transform the Muslims of the world brought into the American secular anti-umma of immorality into becoming tolerant of homosexuality, abortion, federal deficits, pervasive perversity and non-clerical rule, and they are wrong.

Admitting more Muslims to the United States will bring in more terrorists and increase the disestablishment of the comparative peace and advance in human right that has grown in the United States as a Christian nation the past 240 years often at great cost. The que sera sera Democratic political outlook of blind faith in existential material production sources in non-local global economic structures will lead the many of the women of the United States back in to a discipline they lack and perhaps secretly desire under Shri’a.

There is no reason for the people of the United States to be tolerant of a violent religion that is politically sedition. Shri’a is sedulous in America and the que sera sera portion of the populace that phenomenally photograph themselves skydiving without a parachute simply do not understand the consequences of bad political judgment. There are no other major world religions with a comparable element of political motivated violent conquest.

The basic elements of the dar al America are not consistent with a dar al Islam. Democrats and other symps of sedition reinforce Mohammedan force build up for a dar al Harb, or harbor of war of conquest in the humma (the United States with a good economy and ecological recovery policy without foreign terrorism). The New York port authority was drawn into the dar al Harb by the 9-11 terrorists and forces to construct a vast axis of evil mosque near ground zero. The Humma is threatened and waning. To restore the dar al America ti a condition of full employment and no public debt, innovative thinking and the stop of illegal aliens and Muhammadans to the dar al America must need occur.


'Afghanistan-The Graveyard of Empires' by Isby

Midway through this interesting book on Afghanistan I have found that it is written perhaps more from the perspective of a contemporary affairs political writer than that of an historian. With about 400 pages of informative prose it takes about as much time to get through as an ordinary popular book on cosmology yet its worth the effort. Most Americans haven't got anything like this level of detail on the structure of jihadist politics in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Isby's book oddly has the same title as this article in foreign affairs in Nov/Dec. 2001 by the former C.I.A. station Chief in Pqakistan from 1986-1989.


http://www.amazon.com/Afghanistan-Graveyard-Empires-History-Borderland/dp/160598082X Isby's book at Amazon.com

One discovers a working level of history as it pertains to the recent conflicts and perennial chaos organized for the profit of a military industrial complex of terrorists and criminals as well as in support of Pakistan's regional interests for defense and influence. We find that the Taliban really did execute a 16 year old for participating in a government work-for-food program, and become skeptical that the federal effort to control everything could be wrapped up in a decade or two.

The Afghanistan political troubles of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries were thought of as 'The Great Game' because of the challenging competition by foreign governments to control the area or influence it for its tactical value regarding location. Unfortunately today's blimp college graduates in D.C. given real work in government agencies will tend to feel the same way and waste taxpayer money instead of wrapping up the financial drain that damages the well-being of us homeless Americans.

I have yet to complete reading this book though,and may find answers to my own skepticism regarding the intelligence or lack of it in Washington D.C. It is important not to harm U.S. interests when defending them. Waging a war along an experimental counter-insurgency and formation of a stable nation basis perhaps with global corporatist reasoning is bound to be bad for the bottom line for most Americans.

It is disappointing that style in military conflict should ever become an issue for ordinary civilians generally unhappy with war at all. The failure of D.C. politicians to pursue a nationalist policy instead of a globalist policy means that political warping like gravitational lensing of light of distant galaxies reaching Earth needs some correction like the Hubble Space Telescope mirrors-that economic and foreign policy has yet to have the correction required for the continuity of the well being of the U.S.A.

Burning the Koran as a Defense of the First Amendment

The public couldn't rely on the U.S. Government to defend the World Trade Towers on 9-11-2001, yet the government can intimidate college town ministers and run up more billions of public debt than the billions of years of the age of the Universe while victimizing the poor.

The Koran has been burned before. Last time it hadn’t so much publicity. Warning--This video may have been made before the federal government made its hate crimes law to neuter free speech politically.


It is possible to fictionalize and hyperbolize (only a little) the maladroit globalist government effort to show some hate to the little church of Terry Jones in Florida. The state department has called the action ‘unamerican’ and General Petraeus has got a hyper weggie over it while the Vatican too has joined into support of the jihadists enraged over a burning of a few Korans.

All Americans live under the lens these days, and so one must be hip to be a real American. Hip values are defined in Devilwood and D.C.-Boston also known as the axis of androids. The church of Terry Jones is thus horribly square and worth some camera time.

Before I go too far, I should explain that I have myself left a Bible in bad repair a time or two in a church so I wouldn’t have to dispose of it myself when it was really worn out or damaged. What do they do with ruined Bibles? I would think they burn them rather than toss them in the landfill—well, its their problem anyway.

Working at a once posh Hotel I found a Gideon’s Bible in the gutter one morning sweeping the sidewalk . Guests may steal the books or take them on drinking binges—who can say. When Bibles become damaged and so many pages are ex libre’d out of context what can one do? How does one ‘retire’ excerpts of the Bible anyway?

