
About Temporal Cross Currents

Temporal Cross Currents was a book project that I worked on now and then for a number of years. My lifestyle didn't practically support writing all at once, so I used that to advantage in writing a number of on going philosophical essays over time as new insight prevailed from reading and experience. So in the end I did get a science fiction novel that is quite philosophical.

A philosophical novel may take many forms. One thinks immediately of Dostoyevsky's Brothers Karamazov given the philosophical novel description because of its somewhat existentialist way of viewing Russia. Dostoyevky may  have been the world's best writer of prose fiction, I can't say. I enjoyed reading his books a lot, and I know that so far I am not the best writer of prose. At least I have developed a reasonable story line to float along the philosophical essays and cosmology.

Jean Paul Sartre wrote several good fiction novels such as 'Troubled Sleep' and 'The Age of Reason' as well as plays and short stories. He actually won a Nobel prize for writing and of course famously turned it down for the ill-effect that it might have on his work. I didn't have Sartre in mind when I was writing my composite, built up fiction story. It was really the short story dialogues of Bishop Berkley explaining the classical context of ideaism that I had in mind.

Berkley has a dialogue between to philosophically minded characters discussing the philosophical nature of perception with one explaining to the other that everything perceived by the mind could be sense impressions created by God on a mind-spirit.that is the individual. Because perception is interpreted by the mind rather than directly it is plausable. In fact everything perceived that for-itself is no more than physical force or percepts something else such as Leibnitz's monads or one-dimensional atoms is given an appearance in the mind. Because humans tend to experience those physical fact-stimulations in the same way the idea that a 'real' external world with objects existing for-themselves is created. Actually of course the reality of objects is in their pragmatic utility value traditionally. One knows the spacetime coordinates in the field where one can warm up if the temperature outside is 20 below zero.

My novel has a basic theme of something called the E-factor. A philosopher-entrepreneur of Mars named Patrick Voevoda looks into the nature of the E-factor that could be the hidden cause of evil. Mars colony as well as Y'Earth have entered a time of troubles because of the E-factor and learning more about that-is it a transcendent problem independent of individuals that seem to have it in politics and business-might be to the advantage in driving on toward bring peace to Mars and goodwill toward men and women..

Patrick Voevoda is a Christian philosopher so his deliberations have a focus surpassing the relativistic spacetime locales he finds himself in. The book is written in a light-hearted way inevitably since my main interest is in philosophy and the science of salvation and I am not the authority upon either subject-merely and interested individual writing something about those topics that occur in a secular world.

Killer Cars Scythe 16,000 Teens Aged 16-19 in Four Years-Ban Cars From Streets?

Fatalities from car accidents rose 13.5% inn the first quarter of 2012 and few to none are calling out to ban a major killer of Americans from the streets. Cars not only kill every day, they help kill tomorrow and next century with a profusion of global warming gasses. When will cars be restricted to just responsible philosophers and taken out of the hands of law breaking drivers going over the center line, keeping their tires under-inflated and driving with worn-down breaks?
Automobile deaths are a factor of social irresponsibility and federal highway financial contributions. In 2011 about 32 thousand were killed. In 1900 just  36 people were killed in the metal coffins. Plainly if the nation had gone with Robert Goddard's effort to construct an electro-magnetic subway from New York to Boston appx. 1905 the national prospectus might have turned out different.
The slaughter that took enough lives to be regarded as equal for undertakers to another interminable U.S. war might have been avoided. A profusion of e-mag tubes across the U.S.A. along with pedal powered soap box derby style cars might have helped cut down on fat and heart attack fatalities besides.
While 2011 had fewer traffic deaths in decades that was probably a consequence of the inability of Americans to afford gasoline and quality booze so they stayed at home. That changed in the first quarter of this year when the economy looked a little better. Two states even legalized marijuana smokin. Highway fatalities also dropped a lot during the second world war when gas was rationed and people had to work and go to war.
It takes years to build up good weapons proficiency with semi-automatic weapons of war and for reservists to keep it. Americans till age 60 may need to serve in some future national conflict and ought to be ready to go out and defend the nation when or if the large weapons systems for some reason just won't work. Auto driving can be learned by a monkey in 6 weeks and it is no loss to transition to green transport systems and stop the slaughter of Americans. Robots may be the only drivers allowed on U.S. streets in the future, yek that's dangerous in itself as Stephen King or some other writer has probably described already.


