
China Increases CO2 Pollution to More Than 10 Billion Tons Annually-World Output Up 3.1

An article published Sunday in Nature Climate Change reports planetary CO2 emissions increased 2.6% in 2012 with China being the greatest polluter increasing its emissions to more than 10 billion tons while the U.S.A reduced its emissions yet is still second in rank at 5.9 billion tons. The trend of other countries such as China and Russia to increase their CO2 output along with the developing world presents a gloomy scenario for controlling global climate change and temperature increases. Scientists expect that the higher range of temperature increase scenarios will develop rather than the moderate.
Inn 2011 global carbon dioxide releases increased by 3.1%. Without strident and ecospherically correct U.S. economic leadership toward low-entropy, low carbon production methodical transformation of production infrastructure the Lovelock prophecy of planetary population crash with desertification by emerge one day in the distant future a hundred years or two.

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