
American Era of Hermaphrodite Cyborg Units

Since Henry Ford invented mass produced automobiles Americans have developed reliance on the machines for transportation; for everything. In effect they have merged their course of development with machines and become cyborg brains guiding the machine unit to their shared destiny. With male and female being completely equal in machine cyborg power the phenomenon has joined them into equality as hermaphrodite cyborgs reproducing as one.
Americans have a certain contempt for human-powered transportation since it is natural and slower. Males have select advantages over females in the work that cyborg-units wish to avoid. When cyborg units arrive at a parking lot the cargo-brain-controller debarks and ventures into a store to shop before scuttling back to join the host vehicle. 

Machines are a powerful component of American life. They dominate and destroy the landscape and ecosphere as cyborg units respect life only for aesthetic qualities and pleasure they can find within it (i.e. fishing, hunting). Cyborg unit-planning has guided the sprawl of sterile cyborg cityscapes in order to reproduce more cyborg units as quickly as possible. Machines should be used carefully, minimally with a view toward reducing ecospheric footprint.

Their was no grand cyborg development plan; it simply reproduced and self-reinforced as the dominant easy economic mode of being. Every citizen is respected only as far as they have been consumed by cyborg culture and compiled vast machine and building structure for-themselves, often with sin in some obvious form as a prerequisite for behavioral adjustment.


Free enterprise permits the development of any idea for invention. The mass social application of inventions such as cars should not simply find a place in the nation or world without any careful zoning and left to rely on Darwinian trial and error. Just because transportation can design roads to everywhere through any sort of landscape that does not mean they should.

An intelligent human society would recognize the immense value of nature and wilderness to human existence. It is a physical, spiritual and economic life-support foundation for all biological eings on Earth. Indifferent cyborg hermaphroditic reproduction with no concern for the ecosphere may result in the destruction of human life on Earth. 

It would be possible to conserve and restore wild ecosphere with centralized high speed mass transportation and better use of machines for work related purposes. With intelligent though a human ecological economic economic infrastructure renaissance that features as much human powered yet convenient and practical transportation as possible could arise to replace the herm-cyborg unit ethos.


Down with the Sickness; Wall Street and COVID19

Wall Street has been down with the sickness since it learned of the Asian novel coronavirus. Democrats and the left media are blaming President Trump in advance for the mass epidemic that could infect Americans. This is all good stuff; American calm and logic ruling the day as it were.

With a large drop on Wall Street for the first germs that breeze in the prospect of something really serious occurring (ie weaponized plague) to affect the economy isn't wonderful to consider. Well founded sustainable ecological economics could be a little more sturdy.



On the Global Warming "Hoax" (not)

Global warming is a threat to human existence on Earth. It is one of dozens of threats to human existence on Earth, possibly hundreds. It is also one people should do something about, and could if they weren’t such thoughtless users of technology without regard for environmental consequences.

