
The $20 Cardboard Bike for the Masses to Help Combat Global Warming

I like this idea quite a bit. Using new or recycled cardboard for the same use as melted metals could reduce global warming heat emissions.

A lightweight (20 lb.) cardboard bicycle invented by the Israeli inventor Izhar Gafni that he plans to sell for $20 when it eventually reaches the market seems like an especially good idea-concept headed in the right direction regarding renewability and eco-friendlyness.
Made from ordinary cardboard and glue the bike stylishly omits use of most metal required for usual bicycles. In production it will have no metal parts at all. Low-cost bikes for the second and third world, disposable bikes for American trans-continental trekkers, and perhaps sit-down three or four wheel bikes with a lightweight electric fuel cell wheel motor and a wind screen might bring cheaper personal transportation to billions.


The energy cost required for a cardboard bike ought to be less than that of a metal allow bike. If only there were a trans-continental network of bike paths the adventurous would have someplace to go more or less safely without concern of being squashed by a semi-truck on the side of the highway.


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