President Obama continues to support offshore oil drilling in a lawyer-politician way. Lawyers are agents of others—hired guns of jurisprudence. When they are elected as politicians they are doubly actors detached from public interests in-themselves. They may originate with some vague occupational tie to specific individuals or groups, yet inevitably they must migrate allegiance toward abstract social power special interests such as the offshore oil industry. Vladimir Illych Lenin was of course, a Russian lawyer. Too many lawyers in Government converts bread into the aerial souffle without eggs as it rises to windy eloquence within existential incomprehension. Obama Offshore Oil Development Obama Offshore Oil Development Gulf oil spill reaches coast Alaska Offshore Drilling--Shell
The oil spill response so far has been disingenuous—a week ago the undersea gusher might have been expected to become a mass beach disaster making life difficult for beachcombers of the south. The hundreds or thousands of offshore oil platforms are vulnerable advance placement jewels for opposition force elements to target. The President has overlooked the fact that oil corporation assurances that oil platforms offshore are safe make no provision for human failure and human attack. In the world today, human malevolence and political ignorance are the twin towers of environmental terror. An anemic administration effort to move to new forms of energy and transport relies upon fossil fuels on and offshore as a guarantee that things will remain as they are—profitable for concentrated wealth.
Not expecting a Hunnensturm of illegal Mexican aliens to conquer the west and put painter-entrepreneurs out of work in the volkerwanderrung. The administration like many comfortable middle class corporate milieus believe an American security in the brave new world can be purchased globally. Yes, there are economic Huns out there offshore that would subtly sabotage tempting offshore targets such as oil platforms and soft underbelly pipelines if they are stuck out to the conventional low-tech economic-military strategists like a glass jaw. A decadent 5th century Roman Empire was overrun by Goths and Huns by degrees. Romans believed their civilized way could be extended universally—the rest of the unRoman world disagreed. At a certain point, conventional military rationality regarding of the practicality forward positioning vulnerable soft target oil platforms controlled by global corporations should be considered. Americans too easily make themselves hostages to their own fossil fuel and nuclear economic infrastructure with the silly belief that a very expensive military guarantees the safety of those targets—instead it guarantees a continuum of oil dependence and military expenses with vast opportunity costs for the citizens of the United States
The Obama administration has helped transition Afghanistan and Iraq into proto-authoritarian governments conformable to the tradition U.S. role of partnering dictatorships abroad that sell oil to the Exxons and Shells of the world. Neither President Karzai nor Prime Minister Maliki is willing to give up office. America has spent trillions to replace oppressive totalitarian governments with fledgling totalitarian governments that only the future will reveal as becoming narcocracy, theocracy or secular National Socialism.
The military industrial complex alone could work offshore oil platforms for financial leverage in a myriad of scenarios. The ideal political fantasy world has no such cognizance in its programming-logic circuits of course.
Even if Hillary Clinton wrote that it takes a global village, the millennium has come and gone without the arrival of utopia or world dictatorship. C.E.O. megalomania still envisions a sugar plum fairy world of universal corporatism with happy drone employees purchasing product as consumers without a political voice of dissent. The world is a developmental league with implicit self-interest, and –pragmatic political and military defense precautions still require intelligent analysis. Offshore oil platforms and infrastructure, nuclear power plants, and other large plants are tempting targets for improvised exploding ordinance attacks from the Oort cloud of foes of U.S. economic independence.
Genghis Khan also has had several interesting history books written on his life and times that one may find good alternative reading. While the United States plants war eggs of offshore oil wells and onshore nuclear plants that will serve as accelerants in improvisational explosive devices for a future conventional war attack on the U.S. economy, these genetic moral war eggs for future material confusion are being sponsored by federal tax support too. Remotely piloted submersibles, R.P.V. and drone aircraft will be able to ignite upon foreign discretion any and all vulnerable offshore oil infrastructure when convenient.
In 1989 the Exxon Valdez oil spill altered the state of Alaska policy from a growing transformation away from reliance on oil to one of just basic, survival. The Gulf Coast of the U.S.A. has also experienced a reduction in intelligence through a variety of mass insults. Incompetent levy maintenance before Hurricane Katrina, a profusion of offshore oil platforms often controlled by foreign powers—these levers of globalist power over the economic security of the United States are clear and present dangers largely ignored in the District of Corruption.
A U.S. political environment foisting a constellation of offshore oil infrastructure upon sensitive ocean habitat presents a what me worry defense posture. Taxpayers are expected to pay for what amounts to a corporatist oil defense military force to lock down the security of vast tracks of coastal waters from potential improvised jet ski vectors for explosives ordinance launched from distant ships smoke on the horizon, or hellions on terror junkets from abroad locked on courses of self-destruct with grappling hooks and pentex. The Chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullahs, has a plan to homosexually liberate the Navy with SecDef Gates. Congress is content with the defense response evidently. Reminds me of when Admiral Sanchez wanted 50,000 barrels of free oil from Alaska for the Pacific Fleet before the Exxon Valdez spill, and was turned down by Alaska Gov. Cowper. Oil disaster is always waiting to land on sensitive U.S. coastal environments, and probably those of Africa too.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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