The farther north one goes the greater is the increase in annual heating. Alaska for instance is much warmer than it was in former centuries. Human pollutants and exhaust emissions are the primary agents of change. Fossil fuel burning is the main cause of greenhouse gases in the U.S.A. with industry being a close second.
It has been reported that with Arctic permafrost melting there is a potential for release of greenhouse gases trapped in it. There have also been reports that emerging microbes would eat gases such as methane before it reaches the atmosphere. Tundra fires of dry vegetation could release toxic metals trapped in the muskeg that fell from industrial pollution in the atmosphere. Fires could release mass quantities of CO2 etc speeding up the pace of global atmospheric heating.
The Arctic ice cap is melting away and shrinking to a smaller size with each passing year. It may be gone entirely in summers eventually (maybe in 20 -30 years). The old Arctic ice with many years of life is nearly gone. With an open Arctic Ocean in summer the Arctic ocean absorbs more sunlight and a vicious cycle of warming increases persists.
Unfortunately it turned out that human activities produce 40 percent more of the world’s methane than was believed previously. Methane is 28 times more powerful than CO2 as a greenhouse gas. It lasts just a decade so if humans quit adding methane to the atmosphere that would help slow the pace of development.
I should say that I am more concerned with ocean acidification than greenhouse gassing, yet each are empirical threats. Earths era of photosynthesis and oxygen increase began in the oceans a billion years ago.
People that are comfortable don’t sometimes don’t want to think about global warming or consider it a hoax. They are something like ostriches regarding danger. Many people have 4 to 6% Neanderthal or Denisovan genes. Neanderthals were found to have bred with an extinct hominid that branched off from the human line 2 million years ago. So it isn’t too surprising to me that some people regard global warming as a host though more than 90% of scientists regard it as fact.
Recently a fellow that believes the world is flat launched himself to a homemade rocket and crashed it to death in the desert; he was trying to get high enough to see if the world is really curved. Personally I can see the world’s curvature from a boat on a large body of water, or from a jet looking out a window at 32,000 feet. One could regard a round world as a hoax I would guess, if one didn’t get up high enough for-oneself to see it. Global warming shouldn’t be harder to believe than a nearly round Earth.
There probably were people that didn’t believe that germs exist some decades after scientists discovered them. There is often a time lag between scientific discovery and popular acceptance of a true opinion. Actually there are numerous wrong beliefs pervasively held in societies today. I am surprised how many misinterpret the book of Genesis, including scientists. Christians may misunderstand eschatology and believe that the 1st century tribulation that Jesus said would occur before the generation living was entirely passed was not actually the tribulation. Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70 C.E. and the Christians scattered. Some just require a wrong opinion to be true because that is all they know.
Global warming is just one problem. A general failure to upgrade human economic infrastructure from the evolved way of non-sustainable technique need be changed to one based on ecological economic principles and practices. Mass extinction of life on Earth in progress need be stopped and reversed. Habit loss needs to halt. Human dwelling forms and theories need to adapt to so many people occupying and destroying the world ecosphere. The problems are nearly self-evident nearly to those that are not blind.
Ecological economics need be insinuated within the existing infrastructure and with the use of free market tools and directed regulation reform that leads to the natural selection of business practices that are not harmful to the ecosphere.
People misunderstand political philosophy and don’t comprehend Marx of Adam Smith well enough to know that they offered just their best ideas for the age rather than golden tablets for economic rules passed down from on high and valid for all times. People don’t comprehend what Mussolini’s political philosophy of corporatism was or how it works today and why wealth is so concentrated that political adaption to ecological economics is on a worst case track. One must enjoy a cool breeze while one can, and mild northern winters too.

Wonder if Starlink Will Be a Catalyst for Space to Earth Communications

Starlink is moving on with its program to cover all of the Earth with broad-band internet coverage from thousands of satellites that will be orbiting the Earth with a few hundred already in place.

I wonder though if the orbiting planetary covering internet satellites will also be useful for other satellites, including small, inexpensive ones with cameras surveying Earth or other directions outward, to communicate with Earth entrepreneurs and companies via the Internet. 

That is will Starlink have some synergy with ad hoc space venture communications transmitting to Starlink as a relay to Earth for very low or nominal cost. Will it be possible for crowd-control internet space ops interacting with satellites and sundry ventures?  Is a Starlink system feasible for Mars or other planets of the solar system?

Sanders or Trump; Name Your Poison

Name your poison; kicking bricks or a flat beer left in the Mohave desert a few weeks. Neither 2020 candidate would be too interesting to spend time with unless a paid journalist. Each are the best their party has to run of course, yet politicians as a genre should be seen and not heard. Constituents need to go about their affairs and not be bothered by the lifestyles of the rich and/or famous i.m.o.

One would like top-level politicians to be intelligent inspirational, brilliantly well-informed progressives regarding ecological economics and space progress who would balance the federal budget, secure the borders and assure that no American need ever be down and out for very long. It would also be good if Gillette would release The Hot One shave cream again, yet neither event is likely to happen within our lifetimes (of this or the next few generations).

