
Reduce Spending, Return to Clinton Tax Rates & Make a New Dept. of Global Warming Remediation

The U.S. Government ought to try to act like grown-ups more in the sense of being efficient, accountable and effective instead of not so much. Because global warming may become a grave national security threat a new Federal Department should be created to coordinate American response on-the-fly as a realistic way to deal with more forest fires, more drought, more dry Mississippi River channels, desertification of farmland, hurricanes, coastal flooding, population immigration emergencies and so forth.

The Department needn't have a large budget initially. It would do well to have a division of direct attack on global warming causality, one on economic innovation and transition as environmental conditions change, and one to modify the environment directly within an increasingly hot world.

http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/08/us-usa-stormsandy-aids-idUSBRE8B61AH20121208 President Obama wants $60 billion for storm repairs
That last department would seek to reinforce wild habitat and to create new forms to continue viable agricultural habitat including large scale desalinization of sea water and replanting of areas that have lost their traditional ecospheric compliment of flora and fauna because of climate change.
In the meanwhile balancing the federal budget post-hast with budget cuts where possible and letting the tax schedules return to a responsible level such as existed during the Clinton era in order to run a surplus and pay off the federal debt soon saving a trillion in interest annually in the process should be done. Of course Rush Limbaugh is only for tax cuts and seems to believe that global warming is a hoax. Oh well, he now and then has some fair opinions on other topics.

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