
The Problem with Ayn Rand's Philosophy

She argued against altruism and said it's bad. I believe she misunderstood altruism. It is also good for the individual in a Socratic sense of advancing the general good.

Ayn Rand wrote in an era when monolithic communism was an empirical threat. She had a good business sense and knew what side her bread was buttered on. Her's was anti-communism for the common CEO.

One could use the military for countless examples of self sacrifice for the good of the team. Selfishness does not play at all well in team sports, reducing global warming and social activities that require mass action prompted by emergent circumstances.

Basically she misunderstood the idea of the general good and how one gets a society to advance. Maybe it's an explanation for massive public debt created by selfishness in several levels.

One needs moderation in pursuit of self-interest sometimes as a sort of reciprocal or coefficient of keeping the political economy health.  Plainly if public interests repress individual interests pervasively and arbitrarily society too, and the general good will suffer.

Energy, Mass and Fission

Energy is a measurement of the ability to work, rather than a substance. The amount of energy a volume of mass has is mass times the speed of light squared. Hence E=M(c²).

An example is nuclear fission. When mass undergoes fission it splits some of the mass into fission products that radiate and that is 'energy'. Mass has simply changed some of its form and location in the Higgs field in space-time. It lost part of its original mass in the process. I don't know how efficient atomic fission is at converting mass like plutonium yet I gather it isn't 100%.

Science hasn't found the most basic quanta. Quarks are made of gluons. String theory is just a theory. Maybe they use the infinite dimensions of Hilbert Space to find math formula that support one-dimension strings in four dimensions.

A problem is that massless particles pick up a third dimension slowing, entangled in the Higgs Field. Did primary massless two dimensional particles appear after becoming entangled in an unknown field?

Another question is how massless particles are ever subject to gravity and if not why they should have been bound to a singularity.


Mars Exploration and Earth Eco-recovery together

N.A.S.A. has just .2% of the federal budget. They are underfunded if anything.  It’s about 30 billion a year. The money sent to Ukraine for weapons is 174 billion comparatively. No one in either major party knows what ecological economics is. Getting the private sector to change its way of doing business to the degree that the Earth would be in recovery environmentally is nearly impossible. James Lovelock and Jacque Cousteau each believed the world would sustain human life just for 200 years more. It’s hard to predict the future yet exploration has tended to make more resources available for humanity. They just don’t know how to use them conservatively.

The federal budget for 2023 was more than 6 trillion dollars. Space programs are quite underfunded when one considers their value. There are weather satellites, GPS satellites, programs to track asteroids that might hit Earth, missions to study the ☀️ and inform the world of solar events that can effect Earth systems. Studying other planets and stars helps scientists understand Earth heating and cooling. Actually there is a Coursera course that lets one design their own solar system, planet and feedback loops. The greenhouse effect structure is actually fairly complex. Some of the heat from the sun hits the earth and the bounces back into the atmosphere and down to Earth again. It is important to study other worlds to understand volcanism and more.
 Space is also a contested area and is part of the high frontier of military completion. Spy satellites and space based weapons components are now part of the political economy. Humanity is corrupted by original sin, greed, I security, pettiness and would rather he does than cooperative as a matter of course. President Biden forgot what environment remedies exist if he ever knew any who h is doubtful, and Kamala Harris didn't concern herself with it either.

Hume's Guillotine; Moral Systems and God

The ought-is paradigm of Hume was largely developed to illustrate the basis of moral systems. He didn’t prefer the inference of natural law nor those inducted with reason (like Kant’s moral imperative). He wasn’t addressing the issue of divine command or revelation that is not promulgated by human faculties.

Humanity is corrupt and cannot create a perfect moral system. God is perfect and omniscient and it is remarkable hubris to imply that he would require moral correction or that there is any sort of ought in regard to I AM.

One could use an is ought phase transition paradigm for the singularity, big bang and inflation changing what is to an ought within space-time continua of an eternal now.

Hume believed sentiment was the basis of human morality, and as morality is a description of what rules or procedures of human conduct that are normative Hume’s paradigm is not inconsistent as a formalization of sentiment for normative conduct.

Cicero’s ‘On Natural Law’ expressed a different approach to moral norms yet it to is not inconsistent with sentiment adjusted inter culturally for different historical and environmental challenges prompting variations in response.

