
Thus Spake Zarathustra- What its About

'Thus Spake Zarathustra' is Nietzsche's world view as the philosopher of the eternal recurrence. His philosopher named Zarathustra lived on a hill overlooking a city far below. From that homeless guy's tent (I added that) he viewed and considered the morality and social structure of the people in the village.

Zarathustra considers the hum-drum life of the villagers whom he regards as mindless sheep going about their social conventional lives like meaningless ants. The 19th century was the age of romanticism and idealism- those were points of view that disdained the social order. Nietzsche had a different point of view.

One night walking along the shore of Lake Geneva he had a strong sense of déjà vous. He realized (for-himself) that the life, world and Universe had happened before- an infinite number of times. That ‘enlightenment’ made him superior to others. He believed the right response for superpersons with an eternally recursive point of view was to act like wolves, predators or vampires upon the human species that were not so enlightened living unreflectively and unaware in their lives in the villages and cities.

There are interesting paradoxes in Nietzche’s infinite recursion of everything that exists. For one thing, even the vampire superpersons would be doomed to act as vampire super-persons forever without being able to change anything about their lives.

My thought is that Nietzche’s strong mental states were a little traumatizing and introverting. His syphilis may have made him view the Universe as recurrent. If life is tough it may be that déjà vous occurs naturally in some circumstances. It could be a kind of self-reflecting cognition of the present that makes it seem infinitely recurring, like when a tv camera is pointed at a camera giving the illusion of infinite recurrence.

Nietzsche put his point of view in his book 'Thus Spake Zarathustra'. Perhaps he envisioned himself as being like Zarathustra himself as a great man founding a religion. Certainly there are a lot of syphilitic drug addict followers of Nietzsche today.

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