
Small Nuclear Plants and Containment of Terror Challenges Prolifrerate

If these petite nukes go in all over the world to increase electrical output then the requirement for security defend these little 8000 home power nuggets will increase along with nuclear waste. Letting ten thousand nuclear plants bloom may bring a hidden, down side of lethality.

Amory Lovins and John Price wrote a book in 1975 titled "Non-Nuclear Futures--The Case for an Ethical Energy Strategy". Many of the arguments against the larger nuclear plants are valid against the small as well. Politicians are perhaps the least creative segment of society continuously dredging up old energy ideas and presenting them as new answers. They invest in upgrading old technologies instead of supporting new because of the wealthy political contributors that have investments in the old industries that paint America into a corner financially. They do not support either national financial or energy independence.

The new, small nuclear power plants that could be in a neighborhood near you soon. Ranging from 10 to 45 megawatts, these mini-tower nukes make local politicians and real estate developers drool with happy anticipation of new sumptuously profitable growth with private power plants. Microsoft and Exxon could buy these babies to power their corporate growth interests,and of course Google should need several to surge electrons for terra-flopping on wireless gaming of more virtual reality The city of Galena Alaska along the Yukon River is reported to be negotiating with a foreign supplier. Ninja-Spetnatz suicide bombers ofthe future may scuba under the ice at high speed to emerge a dark winter nght with a sonic laser ice cutter to blow up the shaft and kill the artificial salmon runs restored toreplace the lost native salmon population.

The effects of all of these temporal, deleterious, phenomena, concatenate environmental wastage and social danger--the environment gets bad. What is needed is rational long-range selection of modest, conservative infrastructures that will produce super-conducting electron storage and transmission channels of green input photons and wind energy.

Iran could use these smaller plants instead of large one--yet thousands could be built to power everyone's neighborhood--is that really a good idea? Larger plants are better for making clandestine nuclear materials for refining upward for nuclear weapons materials--and thats what the real power is about for some.

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