
Mass Shooters Prefer American Express and Visa?

 Credit card companies VISA and American Express have decided to stigmatize gun purchases using their cards as potential mass shooters. I guess that is the political correct corporatist action to take that would be satisfying to Democrats interested in tracking Republicans. In my opinion though mass shooters probably don’t have good enough credit to carry VISA or American Express.

 Economic justice precedes social justice. Social justice without economic equity is somewhat foppish. Those Americans that aren’t Christian and concerned with conduct on Earth consistent with God’s criteria for eternal life and don’t have VISA or AMEX may be the largest class of mass shooters; I cannot say.

 Secular agnostics or atheists that feel they have been permanently marginalized as part of an economic caste system may choose to perpetrate mass shootings as a means of political dissent. Maybe they actually buy a banderillero and have VISA and AMEX cards in their holsters for purchase of dissenting tools like AK-47s and 10,000 rounds of ammunition so they can shoot up masses of humans once and disappear into the hereafter.

 I wonder if anyone has statistically analyzed the political affiliation of the victims of mass shooters. Maybe they are mostly Democrat Party fellow travelers explaining why Democrats are so much against gun ownership in the U.S.A. Adolph Hitler was against gun ownership in Germany too as it allows political dissent to rise to actual violence. If Republicans were commonly the victims of mass shootings I doubt that Democrats would care. State monopoly of violence is the preferred civil mode for fascists and corporatists alike.

 The worst mass shooting of all was the one in Las Vegas. Real conservatives might tend to eschew traveling there because of its reputation, or moniker,  as  Sin City (or is that Washington D.C.?). The victims of that event might have been leaned preponderantly to the Democrat side because they don’t tend to recognize sin anymore, instead looking to the new books of evolutionary biologists promoting godlessness. For Democrats harm is the only morally wrong thing and passing on the genes is the sole meaning of life besides happiness. For corporatists profit is happiness and harm is financial loss. Financial loss for-others may be what mass shooters are after in their final will to achieve economic equality testifying toward the basic inefficiency, inequality and corruption in the way things are.

 There may be just two remedies that lead toward good ends. One is faith in God and the Lord Jesus Christ. The second is eliminating poverty with basic income and universal health care for the poor. A third item might be a Discover Card for every citizen and legal resident of the U.S.A.

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