
Leftists Call for Tokugawa U.S.A. After Newtown Massacre

In the Tokugawa Shogunate the citizens were forbidden to own firearms and  the politically correct powers employing professional warriors dominated the subjective populace until the Meiji restoration in effect. Even then the change to a corporatist zaibatsu-military complex under an Emperor made for a tensioned public without personal guns of potential dissent. A 20 year old has killed his school teacher mother and 26 more at Newtown Conn. stimulating leftist theory construction about making a better society by disarming the citizens.

The massacre of 27 people including 20 elementary students at Newtown Connecticut has stimulated writing in support of consolidating power for the state a little more (or a lot). In the New Democrat Party vision of Americatopia children would learn with BBC guidance at an early age to grow up to be dope smoking homosexuals under lesbian supervision without a gun anyplace but in the benevolent neo-Tokugawa Shogunate Samuri's holsters watching over the masses like Nietzche's supermen while Zarathustran oligharchs watch mirthfully from shining city condos on a hill.

Schoolchildren might be better off learning gun use at an early age-perhaps by age 10 in schools so they know that any idiot can accurately fire a weapon and if he does will likely get shot quickly. Public schools spend so much money on buildings as it is one would think than building gun-detecting metal scanners into doorways and putting burglar sensors on windows would be the rule rather than an exception. If one was radical it would be possible to invent a handgun with artificial intelligence and position it near the entrance so it could shoot bad guys it recognized with face recognition software-well, it might be more thoughtful than the p.s. security designers.
The Washington Post is featuring a typical post pointing out how America could not be more different than the disarmed Japanese populace and using them as the good example. What they don't mention is that Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world with something like 20,000 people killing themselves annually, Japan has almost airtight borders that keeps the foreign element of low-wage workers out as well as their criminal activities, and the Japanese with all of that social controlling supervision were gullible enough to follow the Emperor's lead in waging total war upon  the United States with savage ferocity as a group even using war captives for biological experimentation in the infamous unit 731.
Most of the shooters since the Gifford massacre were leftists or left-leaning white guys that some how didn't fit in to the New Democrat party mold well enough. At least they were in leftist hives such as the Colorado School of Shrinks were the Batman killer was formed. None of those guys were of the right. Those that flaked out to shoot the sheep should have taken another course for political resistance. Maybe the correction for that is to have more democracy in the airwaves with all citizens have an Internet podcast broadcast time-slice in some local community so they would feel that there really is a responsive democracy where they can have a say besides in some idiotic and futile malevolent act of violence.
The next time you read an article saying how the United States should get rid of its guns and take the doper's path to peace-think about a little more  Lee Marvin and a little less Marvin gay in the school classrooms. Think about school teachers with defense credentials from Afghanistan and Iraq wars wit concealed carry permits instead of politically correct leftists that aren't concerned enough about civil liberties for all Americans behind effective defense perimeters. Wouldn't it be possible to have public schools fitted with face recognition software in cameras that would only let in authorized students and staff after going through metal scanners? The easy global mobility of terrorists in the modern era will catch up with Americans even if their idea is to have a Leopold Punyetti defense minister conducting a harmonious 'nothing to live or die for' orcheotomy of the liberty of Americans to keep and own personal defense weapons.

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