N.R.A. Leader Calls for Police to Defend Schools

Wayne LaPierre, Vice-President of the National Rifle Association called today for a policeman in every school to defend the national treasure. Logically people ought to prioritize defense of school kids at least as well as their car, home or apartment with alarms, remote monitors and so forth.
 Aristotle noted that the commons tend to be least well maintained and perhaps that applies to defense as well. While many homeowners have a gun to defend themselves and family few weapons exist in schools.
There are some obvious synergy points that arrive with a policeman in school such as being available to arrest gang members or others perping criminal activity on school grounds. F.B.I. crime analysts have found statistically that gang members are responsible for 70% of the crimes in some counties including school districts.
If face recognition system closed circuit surveillance systems of schools and grounds are monitored by police specialists off school to look for security violations they could be the eyes for the policeman at school able to communicate to him or her what and where activity requiring intervention is happening. Perhaps the U.S. Army has veterans from its drone program looking for work that would be suitable with some extra training.


Directed Evolution and Y'Earth Prospects

Evolution is not about an elevation of superior beings elected for intelligence.  Evolution is about the pervasive expansion of life to all available niches. Life becomes more complex as it confers an evolutionary advantage in a full environment of competition upon more complex life. An era favorable to political runts with idiotic leaders may seem the most successful and highest valued in the secular.  Periodically population crashes and mass extinctions confer an advantage upon more basic life forms immune from the over-complicated structures of more complex bioformations.

Humanity has failed to adapt its intelligence to natural species survival and failed to use its intelligence to reinforce a viable and sustainable ecology interpretation capable of sustaining the advantage of a human bioformation.

The human bio-formation is well suited for predation upon all other bioformations, unfortunately that bio-predation ungoverned by intelligence and species discipline drives the human bioform to the elimination of its own bio-support returning the advantage to simpler species such as blue-green algae after human species self-destruct their environment.
Human supremacy wasnt itself an inevitable evolutionary selection on the planet Earth. It might have remained a simpler hominin form of one of dozens that exited before Homo sapiens sapiens dominated.

 Directed evolution by God made theistic priorities full, and brought human intelligence to a higher stage of development reasoning. Any number of alternate species might have developed to dominate the world as had dinosaurs more than 60 billion years before present yet the directed evolutionary advantages necessary to work humanity into right form useful for the purposes of God were evolved into Y'Earth history.

Humanity was alive yet destroying its prospects through reckless disregard of environment. Two rules for life exist as political requisites. One is to respect the environment, and the other is to respect the individual rights of others. With the love of God as the primary imperative human life should work well together and overcome the species driven rage of all political structures (besides democracy) to enslave and exploit others as well as to exploit the ecology of any world as an easy-to-replace disposable gift.

President Obama to Biden; 'Stop Irresponsible, Law-Breakers (i.e. Elementary Teachers) Buying Weapons of War

