
A Course on Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Development

There is a good free college level course at coursera named Ecosystem Services; a Method for Sustainable Development.


Ecosystem services management includes conservation of natural capital so it isn't destroyed thoughtlessly  by developers and building economic activities with ecospheric syntegrity. Very few U.S. states have any regions were significant work in a positive way is going ahead. A part of the problem is blindness to the human effect on the ecosphere with historical ways of living.

Ecosphere management and development are harsh terms to have in the same sentence so far as I am concerned. The issue isn't about capitalism versus socialism or another system of economics, the matter is about a lack of education and intelligence, lack of political will and economic interest, etc.

Humans should learn about ecospheric service before or early on in making settlements on other worlds such as Mars- and even on the Moon of the Earth- as harsh and seemingly barren as it appears. Once ecospheres are wrongly developed it is very challenging to restore them or even to evolve them with directed engineering and political economy of sustainability toward a state of being as good as that lost with wrong development of an ecosphere.

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