
Cutting the Cost of High School Education

Technology may potentially cost of high school education-(e.g. clip-on MP3 players from China cost as few as $2) yet school districts still follow modular instruction of yore. All high school coursework following programmatic development should be available recorded in MP3 format and easy to download online for students. In fact all coursework should be provided to a student on a micro-SD card so a student can take home and listen to any course lecture content to supplement in-class instruction.

Plainly high quality reinforcing instruction should be commonly available with MP3 players. Traditional classroom methods may continue yet any student willing to spend extra time learning coursework should be free to do so. Students should have every text available for e-reader sleep learning listening to the voice of their favorite non-pedophile teacher in their sleep.

In many school districts traditional architecture has failed to coordinate energy saving and energy collecting technology. What happened to the promise of modularized super-insulated aluminum and ceramic geo-domes for quick quality class space? Too much money is spent on high school sports that train most students to be spectators instead of developing paths for distance running and bicycle riding providing green corridors for students and the general civic populous to stimulate their hearts and minds in daily runs amidst a mechanical society. With more efficient modularized education delivery reducing the cost of schooling and education that trains student to do-it-yourself realistically the prospect for innovating a better post-graduate interest in continuing education arises-and that is healthy for society.

Wing-speed (a poem) with photo-form


Through the skies of worlds where
quiet dawns slip into becoming now thrice daily
with swans and civil ponds like marshes
of memories set like cattail compilation digital devices
she runs as if with a measured wing-speed
illuminating geodesic lines of general relativity
warped sectors of time
compounded puns of misunderstood triurnal fluxes
welding wherewithal pieces of light metal fuse structures
quicker than horizons bringing wet forms of hydroxed scenes

Chips of sounds in her alpha pocket
reminding of homes built with micro-crawling mineral bugs
climbing into special lofts with swarms from a bag
-energy absorbing arete prominences on Gaudi’s cathedrals
replicated like fractaled social compartments
locking arms to freeze images they have seen in a buggish way
as little mindless duty robots by the millions
merge into a temporary forever
with three suns overhead

Capturing the gravity of trinary stars with a field generator
bending electrical power through superconducting loops
a day between the stars has a temporal forever
sending the particle beam jet as a wired instantsructure
carrying her solid transports over light years to Earth.


Big Government, Big Tax Cuts & Avocado Presidents are the Problem

When Jeb Bush once registered as an Hispanic voter he made an error. At least he isn't another avocado or rather abogado (lawyer) running for President, yet it makes little difference in the lack of good sustainable economic practice in the Executive branch-they have no better ideas than avocados.

With 42% of American citizens sharing just three tenths of one percent of the national wealth more than a hundred million people are being left out. Politics of all major parties have developed simple to serve the concentration of wealth with candidates specializing it fooling the people about their competence, intentions or plans to improve the decaying state of the nation. They outdo each other in finding ways to put a wet kisses on the asses of Wall Street, big banks and the rich-that doesn’t at all support democracy. The problem is in the leadership ideas of government rather than in its size. A big dumb computer program isn't as effective as a smaller, efficient program, yet neither is a small dumb program effective. If the program is government executive leadership it may just let alternative operating systems exploit the vacuum of intelligent code.

Democracy today requires majority taxation on the rich to reverse minority concentration of wealth to such a degree that everyone has tools to work with and an ability to develop free enterprise and business for-themselves. As it is insider cliques use government as a support organization for concentrating wealth and decreasing the prospects of the poor and middle class (who occupy the 20% of national wealth the poor used to have since the poor slipped off the money radar screen blip of 1%). The rich are not necessarily the most intelligent-much of the wealth is a result of tax cuts and preferred networking of wealth tightening its grip globally. As money buys advertising and political influence, creates jobs and propaganda in the media, the rich own the political system. An heiress may earn more money in interest in a day than a working man earns in a lifetime. The poor may be wage slaves lucky to get work painting the homes of drug traffickers in California who contribute to liberal political campaigns.

Since the insider networks want to maintain the status quo they repress competition that would upset their emerging global business monopoly of united corporations. They will not allow political change or transformation of transportation, housing or the ecosphere to be rebuilt unto full recovery. In some way they will even repress the truth that the world population will eventually become a Christian majority for a time repressed by godless political leaders. That is the worst part of the witless elitist expropriation of free enterprise and democracy.