The President ordered V.P. Biden to find concrete ways to stop 'irresponsible, law breakers' from buying 'weapons of war'. Was Adam Lanza's school teaching, gun-owning mother one of 'the irresponsible law-breaking few' buying a weapon of war? Does President Obama's desire to pass gun control legislation have anything at all to do with Adam Lanza's use of his parent's weapon in the Newtown massacre or is it ill-timed political opportunism?
One hopes that some of the children had received salvation from Jesus Christ yet in modern American public schools the gospel is often not looked upon with favor.
 The President also wants more Americans to see more shrinks. That's a good stimulus for overtime hours for psychological bureaucrats and little else. The President seems to think that some organic defect in a few certain mal-formed or badly socialized criminals can be controlled by shrinks and after banning 'weapons of war' from society letting the disarmed school teachers peacefully nuture their children. He doesn't seem to recognize that tens of millions of Americans use mind-altering drugs and one in a million may flip out from their normal existence at the post office and become the Shinging Terminator Against the Alien Supervision and her support staff or a Marine corp reservist climbing a tower to use a bolt action rifle picking off the abstract objects for-themselves below down on the ground. A Marine sniper at U.T. one day in the 1966 named Charles Whitman was hop-headed and fried one day killing his girlfriend first before climbing the campus tower and shooting 45 others with 13 fatalities. He might have thought that he might as well go out with a bang after killing his girlfriend instead of being electrocuted in the Texas State Prison. Did Adam Lanza use mind-altering drugs after graduating from high school and kill a lizard-looking extra-terrestrial mother talking a foreign tongue before going out to pick off her progeny at the incubator?
 With political pressure on the President and State Department for the Benghazi slaughter of the U.S. Ambassador the choice to provide weapons of war for Moslems in the Arab spring while disarming Americans seems politically comprehensible. Diversionary tactics has been used before in politics.
 The Clinton administration chose to pursue gun control legislation early in its first term successfully and lost control of both houses of Congress in the next election. President Obama may repeat that history all over again. Excess gun control is a very old political issue useful for time consuming by a Congress and administration without any solid ideas about how to change the economy into synergy with an ecospheric recovery prioritized full-employment, no public debt national utopia for the poor with freedom and justice for the poor.
 The President won just the slimmest margin of victory nationally with 51% of the vote against 49% against. Those people may turn out to vote in a couple of years to turn the Senate back over to Republicans given proper charismatic new leadership. The President and the Biden commission should be careful of what legislation they pursue if they want to get anything done the next two years as unlikely and that is since the Republicans control the House of Representatives today while in 1993 Democrats controlled the House and the Senate.


Broken Home, Fiscal Cliff, Mayan Calender and Youth Off the Deep End With School Marm's Semi-Auto Rifle

The Sandy Hook Elementary massacre by young Adam Lanza seems to be emerging as a tragedy not too inexplicable. Neither of the 20 somethings in recent public killing at the Portland Clackamas Mall and Newtown owned the weapons they used. They were stolen or belong to parents and used without permission. Adam Lanza seems to have had a troubled time since his parent's divorce when he was 17.

His mother, Nancy Lanza, may have been accumulating weapons for the collapse of civilization ahead. One wonders why a woman earning $60,000 a year needs to spend a thousand or more on a Bushmaster Ar-15, it seems a little spoiled when there are so many people in then world that don't even earn that much annually, yet her single parenting after her million dollar a year G..E. exec husband split might have left her feeling the need to wear the pants in the reduced family while poor Adam might have had Asperger's syndrome or otherwise have been somewhat introverted.

Fox reports that Adam Lanza may have been in 'fear of being committed may have caused Connecticut gunman to snap'.  http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/12/18/fear-being-committed-may-have-caused-connecticut-madman-to-snap/

Some politicians and psyche-trists have caller a better procedure to let the state incarcerate citizens that haven't committed a crime, and of course allow the state or others to 'conserve' the wealth of those deemed a potential danger to themselves or others. Would young Adam have fit such a description and been removed safely to a mental institution until his brain-mind reprogramming was laundered to a condition acceptable to his keepers/ Probably not allow time will reveal that.

There is a tremendous social danger of allowing the state to develop capacity to involuntarily commit citizens to mental institutions. One gets a Soviet of Chinese Communist Party kind of state duplicity sometimes. It may be as difficult to restore civil rights and security from state terrorism as it is to get the right to own guns returned in such societies when lost  If such procedures were made lawful it is difficult to imagine that any serial killers would ever be committed and corrected a priori-they mostly seem like normal average people and that's why it's so hard to capture them. Would Ted Bundy or the Green River Killer have been taken off the street before their first killing by brilliant shrinks giving mandatory psychiatric surveys to all Americans organized in some sort of community Gestapo informant network?

