
China is Disgusting in Support of Censorship and Civil Repression

The Chinese reaction to a simple tweet of support for Hong Kong protests against cruel and unusual authoritarian laws that would arrest and relocate victims in Hong Kong to distant mainland judicial venues for incarceration and possibly torture is getting worse; they have demanded that Daryl Moore- the offender in Houston Texas, be fired. Plainly President Trump should find some spot in his administration to place potential Ambassador Moore should he want to delegate some of his N.B.A. duties and serve the people of the United States more directly. Maybe the KC Chiefs should hire Colin Kopernicus to replace Patrick Mahomes while he is injured.

The Chinese authoritarian government is swelling in its maleficent desire to repress free speech and civil dissent globally in accord with its prosperity dumped by Apple Corp and other western investor. Those people will sell out anything for a profit in fulfillment of Lenin’s comment that the capitalists will sell us the rope communists will hang them with. The proper place for despotic oriental servility is China- not Houston Texas; remember the Alamo.

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