
A Course on Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Development

There is a good free college level course at coursera named Ecosystem Services; a Method for Sustainable Development.


Ecosystem services management includes conservation of natural capital so it isn't destroyed thoughtlessly  by developers and building economic activities with ecospheric syntegrity. Very few U.S. states have any regions were significant work in a positive way is going ahead. A part of the problem is blindness to the human effect on the ecosphere with historical ways of living.

Ecosphere management and development are harsh terms to have in the same sentence so far as I am concerned. The issue isn't about capitalism versus socialism or another system of economics, the matter is about a lack of education and intelligence, lack of political will and economic interest, etc.

Humans should learn about ecospheric service before or early on in making settlements on other worlds such as Mars- and even on the Moon of the Earth- as harsh and seemingly barren as it appears. Once ecospheres are wrongly developed it is very challenging to restore them or even to evolve them with directed engineering and political economy of sustainability toward a state of being as good as that lost with wrong development of an ecosphere.

Democrats Say to Pres Trump; 'Yes MASA'!

Democrats searching for a clever way to expropriate MAGA have innovated or recycled the old name by which slaves called their masters; Masa. Democrats apparently with no sense of U.S. history believe the acronym for Make America Smart Again-MASA, is new and fresh. Actually though it is an appropriate slave term for idiots that believe that when President Obama made the Bush II tax cuts permanent when all he needed to do was to let them expire and then negotiate with Republicans from a position of strength with tax cuts for the most poor and then working up to the middle class (excluding the most rich). Being stupid is smart in the collective political memory of Democrats.

All of the inane democrat politics of the Obama and Clinton eras are regarded as smart no in the rosie glow of the past. On environmental reform Democrats then did far too little, and the total of that would not have stopped mass extinction of species and decline of habitat. What is required for that is a complete transformation to ecological economic policy and honestly the Democrat Party is clueless on what that is or how it would work.

Flooding the nation with illegal aliens in order to have cheap labor and keep the poor and their wages down is not smart policy at all and actually is harmful to environmental conservation and making the electorate better educated. The Democrat Party is working as best it can to make Americans soocial vassals of quasi-imperialism in the nation.

Someone should add up the total new federal debt  Candidate Elizabeth Warren's programs would bring if made into law-really, it isn't smart.


Some Worry About Human Predation as a Pack

Predators are often individuals i.m.o. It is a pejorative term of course. A few prey upon the many. For example a few lions prey upon hundreds or thousands of ungulates. 

Some wonder why it is ethical to slaughter animals for food yet its not o.k. to torture domesticated animals (pets). Dogs are humanity's first domesticated breed and it is bad form to torture one cutting off a leg or whatever. Torture is wrong in any case. In 'Thus Spake Zarathustra' a philosopher living on a hill looking down on a town regarded everyone as sheep following along without being awakened- it is an old theme. Nietzsche had syphilis and it affected his worldview over time. Average people work and follow along without thinking about what an ideal society would be or how to build one, much less test out their theoretical work. Government is an improvement over anarchy. Civil order brings civil education and the knowledge of concatenated generations.

All animals consume food- that thermodynamic need is probably what original sin is really about. Adam and Eve were cast down into temporality, birth and death, the need to labor etc instead of being something like pure spirit. When Jesus gave his body and blood symbolically at the last supper, he apparently was aware of the fallen criterion of mortal being in a Universe. Through accepting his sacrificial atonement one is reconciled unto Spirit. Many want to stay mired in the original sin paradigm though, or don't recognize it.

It's OK to Ask Foreign Governments to Help Investigate Terrorists and Democrats

There is nothing wrong in asking foreign governments to help investigate corrupt Democrat politicians and terrorists. democrat Party politicians should not feel free to organize crime, shakedowns of foreign businesses and governments or to exploit White House connections to solicit billions of dollars of foreign investments in private businesses. Terrorists and corrupt Democrats should not feel they have sanctuary nations overseas where they can plot crimes against elected U.S. Government officials nor scheme to manipulate elections with the help of foreign governments such as Ukraine that is apparently a hotbleb of illusions used for broadcast media propaganda to influence U.S. elections.