One can only hope that politicians do less harm to public affairs and don’t bother private lives. Politicians have some qualities yet overall their faults make the choice of any a Hobson’s choice. Like something from 1984 the Ministry of Truth expects too many to participate in the Daily Hate of reds or blues and sycophants to chortle praise of the chosen.


Postscript to Climate Change

Climate change isn’t the only judgment problem environmentally and socially speaking. Moral and other issues involving free will to make wrong choices are reflected in the overall decline of the ecosphere, wildlife, mass extinction etc stemming from the failure for political economy to implement ecological economics principals and practices. Perhaps society is too comfortable in habitual dopeyness. The dream world continues… for a while.

I wrote much of this post in various replies to a fellow who was seriously advocating for legalized illegal drugs, against the war on drugs and for the benefits as he saw them of all of the drugs, alcohol and tobacco of society. It is self-standing.

  Decadence has been with societies since the advent of civilization. Doped brains are degraded, deoptimalized brains. Sub-par thought that is currently reinforced socially with illegal drugs may be ubiquitous and endemic in subcultures of America.
A list of problems caused by drug and alcohol use could go on for volumes. Consider just a few; 150,000 annual U.S. lung cancer deaths, “Excessive alcohol use led to approximately 88,000 deaths and 2.5 million years of potential life lost (YPLL) each year in the United States from 2006 – 2010, shortening the lives of those who died by an average of 30 years” -quote from CDC., appx. 70,000 annual drug overdose deaths in the U.S.A., liver disease, lost time at work, most people in prison had drug and or alcohol problems when perpetrating crimes costing tens of billions of dollars to society.

Making the world work well isn’t that difficult yet too many fail the challenges environmentally and politically that turn up in global warming, mass extinction of species, regressive taxation, vast public debt, concentration of wealth and declining morality; humanity needs to do better. Illegal drugs countercyclically support mass corruption. The Presidential candidates of the Democrat party, for example, are a joke. Sanders and Trump may be honest socialists or capitalists, yet no candidate is competent with ecological economics; no not one. Neither has anyone a plan to pay off public debt and transition the political economy to one of ecological economics within a free enterprise paradigm.

Not too much can be said for a society that need be smarter and work together better with sobriety and whatever degree of abstemiousness they can manage without the crutches of dope yet prefer to hang out in the haze of dope, fake highs of catnip like delusions and bottle supplied forgetfulness of cell-killing alcohol. To develop a better political economy founded on principles and practice of ecological economics will require the moral rectitude of Moses in the desert eschewing temptations and for Americans withstanding the perils of indolence inducing prosperity.
Human health and brain chemistry are best in a natural state. Some exceptions for the purpose of conserving or restoring health exist of course. Good health is good health. Few have shown that tobacco inhalants improve athletic lung capacity and performance. marijuana uses impairs at least short term memory.. Hallucinogens have not been shown to improve motor skills or increase spatial reasoning. One probably would not like aircraft designers nor other advanced technical production to be much influenced by mind-altering drugs. Maybe 90% of motorcycle fatalities have some alcohol in their blood. The cost to society is very, very high for drug and alcohol use, yet of course some have always supported such things for various reasons.

I talked with a fellow that treated meth addicts once; he mentioned that they seem to be on recovery and failure cycles yet generally return to dependence. They often die young and to a certain extent live degraded lives. I prefer that people be healthy and women not pathetic with arms like twigs.

Like the bell curve it may be that just a minority actual prefer entirely sober lives and most people; the masses, enjoy a dumbed-down existence, I cannot say.

Puritans were actually quite good people; they came from the reformed church movement of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and others and advanced society quite a lot in my opinion. Protestantism was a prime factor in the U.S. Declaration and political ideas of the founders; some people have forgotten or never knew much of western history.

Some regard altered states of the brain as unhealthful. Mass drug use for recreation and addictions have altered the course of history; it is not just a subjective thing personally experienced without effect on others.