Taxation must be more than 51% on the top 20% of America’s prosperous simply in order to prevent monopolization of power. Political pluralism requires economic pluralism and a closer degree of political egalitarianism-not communism, state socialism or corporatism. A sustainable political equilibrium requires a healthy ecosphere, political pragmatism allowing change to support the freedom of all Americans from exploitation and economic infrastructure able to move toward sustainable renormalizable lifestyles for all individuals in the United States. Intelligent constructive engagement of government setting parameters for free enterprisers to exist in is not a government stand-down sort of witless libertarianism where the rich left alone consolidate power to become an oligarchy with dictatorial powers served by a fawning aristocracy.

Leadership toward a free egalitarian democratic world order with liberty and real economic justice for all in a recovering planetary ecosphere may not be a future leadership role for the United States any more. Like the prospects for Christianity the development of hope may need to arise in the world world where life has not yet been bought out at fire-sale prices by the few, the corrupt and powerful. At the least surplus tax revenues could be invested in matching grants for developing planetary colonization infrastructure after the national public debt has been paid off and as full employment takes hold.

President Obama made the Bush II tax cuts permanent and gave zero interest loans to big banks. He would also like to make treaties with foreign governments without need of approval by Congress. Shifting around cheap labor over borders, cutting taxes everywhere on the rich are policies that support the concentration of wealth. If a President could make any sort of foreign treaty he liked without approval he, she or it could station for troops in the U.S.A. to put down future civil unrest about the concentrated wealth and power that takes over. If foreign born Presidents could be elected then a future President could live in Ottawa or Tehran and commune with global oligarchs to make tough decisions about everyone's politics globally. At least if Democrats lose the next Presidential election one knows they may resume complaining about low taxes on the rich-since they only do that when it is Republicans signing tax cuts into law-and not themselves. That would make an interesting political show for a change.


A Few Free E-books; Good, Bad and Ugly

When the Lord Was Cut Off From the Light of God's Countenance

Recently I finished reading Thomas Watson's 'Divinity' It is an excellent, classical work. Watson too wrote about God's wrath. I will quote the relevant section below yet would first comment that Paul House (a lecturer in OT Theology) noted that Job and Isaiah 40-48 addressed the 'why' questions a lot-that is why do certain kinds of suffering occur, and of pastoral difficulties in forming replies sometimes. That was in the context of the question of free will, and does mankind have that if God is omniscient. Plainly Jesus as God was not entirely subject to quantum determinism of the steady-state Universe (e.g. walking on water, raising the dead), his will was free though he too was pre-destined to die on the cross. 

That is the question becomes is prescience the same as predeterminism? How can God make himself subject to His own creation? That's a neat trick (I mean this as the highest compliment). I have different ideas than does House on the idea of causality viewing it not necessarily in a linear or tree branching temporal series exclusively because of reading in quantum cosmology of contemporary physics (I am not a physicist or scientist though). I believe God is complete master of quantum wave-particle forms and membranes or monads that issue light and such, and have different ideas than House about creation theology yet I have moved beyond the criterion of theistic evolution quite a bit. On that topic I would say that the simple answers are true such as are presented in the OT. The point was to illustrate the point that everything hasn't an accurate simple-to-understand causal explanation that can fit neatly within human perspective. As House said sometimes one has to just trust God on matters of 'why' as all things for people of faith work for the glory of God...Here is what Watson wrote about the independent experience of suffering of the Lord...Thomas Watson wrote the following of Christ's death on page 135 of 'Divinity'...

“(I.) In the sufferings of his body. He suffered truly, not in appearance only. The apostle calls it mors crucis, the death of the cross. Phil 2: 8. Cicero, when speaking of this kind of death, says, quid dicam in crucem tollere? [How can I describe being raised up on a cross?] Though he was a great orator he wanted words to express it. The thoughts of this made Christ sweat great drops of blood in the garden. Luke 22: 44. It was an ignominious, painful, cursed death.