If a career woman earning a good living doesn't take responsibility and lock up her guns from youth she is perhaps not using good judgment. The feminine response to ban weapons that have kept Americans free from at least a certain level of state terrorism and corrupt absolute power over the citizens for centuries while most of the rest of the world has gone through wars and absolute power problems isn't something to follow irrationally. The state needs to be kept in check by citizens of a democracy rather than given blind trust as if it were a benevolent Big Brother. Feminist careerists should not just fall back upon giving up individual rights to the state when they encounter difficulties and fear. Instead they should better school area face recognition system security and take sober personnel security measures with their own weapons.

Why a 20 year old from a broken home in a very prosperous environment with material values in a society turning toward homosexuality and atheism might turn toward an irrational act of violence may never be known. Killing children is not an honorable act. Neither however can one imagine a marine Captain proposing homosexual Marriage in the White House and publicizing it during the Reagan or Eisenhower administrations. Moral leadership or lack of it is changing in the very prosperous and perhaps decadent U.S. Northeastern states including Connecticut.

Did Adam Lanza actually need a semi-automatic rifle to shoot children in a classroom? Obviously since he had gun lessons for some time he could have used plain old semi-automatic 9 mm pistols and changed magazines in a couple seconds and produced as many casualties since the kids weren't adults that might have resisted charging forward behind upraised desks. The Government ought not exploit the Sandy Point massacre to advance the agenda of disarming the citizenry and empowering shrinks and bureaucrats with good paying jobs that often produce nothing material for the market.

A Comment on Y'Earth's Social Evolution of Natural History

Because the environment of nature was visited by modern mankind within relatively comfortable mechanized and electro-magnetic transportation supported by a tool kit of artificial, globally produced products the continuing conversion of the ecosphere into a dysfunctional for human and wildlife entropic form was acceptable by degrees and consequently disregarded as consumers products were created in the process named economy.

Social reality prioritizing comfort blinded consumers to union-corporatist costs to humanity in degrading the natural environment. They did not develop methods to utilize the natural environment in a way that would not be degrading and were without concerns for original sin and the lack of humility and neighborliness. Cost factors of competition manufacturing lowest cost consumer products eliminated eco-habitat and exterminated species as an externality to insider profit margins.
Mankind seeks control over each other both for defensive and sadistic purposes. In the world the development of control and technology occur simultaneously. While technology and comfort advance freedom may or may not exist. Some intelligent and creative individuals innovate new technology and appreciate the miracle of the existence of the natural environment, of blue skies and cumulus clouds within the abyssal void of spacetime. Fabulous hydrogen and oxygen water and biosphere upon crustal plates moving on slow convection thermal currents from the heat within the molten, radioactive inner Earth over billions of years let greedy impulse organisms with skewed value theories exist- some with reverence for God and some without.
If the majority of humanity has an understanding of the natural history of the Earth they lack an aesthetic, teleological appreciation for the divine mechanics of it instead concentrating upon controlling one another oppressively and manufacturing control over the whole Y'Earth. The wicked on Y'Earth and beyond seek to rule reality itself with enslaved scientists and technology. The untamed free wilderness is inherently discomforting to humanity, as it is a reminder of freedom from social power and corruption.
An inability to appreciate the terminator line of control and non-control between humanity and the natural environment moves humanity to destroy those aspects of the natural world on which it's own well-being rests. In failing to comprehend the basic dependence of human life upon the natural environment and in assuming an ability for humanity to be existentially self-standing with a bootstrap creation of the grounds of their own existence with classical hubris the political ability to conserve the ecosphere is defeated by the political imperative to control, and destroy the natural environment.
The destruction may be given a use-truth false label such as 'creative destruction', or even reclamation or construction yet control of the natural environment and transformation of it into barrenness with extirpated natural ecosphere is inevitable if the determination to pursue less than full employment, empowerment of the state over the mind and economic liberty of citizens, far too low of taxes on the middle class and rich and ransacking of the environment continues.

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...