For example, the Opium wars of the west to force China to allow opium sales and distribution changed Chinese history. The Chinese were experiencing mass addiction and fought to stop that.

Some have always supported illegal drugs and other illicit substances. That’s just the way it is. Some supported slavery and so forth.

Regarding taxes; if America was really fully dopey wealthy corporations would probably control the dope market and avoid paying taxes. Tax dollars would be used to pay for addiction recovery, crime compensations and so forth.

Legitimate medical uses of controlled substances was something I stipulated was o.k. My point about mind altering drugs, alcohol and tobacco being antipathetic to human and social well being is just what it is. extrapolating various inferences from that regarding other material goods that should be outlawed, or are, such as p.j.s that catch on fire easily, or shoddy electrical cords that cause death too readily, cars that are sold with bad break inspections, office buildings, bridges and dams that collapse because of bad construction material and so forth is a broader field beyond the narrow scope of just illegal drugs and legal libations plus tobacco.

Human health and brain chemistry are best in a natural state. Some exceptions for the purpose of conserving or restoring health exist of course. Good health is good health. Few have shown that tobacco inhalants improve athletic lung capacity and performance. marijuana uses impairs at least short term memory.. Hallucinogens have not been shown to improve motor skills or increase spatial reasoning. One probably would not like aircraft designers nor other advanced technical production to be much influenced by mind-altering drugs. Maybe 90% of motorcycle fatalities have some alcohol in their blood. The cost to society is very, very high for drug and alcohol use, yet of course some have always supported such things for various reasons.

Some don’t know the difference between Pilgrims and Puritans. In England they were quite similar as Calvinists, yet Pilgrims became separatists from the Church of England and some left with the Mayflower to America while Puritans remained loyal to the Church of England and only left for America when they were persecuted by Charles I. An article on the difference notes that Massachusetts Puritans; ”set the intellectual tone of the nation for three-hundred years”.


The world does not seem boring to me. One can always ind something interesting to do; from reading a book to volunteering for the Peace Corps or helping to treat people with dangerous viruses in Africa, if one has that ability. I liked jumping out of planes; it is exciting and makes the heart pump faster. I was an army reservist at the time so I felt it had some inherent utility value in case of war. Sailing or taking a small power boat (even rowing) in large waves can be white-knuckle exciting. I like motorcycles and only spilled a small one (250 cc) three or four times on ice or wet surfaces yet never found that exciting. Auto insurance is too costly and repairs on cars too high for my budget so I like motorcycles now and then.

Once when an engine seized and the wheels locked while going 60 mph I had a few seconds of exciting suspense waiting for the motorcycle to skid to a stop. Maybe driving a car fast fast is exciting. That could endanger others though. Going head first over bicycle handlebars to scrape one’s chin on the pavement happens so fast it’s hard to describe that as exciting.

Taking a smallish boat i.e 20–25′ can be quite exciting. If one is really in need of excitement one could sail across the Atlantic. Finding a way through the waves can be quite challenging and the penalty for capsizing rather severe,

Scuba diving can be exciting yet I found that calm is harder to achieve and more valuable in many activities than becoming excited. Some times one can be busy and resting between activities is more sought after than excitement. I cannot imagine doing anything under the influence of alcohol or drugs that is normally dangerous.

Recreational use of hills with snow and ice on them can provide exciting hiking opportunities. Hanging by a grip on a shrub on a steep edge after slipping through wet muskeg and bushes can be momentarily exciting. A view from a hike can bring some satisfaction too. Spotting a brown bear that has spotted you too can be interesting.

Writing a book and completing it can be exciting, or winning a bid on ebay etc. Reading science and developing better understanding is somewhat exciting, as is the prospect of eternal life with God and the Son beyond the exciting time of passing. Good luck with things.


Modern-Defense-with-1-e4-2.Bc4-Bg7 Blitz 3M

                                       I played black in this three minute blitz game

Resurrection and the Conservation of Quantum Information

 Conservation of quantum information postulates that information cannot be lost- it is comparable to the law of the conservation of energy t...