
Legislators Pursue P.S. Security With King Canute Determination

Is it better to secure the safety of New York City from oceanic flooding by outlawing high tides and storm surges or to shore up the berms and design better ways to defend ill-placed structures from nature? Is it better to ban categories of weapons rarely used in public school crimes that are a deterrent to state terrorism and common enough in freed democratic societies or to use modern security methods in defending valued public schools?

If some weapons were banned in the United States would that have prevented any foreign terrorist infiltrating a few guns across the border from walking in and shooting defenseless students in a soft target classroom such as at Newtown?
In reading an autobiography by the late General Moshe Dyan the author described an Israeli school in northern Israel that was a not well defended enough soft target that Palestinian terrorists commandeered to slaughter the students. In the future the Israelis learned to defend important point targets, yet the American left seems to believe that if they disarm,smoke dope and legalize homosexual marriages the people of the world will love them and the dawning of Aquarius will follow. That probably isn't going to happen.

Switzerland for decades required every homeowner to have a weapon and that nation had an acceptable homocide rate. Switzerland is in the middle of Europe and its geographic factors help shape its defense strategies on gun ownership. Island nations such as Japan and Britain with an imperial past are easier to control by authorities repressing individual freedom. Geography and demographics are important elements of the determination of a state to have liberal gun owning rights or not. Russia of course repressed gun owning rights for most of its history and had cruel authoritarianism and a class existence-even with the communist party and K.G.B. being superior in the 'classless' Soviet Union.
Gun ownership rights have a geographic and demographic internal and external relationship.  Repressive government requires suppression of individual weapons possession. Decadent societies willingly forfeit their self-defense rights in return for a pacific  somafied catnipish existence that is too introverted to be sustainable.
The U.S. Congress seems to love to tilt at windmills that wouldn't free the land from oppression even if they connected.  What if someone marketed a book on how-to-build your own electronic rifle from off-the-shelf parts for fewer than $200 dollars? The rise of malevolent D.N.A. designer viruses seems to be a more contemporary threat than gunpowder firearms. The Congress should get real about real dangers and less interested in dangers the left has polemics about that could be corrected with a little more common sense. At least Rep. Sanders knows that taxes ought to be raised on all Americans that are not poor in order to pay for the decade of wars that primarily benefited the prosperous and may produce less enduring results than a snowball in hell.
If the politicians elected by the people have less sense than the children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary it isn't surprising, neither can they balance a budget or pay off the federal debt.

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