
Ozone Depletion (a poem)

War and peace are thought
each days end is fraught
with things power’s taught
human life is bought
for a dark blend

When the time is right
ways merge into night
prospects few in sight
democracies’ fight
structured ends.

No ozone to grow green
bare worlds of dead genes
lack cosmic ray screens
death ending built dreams
shape more new lights

original picks
roiling and homesick
for social swift kicks
worlds beyond plight.

Banning Select School and Library Books

 For years conservatives have commented about left leaning social media censoring social media sites through a variety of ad hoc means. Outright deleting user accounts and burying politically antipathetic sites in search engine listings are just two of the methods commonly used. Thus it is somewhat amusing to learn of the left bellyaching about local libraries and schools banning some left-leaning books generally concerning perverted sex.

A healthy democracy is a comparatively short-lived thing. Aristotle believed democracies break down into tyranny. The Roman Empire experienced sexual licentiousness in the Cult of Bacchus and banned it. Sexual depravity commonly accompanies the downfall of civilizations. Leaders such as Nero were not only lunatics that believed themselves God, they also pursued sex and depraved interests and neglected sober, rational attention to management of public affairs. A common cause for the downfall of democracy is a surfeit of licentiousness, swinish behavior, irrational disregard for stable, solid and right balances in public affairs and pervasive social corruption.

In my opinion children age 12 and under should be free of homosexual literature seeking to brainwash kids early. Children should be allowed to be innocent and sex-free or simply natural so far as possible before puberty. I believe it wrong to dump homosexual literature upon children at middle school and junior high as well. Opportunists will manufacture an industry of literature extolling the values of perverted sex for children and teenagers if they can make a profit on it. It seems better for minors without the capacity for paying for marriage to stay out of sex activity as best they can, or to proceed carefully, for life-course altering consequences are better set aside for adulthood.

The internet and television are littered with sex and scantily dressed people in the U.S.A. Some children use language lexicons with sex innuendo inherited from their parent’s speech content. In my opinion that reflects more of a decadent society than one flourishing. Maybe thirty trillion dollars of pubic debt isn’t decadent, yet classically it seems consistent with decay. U.S. leadership funds foreign wars that result in millions of casualties and hundreds of thousands of deaths (e.g. Vietnam. Syria, Libya and Ukraine) and fails to pursue avenues of peaceful coexistence as a preferred alternative. Decadent societies run up vast debts and engage in a continuum of foreign wars sometimes with their populous divided over intractable social differences of opinion.

Good judgment in politics prioritizes pursuit of socially beneficial practices, encourages and supports individual independence and so forth. Practically speaking adult sections might have some literature like the book “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask” that parents could check out for their teen age children if they like, yet I see no reason at all to assault children with literature bring sex topics to impressionable youth. Youth shouldn’t have adult issues dumped on them for no good reason.

Democrat's History of Escalation Consistent with Funding of War

 The Democratic party of the United States became the face of war through other means (foreign persons) with force it’s usual way of conducting business. They do not at all believe in Democracy through the marketplace of ideas- they censor that so far as possible via corporate partners and limit free expression to their own ideas declaring everything else hateful. Democrats are ad hoc partners in corporatocracy with Wall Street , providing Wall Street leadership with wrong, dysfunctional directions they invest in. Democrats have learned that political force and litigation are a preferred methods to consolidate political power. The war in Ukraine is a case in point. Democrats have consistently escalated hostile relations with Russia since Bill Clinton took office. President Biden has as well; it is plain that his son was on the pay of a Ukrainian corporation. Who knows what other dark pool contributions made its way to partisan politicians. Plutocrats may lust for more Russian natural resources. Democrats have an attitude toward Russia of “you blinkity blank # x’s; heel!” and expect to force their culture on the world.

