
The Phenomenal Language Meaning in Language Systems

Philosophy in Quinian logic terms of language meanings ought to regard itself as utilitarian I would think. Concepts and ideas expressed in language are phenomenal and have what truth-value in ontological relativity as they have. While the Universe(1) and supporting quantum phenomenalism may have deep Platonic forms that are unknown or unknowable in the human cognitive paradigm, philosophers are interested in that sort of thing anyway.

I am not an academic philosopher and have the idea that Darwinianism tends to be used with a politically correct mutually exclusive and exhaustive relationship with faith, the concept of a transcendent God and so forth. That isn't a very philosophical dialectic.

Solid-state quantum mechanical phenomena seem to have a temporal order and logical material change and evolution seems to be an implicit aspect of the existence of spacetime, mass and concatenated or interacting dimensions, yet that does not necessitate there being no deeper transcending explanation for the fact of mass than evolution as the end-for-itself.

If philosophy is constricted a little by the dogmatic political correctness of scientific Darwinism and cognitive scientific language it should be simple enough to be aware of Sartre's ideas about epistemology and the history of science nearly always becoming surpassed by deeper  knowledge making the past knowledge actually false or woefully incomplete.

 The humor of phenomenalism and constructions of ideas produced with mind is in the conservido being as valid as the libido in searching for eternal verities rather than going with the flow of a temporal social zeitgeist.

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