
N.R.A. Leader Calls for Police to Defend Schools

Wayne LaPierre, Vice-President of the National Rifle Association called today for a policeman in every school to defend the national treasure. Logically people ought to prioritize defense of school kids at least as well as their car, home or apartment with alarms, remote monitors and so forth.
 Aristotle noted that the commons tend to be least well maintained and perhaps that applies to defense as well. While many homeowners have a gun to defend themselves and family few weapons exist in schools.
There are some obvious synergy points that arrive with a policeman in school such as being available to arrest gang members or others perping criminal activity on school grounds. F.B.I. crime analysts have found statistically that gang members are responsible for 70% of the crimes in some counties including school districts.
If face recognition system closed circuit surveillance systems of schools and grounds are monitored by police specialists off school to look for security violations they could be the eyes for the policeman at school able to communicate to him or her what and where activity requiring intervention is happening. Perhaps the U.S. Army has veterans from its drone program looking for work that would be suitable with some extra training.

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