Reasonably well informed people would have known that with the disintegration of the Soviet Union Russia would emerge as the primary power and that it would expect its borders to be those that existed before the Lenin-Kaiser-Hitler-Clinton affects starting with the first world war. Historically literate people would have known that Russia’s borders in 1913 would be expected and fought for when enough time has passed for Russia to emerge from the dark shadow of the former Soviet Union. Yeltsin probably perceived that with the disintegration of the Soviet Union they were completely vulnerable to the N.A.T.O. forces that were then at the height of readiness for war. In a concession to the real politic absolute power advantage of the west at that moment in moment in time Yeltsin was compelled to kick the can down the road and let the west have its advantage with Ukraine. He selected Vladimir Putin to lead the New Russia and then died.

It may be that President Clinton saw the writing on the wall regarding the future of geopolitics. Maybe he realized that the United States and N.A.T.O. were the most violent and dominant power present on the planet for the moment and just decided to have everything his way for advantage west. To have a global edge on violence is nearly equal to having the power to rule the economy of the world. Maybe that explains why the Democrat party has been so forceful politically the past decade moving consistently toward one-party rule via lawyers; Perhaps they understood that Russia would be further diminished possibly through war, and then China isolated enough from the west to bring it to kow tow to Wall Street and the will of the Democrat Party politically. So the course of events of the Ukraine War may be logical enough, although there is a possibility that the use of political and military force may not deliver exactly the world the Democrat Party seeks. The Universal phase of a civilization (or the United States) tends to arrive just before its fall, within Toynbean cycles of history paradigmata. I wonder if that is what is developing, and if some restraint in political and military force could delay the decline for some indefinite period of time.

In a real sense the Democrat Party of the United States is responsible for the Russian invasion of Ukraine and all of the horrors of war that followed. The Democrat Party has been a prime weapons supplier to Ukraine for a decade in the effort to reinforce the Clinton-Majors-Yeltsin allocation of Russian real estate to the western allied government of Ukraine. They have never had the slightest intention of ceding any part of the New Ukraine to the New Russia causing the present conflict. Democrats blame Russia and Putin especially for the war with the implicit premise that they should never had tried to retake Russian land taken by Germans, P.M. Major and President Clinton for the west.

The war for Democrats and the media is business as usual snafu. Blaming Russia in the wealth owned broadcast media is normal. With the great power advantage of the west militarily and financially Democrats are confident that Ukraine will win what will be an historical dust-up and western investors and queer marriage will move the line of scrimmage farther east. That is bad business even so for it is use-truth that further divorces fact from truth in preference for fiction. That is, the historical reality of the conflict is viewed through entirely partisan lenses that filter out any sort of facts that would support the narrative of the enemy.

The war has occurred at an especially inopportune moment in the midst of the Anthropocene mass extinction event, human over-population demographic challenges for the world political economy and atmospheric heating. The war is an evil aberration entertained by those unable to comprehend the problem of original sin that would let the collective political leadership of the planet make bad political choices without an awareness of the collateral damage they bring to human interests.

Bringing people to work cooperatively is immeasurably preferable and better than through force. An economically integrated Russia and Europe accomplished without force was immeasurably better than creating a divided and hostile world polity. President Clinton as the first of two subsequent Democrats President should have respected Russian sentiment and interests and compromised with Russia on the Crimea and land east of the Dnepr River.


U.S. Gov Wears the New Face of Fascism

 Germany led the world in developing fascism and corporatism as two heads of the coin of government while ordinary people and democracy got the tails. Government may unite business leadership generally with itself and serve its policy advantages rather than those of the masses including middle and lower classes. It may develop a great military power with technology to implement its foreign policy objectives of conquest for its financial advantage even if it involves puppet government. The question I have is did the United States choose to become a modern fascist power with President Clinton taking all of Ukraine from Russia without compensation of any sort, when Russia was weak, or did it blunder in that policy direction when it appeared that Russia was incapable of resistance?