I perhaps have felt something like Muslims may when the Quran is disposed of in a field expedient way when people deface the Bible or other quality books with magic marker hylighters, or writing comments in the margins. I wouldn't find a gimp to strap on suicide underwear and blow up an aircraft over Detroit about it though--the Mohammadan mind orientation is a little different from those of god-fearing Americans.

If the government calls that un-American—well, the government could be a bunch of rich, corrupt cowards these days perhaps full of nuclear supremacy.

Surrounded by a supportive group of interdenominational Taliban clergy from Baluchistan Attorney General Eric Holer said he would investigate hate crimes against Muslims planned in Florida to commemorate 9-11. Amidst a backdrop of burning American flags and effigies of Uncle Sam set ablaze, Mr. Holer expressed dismay at the planned book burning by a conservative Christian hierarchical priest. The pastor of the What's it 2 Ya First Church Of Gainesville has amassed more than 200 copies of the controversial red book 'The Quotations of Chairman Mao'.

Maulavi Abd-al-Hadi bin-abd-al-Hakim, a Taliban military district leader said (quoted in translation- from Isby's Afghanistan page 166) "We carry out martyrdom-seeking operations when needed. This happens when we cannot use other military tactics, therefore, we have used the tactics of martyrdom-seeking operations against the crusading forces only once". The burning of the Satanic Verses is in commemoration of the 9-11 attacks.

Would Americans defend the first amendment, or the third, in this era of global corporatist quietism submerging into depravity, hucksterism and rave?

In the absence of politically eloquent and persuasive defenses of U.S. civil liberties, with a bought and paid for, pure materialist leadership we must rely on the A.C.L.U .for defense of the right to burn offensive books.

A General Petreaus consultant from Afghanistan and Iraq accustomed to a social environment in which warlords may have extreme power over mere civilians, offered his opinion on free speech in Florida owning up that burning books will cause combat casualties. We interpret what he said regarding burning Korans in light of the first amendment in the United States as meaning free speech could be usefully oppressed for a decade or until the war of the east is wrapped up in 2134 when the local populace of Afghanistan will not be offended by free speech in the United States. He could also have said that martial law might be a good idea. Maybe General Petraeus would like to become a Persian Satrap eventually too.

We like our Generals more like Ike or Pattonand leadership like Churchill's rather than that of Chamberlain or the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Generals engaged in protracted, expensive experimental insurgent control for nation rebuilding ventures seeking to affect U.S. political and civil rights activities should offer their concerns through the local U.S. Ambassador who could then convey the concerns of the troubled military commander to the people of the United States.

U.S. Generals are used to having their own media entourage these days, yet they should decline using the bully’s pulpit of the broadcast media to directly attack individual American citizens burning books. The General could better buy books with their vast salaries and provide copies of my book "St. Novilistricka; Dimensions" available directly at


I haven't got any sort of method for converting the world to the study of philosophy or cosmology at the point of a sword or M-60 in it, but a creative and misguided reader could try.

Generals in anticipation of lucrative post-service employment by arms producers and Muslim oil producing nations, may offer complete support for hushing up Church pastors in the United States instead of broadcast network mafias that rebroadcast farts to heard round the world.

President Berluscone of Italy kissed an extended body part of former Libyan terrorist planner Moamar Khaddafi, and the Scottish Government released the Lockerbie bomber to spite the people of the U.S.A. mooning them for electing a Muslim president, the contribution of the U.S. Government to the trend s to investigate opponents of building a large mosque near ground zero and to publicly abuse a college town church pastor for burning 200 copies of the book carried by the 9-11 mass murderers.

The Department of Injustice, Hate and Thought Crimes article-later said that the Democratic Party is the anti-god party seeking to pervert all moral values in the United States and make the nation fit for an anti-Christ. The article-later noted that if Koran burning animated gif greetings on the Internet and wireless apps were common, that would also be transgressing boundaries and something to ban free speech about. The party opinion provided on the drowning out of free speech was-'The range of the umma-lands peacefully living under the dictatorship of Muslim clerics-can be expanded with the suppression of sparks of dissent. Burning the Koran is an egregious dissent with satanic verses.'

Mohammedanism is not a house church formed in the United States as an implicit part of the historical culture of the founders. It is a militant, expansive, conflict driven political method designed to conquer and unify the turbulent and war prone Middle East of the 7th century. It has had success expanding in non-white regions with colonialist or primitive histories as well as those nations frequently experiencing war and foreign occupation. It is a Marxist manifesto for the 20th century.

Mohammedanism permits a basic pax Mohammad to prevail across tribal and national boundaries offering some hypothetical transcendence of local political conflict. Historically Mohammedanism uses violence to expand into politically independent areas. In Afghanistan and Pakistan the Taliban and other terrorist organization use violence to delete political dissidents, and of course New York City on 9-11 experienced the wrath of Mohammad. Mohammad's sermon on the mount was from the back of a warhorse.


Resurrection and the Conservation of Quantum Information

 Conservation of quantum information postulates that information cannot be lost- it is comparable to the law of the conservation of energy t...