Christ suffered in all his senses. His eyes beheld two sad objects, his enemies insulting, and his mother weeping. His ears were filled with the revilings of the people. 'He saved others, himself he cannot save.’ Matt 27: 42. His smell was offended when their spittle fell upon his face. His taste; when they gave him gall and vinegar to drink. His feeling; when his head suffered with thorns, his hands and feet with the nails. Totum pro vulnere corpus [His whole body one great wound]; now was this white lily dyed with purple colour.

(2.) In the sufferings of his soul. He was pressed in the wine-press of his Father's wrath. This caused that vociferation and outcry on the cross, 'My God, my God,' cur deseruisti? Christ suffered a double eclipse upon the cross, an eclipse of the sun, and an eclipse of the light of God's countenance. How bitter was this agony! The evangelists use three words to express it. 'He began to be amazed.' 'He began to be faint.' 'To be exceeding sorrowful' Mark 14: 33; Matt 26: 38. Christ felt the pains of hell in his soul, though not locally, yet equivalently.”


Select Parameters of Theology for the Old Testament

The Old Testament comprises a lot of writing compiled over more than a thousand years. Old Testament theology for some seems generally to mean developing a way to address, approach, understand or interpret the Old Testament-as if a particular method was correct rather than just reading the books. The application of a structured hermeneutic to the Old Testament obviously poses certain risks of prejudgment and error. In some respects reading and learning the Old testament directly and letting it speak to-oneself permits the Bible as inspired literature to inspire for-itself directly informing one's own spirit with the living word of God.

Certainly accurate translations of the Old Testament are a concern in-themselves. Contemporaries may emasculate the truthful meaning and use terms of political correctness perhaps to render political offensive passages dead. One might anticipate evolution of Sodom and Gomorrah into cities destroyed simply to end a pitiful slave-condition of homosexuals or the concentration of wealth rather than sexual immorality of homosexuality and pervasive amoeba-like sharing of bodily fluids with everyone. Even so one may set aside the translation concern and consider that one has a decent Bible to move to consider that some insight from trusted, learned scholarship can help to inform one of the nature and circumstances of the composition and meaning of scripture. That might be called theology even though it includes history, philosophy, linguistic, archaeology, cosmology, sociology and numerous other fields of research. One can use theology yet with a certain reserve trusting foremost in scripture in-itself.

It is possible that one may take an overly-academic approach to Old testament writing and perhaps subjectively ossify the content for-oneself with academic technique. While one may enjoy abridging Toynbee or memorizing the Constitution and even deconstruct Shakespeare a little comparing him to Marlowe and his method to play-packaging construction with blank verse workshop apprentices and hired ghost-scriveners under his direction, that would tend to be an over-academicized demythologizing theoretical approach to the Bard of London and Stratford honored with the title though he wasn't Irish. More like some sort of German-ancestry pretender to a stone throne of Celtic muse.

One must be cautious about assuming that an abstract reduction and summary of Biblical text academically brings out a more full or better understanding of the content of the O.T. Each word and each book is an integral part of the whole. I

Consider the numbers; each has a place in a field even of two dimensions. If one makes an abstract of the set of natural positive whole numbers it may comprise a learning tool, yet that tool cannot in any way substitute for the content. While there are innumerable positive whole numbers that one does not know and has never heard of, select abstract concepts allow one to understand the nature of those unknown numbers, and of course one has trust that they really exist though it may be impossible to prove that abstract positive whole numbers really are infinite and do not actually end someplace for some reason-even it is simply at the point of being the highest number that was actually ever reached, of numbers exist only in fact and never actually in theory-that is if numbers are of existential character rather than of a Platonic realistic nature.


Vasimr Plasma Drive-Faster Trip to Mars

A Russian English language news service reported that a Houston company has won a contract from N.A.S.A. to prove a very fast in-space plasma drive engine that may reduce travel time to Mars to something like 30 days. A company video for the rocket engine developer offers a 76 day parameter. However fast it would be a useful tool for sending pre-fabbed aluminum domes or cabins to Mars on drones. 

In the future with wealth becoming so concentrate it may be that the  42% of Americans with less than a third of 1% of the national pie to fight over some sort of lottery may be developed to send the lucky winner to Mars work for leash holders as porters or something.



On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...