Original sin’s punishment or correction was for humanity to be thrown into thermodynamic physics with the animals where they sought like all living creatures to input energy for growth. The Democrat Party seems to personify the urge to expand through corporatism backed up with extreme scientific and technological violence rather than develop cooperatively with Russia and China to develop good economic prospects simultaneously with a shift toward sustainable ecological rational economic policies that gets the most possible from the world’s declining natural resources and increasing population.

It is possible I suppose that Americans are to stupid or ignorant to comprehend the danger of Democrat Party foreign policy to the United States and world since 1994. If they are too stupid that is almost worse than if they are simply wicked in this case; wickedness might be corrected or eliminated while stupid is as stupid does and that’s about it.

During President Clinton’s administration the movie Dumb and Dumber was a hit. The present policy of war and alienating half of the world seems a development of the spirit of the age of the Clinton era- the zeitgeist.

I surveyed some of the many video games that youth have played like Call of Duty, Battlefield and so forth. Those games are tools for indoctrination. They have made Russia an enemy for a decade and have them attacking New York or plotting to end life on Earth. Aliens named The Covenant are the opposition force for Space Marines. Americans have been stuffed with entertaining non-sense for quite some time so perhaps it is no wonder they so readily acquiesce in wars that create mass poverty, death, pollution and waste the potential for productivity in opportunity cost for hundreds of millions of people. Not only is the energy crisis detrimental to Europe and the U..S.- it was entirely avoidable. Food costs are sky high thanks to the administration’s decision to pursue and fund war in Ukraine instead of finding a peaceful settlement that both Ukrainians and Russians could live with.

The world ecosphere is overstressed. Ecologigists used to say that the world can only sustain life for two billion people as the resources are running down. That means that intelligent rather than stupid leadership need be elected nationally if quite of lot of potential suffering is to be de frapped, a priori. Media tend to support the universal corporate state and violence is regarded as just doing business- why worry? That paradigm falls below the level of intelligent political leadership quite substantially in my opinion.

Mass Shooters Prefer American Express and Visa?

 Credit card companies VISA and American Express have decided to stigmatize gun purchases using their cards as potential mass shooters. I guess that is the political correct corporatist action to take that would be satisfying to Democrats interested in tracking Republicans. In my opinion though mass shooters probably don’t have good enough credit to carry VISA or American Express.

 Economic justice precedes social justice. Social justice without economic equity is somewhat foppish. Those Americans that aren’t Christian and concerned with conduct on Earth consistent with God’s criteria for eternal life and don’t have VISA or AMEX may be the largest class of mass shooters; I cannot say.

 Secular agnostics or atheists that feel they have been permanently marginalized as part of an economic caste system may choose to perpetrate mass shootings as a means of political dissent. Maybe they actually buy a banderillero and have VISA and AMEX cards in their holsters for purchase of dissenting tools like AK-47s and 10,000 rounds of ammunition so they can shoot up masses of humans once and disappear into the hereafter.

 I wonder if anyone has statistically analyzed the political affiliation of the victims of mass shooters. Maybe they are mostly Democrat Party fellow travelers explaining why Democrats are so much against gun ownership in the U.S.A. Adolph Hitler was against gun ownership in Germany too as it allows political dissent to rise to actual violence. If Republicans were commonly the victims of mass shootings I doubt that Democrats would care. State monopoly of violence is the preferred civil mode for fascists and corporatists alike.

 The worst mass shooting of all was the one in Las Vegas. Real conservatives might tend to eschew traveling there because of its reputation, or moniker,  as  Sin City (or is that Washington D.C.?). The victims of that event might have been leaned preponderantly to the Democrat side because they don’t tend to recognize sin anymore, instead looking to the new books of evolutionary biologists promoting godlessness. For Democrats harm is the only morally wrong thing and passing on the genes is the sole meaning of life besides happiness. For corporatists profit is happiness and harm is financial loss. Financial loss for-others may be what mass shooters are after in their final will to achieve economic equality testifying toward the basic inefficiency, inequality and corruption in the way things are.