President Trump would be wrong to disregard the contributions Interpol and the Chinese Ministry for State Security may be able to contribute to enfilade corrupt Democrat party personnel that have pressured China unreasonably to buy influence via purchases of shares in special Democrat Party foreign ventures with foreign partners. One should not expect the F.B.I. to act like the C.I.A. overseas nor vice versa. The C.I.A. probably should not spend their time investigating corrupt Democrats wreaking havoc abroad. Foreign governments should be the ones to investigate corrupt and other crimes perpetrated within their borders by Democrat Party member Americans.

As China slowly evolves toward free enterprise with certain capital ownership caps it is important to keep it free from corrupt Democrat party shakedowns that corrupt free enterprise and capitalization in sustainable technology. In fact it might be a good idea for the Chinese to ask President Trump to move to more sustainable economic policy as part of the current trade negotiations. Foreign help in moving toward bi-laterally positive economic policy for a sustainable human world ecosystem is as positive as picking the fleas off international business.

Shifty Knew About Ukraine Informant a Month Before IG

Rep. Adam 'Shifty' Shiff knew about the whistle-blower and the paradigm a month ago. That information gave the democrat a month to properly maneuver an impeachment edge, and explains why the Speaker was ready to move to impeachment inquiry even before the Ukraine phone call content was made public. It seemed that Democrats were overly confident that the whistler would have the proper goods on President Trump; when it turned out that the call was a meatless bread sandwich Democrats had little choice besides defending and accelerating all of the weapons they had ready and set into motion.


Representative Shifty was actually the guy that directed the whistle-blower to contact the I.G. via a helper. The entire matter seems improper use of secret materials by the Democrat party in an effort to advance their 2020 election prospects by weakening the President in the media that usually are not his fans.



Starting a Novel With Action?

I read a great start of a novel with an F.B.I. hostage rescue team tight in an alley being slaughtered by a .50 cal machine gun. The level of detail was micro and realistic. As soon as one opens the book intense gunfire is cutting down the highly trained F.B.I. cadre. They drop to the hot alley gravel with spent shell casings flying about, blood flowing, hoping to survive. Just one or two make it to withdraw from the unseen shooter at the head of the alley behind a wall that was working his kill zone. With machine gun bullets searching close overhead time slows down. The omniscient narrator describes what is going through the minds of those still living, and of those fading out. I liked the action level yet the rest of the book seemed somewhat anti-climactic simply because of the intensity of the opening few pages. Sartre's play; 'The Condemned of Altona' occurs mostly in a prison cell and is all action, description and dialogue at one pace that might be regarded as action. Maybe it is more balanced.

There are Just Two Genders

People that believe there are no genders just don't think very well. Basic sexual gender differentiation is exceedingly simple- There are just two and versions of incomplete or unhealthy growth unfortunately. The anomalies are a small fraction of the normal healthy population paradigm. Some vegetarians that have radical anti-meat opinions haven't ever starved and are clueless about how hard it can be to get a chunk of protein in some ecosystems or why one needs weapons or traps to do so. 

Genders are simple, and reproduction isn't that complex. With poor intellectual skills people may have less applied intellect than animals that have no trouble comprehending genders. Supposedly former Vice President Biden became known for smelling the opposite gender.I suppose one could produce and sell a body spray named 'gender' with a zillion varieties. Behavior is different than anatomy and biology. Language too may mean anything, or be encoded to permutate to different meanings in some kind of logical progression. So gender today could mean illegal alien tomorrow, or could before N.Y.C. banned that word and put a $250,000 fine on the phrase for using it maliciously.

Resurrection and the Conservation of Quantum Information

 Conservation of quantum information postulates that information cannot be lost- it is comparable to the law of the conservation of energy t...