
Michigan Set to Become a 'Right to Work' State

It should be unneccesary to say in the U.S.A. that an individual has a right to work without being a member of any organization. Yet Michigan will pass such a law evidently because some Unions have excluded American citizens from work based upon not paying dues to some organization. Organizational power has run amok in the U.S.A.-more so the large corporations than unions, but every little bit taken to defend the individual from the power of collectives is good.

Labor unions often take political stands and advocate the election of particular candidates or support particular platforms. It is wrong to compel any citizen to belong to a political activism organization with political goals they don't support. Some organizations these days are opposed to individual free speech on the Internet too as some language might be generally offensive to members of a special class.

It would be useful to limit the size of corporations to 3000 employees. A corporation needing more for a special project could find sub-contractors. Competition should increase in the corporate world and government power and size to stay up with large global corporate power would not be as challenged.

Unions cannot compensate for ineffective governance in the modern world. It is helpful to have a cohort of people supporting one in finding economic justice, and the government ought to defend the rights of citizens from experiencing unfair foreign labor competition arriving illegally in the U.S.A. Ironically it is the neo-socialist left Democrat constituency along with some of the wealthy that have supported illegal and cheap foreign migrant labor into the U.S.A. stimulating vicious labor competition and the general decline of labor union vitality. They have made their own unionism ineffective, yet they desire to receive the comfortable benefits of secure good-paying jobs to the last even as tens of millions of Americans are unemployed and can't  find work at all.


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