 There may be just two remedies that lead toward good ends. One is faith in God and the Lord Jesus Christ. The second is eliminating poverty with basic income and universal health care for the poor. A third item might be a Discover Card for every citizen and legal resident of the U.S.A.


Moon could be the next China for cheap quality manufacturing

 Besides being a base for future missions to solar system planets the moon could be the next site for very low cost manufacturing of technology items for consumers. When the Artemis system finally gets people to work on the moon’s surface the logical step to continue the program’s development would be to make it a catalyst for private sector profit. The profit motive tends to be self-sustaining bring more investment with it. N.A.S.A. should form a think tank to determine what manufacturing opportunities could be made to exist at the international base.

 Certainly chemical rockets aren’t the future of human space travel. They are more of a boot strapping pioneering technology that has continued too far, when electromagnetic mass drivers, large ion engine, nuclear powered in-space rockets, particle beam and laser propulsion should evolve through engineering development fort a variety of ways of moving about the solar system quickly.

 The unique opportunities for manufacturing on the moon- compared to Earth, such as very low gravity, the absence of an atmosphere and raw materials make it an obvious location for producing computer chips I would guess. Deposition of materials for semi-conductors, super-conducting evolution and so forth could bring a renaissance to the post-industrial era over-reliance on fossil fuels bogging the nation down in superfluous wars that would be somewhat more modern paradigmaticly.


Democrat Party foreign and domestic policy may be the new face of fascism

 Germany led the world in developing fascism and corporatism as two heads of the coin of government while ordinary people and democracy got the tails. Government may unite business leadership generally with itself and serve its policy advantages rather than those of the masses including middle and lower classes. It may develop a great military power with technology to implement its foreign policy objectives of conquest for its financial advantage even if it involves puppet government. The question I have is did the United States choose to become a modern fascist power with President Clinton taking all of Ukraine from Russia without compensation of any sort, when Russia was weak, or did it blunder in that policy direction when it appeared that Russia was incapable of resistance?

Original sin’s punishment or correction was for humanity to be thrown into thermodynamic physics with the animals where they sought like all living creatures to input energy for growth. The Democrat Party seems to personify the urge to expand through corporatism backed up with extreme scientific and technological violence rather than develop cooperatively with Russia and China to develop good economic prospects simultaneously with a shift toward sustainable ecological rational economic policies that gets the most possible from the world’s declining natural resources and increasing population.

It is possible I suppose that Americans are to stupid or ignorant to comprehend the danger of Democrat Party foreign policy to the United States and world since 1994. If they are too stupid that is almost worse than if they are simply wicked in this case; wickedness might be corrected or eliminated while stupid is as stupid does and that’s about it.

During President Clinton’s administration the movie Dumb and Dumber was a hit. The present policy of war and alienating half of the world seems a development of the spirit of the age of the Clinton era- the zeitgeist.

I surveyed some of the many video games that youth have played like Call of Duty, Battlefield and so forth. Those games are tools for indoctrination. They have made Russia an enemy for a decade and have them attacking New York or plotting to end life on Earth. Aliens named The Covenant are the opposition force for Space Marines. Americans have been stuffed with entertaining non-sense for quite some time so perhaps it is no wonder they so readily acquiesce in wars that create mass poverty, death, pollution and waste the potential for productivity in opportunity cost for hundreds of millions of people. Not only is the energy crisis detrimental to Europe and the U.S.- it was entirely avoidable. Food costs are sky high thanks to the administration’s decision to pursue and fund war in Ukraine instead of finding a peaceful settlement that both Ukrainians and Russians could live with.

The world ecosphere is overstressed. Ecologists used to say that the world can only sustain life for two billion people as the resources are running down. That means that intelligent rather than stupid leadership need be elected nationally if quite of lot of potential suffering is to be de frapped, a priori. Media tend to support the universal corporate state and violence is regarded as just doing business- why worry? That paradigm falls below the level of intelligent political leadership quite substantially in my opinion.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...