Hume was somewhat of a linguistic philosopher centuries before the existed. He thought he could disprove cause and effect with analysis of propositions. Rather he did not comprehend the analytic synthetic distinction or clearly understand the relationship between words and objects. Because he sought to jettison causal relationships the effort to negate is-ought relationships follows.

Not that I would say that one can find is ought relationships outside of physics. If something is out of place in a quantum configuration and ought to be somewhere else there must be a force acting up on it or it has hidden properties. On the other hand when one structures synthetic propositions with analytically valid propositions one hasn't proven anything about the world.

Natural law may exist yet they need be discovered with observation instead of analytic propositions. Divine commands and revelation transcends any paradigms of analytic and synthetic propositions since they are from the Author of Reality. Some would not accept that status plainly.

What is the nature of natural law embedded in physics pertaining to human morality? That would need to be discovered scientifically. When Hume jettison causality he hadn't knowledge of the singularity and inflation of a universal continuum. Physicists ordinarily write about T=0 at singularity to the present on the premise that a progression and arrow in space-time exists. T=2 follows T=1. One can know that certain changes occur in time as subsequent because of prior structures. That continuum is one of causality although like the increase of positive integers there is an order. One can know what follows at select positions. With quantum entanglement one can know the status of remote quanta given the value of proximal quanta when observed. One shouldn't let language structures eclipse knowledge of real structures and causality where a continuum of valid selection and ordinarily is.

On the Question of Soul or Life Existing First

Generally life is first, for humans though it is uncertain. Some believe in a well of souls, or that souls created by God have some status before life. Because humans have no knowledge of that one might take a neutral position.

Adam and Eve seemed to exist someplace else before being downloaded into space-time thermodynamics with aging, reproduction etc into an existing, populated world.


Necessity of Ecological Economics

Ecological economics has qualitative rather than quantitative growth. Actually I believe dead reckoning competence by political economists is necessary and possible. If leaders really don’t have the right world view no blind implementation of theory will meet the empirical challenges the human race has.

Physicalism and Non-locality

Physical just means made of stuff; fermions and bosons mostly. People are made of fermions though they aren’t fermions themselves. Fermions have angular momentum and people usually don’t.

Even if some properties of quanta aren’t determined unless observed, the matter of the universe in large clumps of mass is an entangled phenomenon in the Higgs. Still things are made of stuff even if it’s 2-dimensional massless particles waves entangled to seem like three dimensions.

I wonder if the idea of non-locality is overrated when it is applied to everything and everywhere. A wave function needs to be in a finite area or it’s value will return as 0. There is an allowable infinite number of dimensions in Hilbert Space yet even that might require a specific number for a wave function collapse to return a non- zero value.

I read a book by Zellinger long ago on the quantum teleportation experiments in Zurich, Zi believe it was, underneath a river. A good scientist. Philosophically though I don’t think that non-locality invalidates physicalism. Instead the 2022 Physics Nobel experiments show that some elements of quanta exist in a non-collapsed, undetermined state. It could also mean that a great many alternate field events could fit a particular observed position in an entangled system. 

That makes sense because everything is part of that larger Higgs field and meta-Higgs field system or phenomenon comprising the Universe. The cloud of quantum unknowing perhaps created with the unified field appearance and inflaton works faster than light still, and that is remarkable for one wonders, since the universe might be just 92 billion light years in diameter, where that faster than light cloud of 2 dimensional particles has travelled, what if anything constrains it, why it contains non,-local information ties, and if it is bound by relativity and space-time orbiting outside and through it like a ghost.

The standard meter Kripke used as an example of the existence of contingent a priori truths in Naming and Necessity is a paradigm that’s interesting not just because philosophers and physicists have used it to illustrate the criterion of space-time changes of objects in the general and special theories. The parameters are perhaps useful points for considering quantum valence intervals.

Volume and Empty Space

Parmenides wondered about empty space and volume. There is the problem of the unified field dispersion and human entanglement in the Higgs field. Humans are made of fermions that have intrinsic angular momentum. Everything experienced is made of fermions or bosons. Humans don't know the gaps between things as nothing. Those gaps made just be different field content with fewer fermions or bosons in that vector or Hilbert space.

Parmenides thought only being exists. Logic seems to lead to nothingness existing too. For example if a space has a planet or other object in it and the object is teleported elsewhere the space where it was is empty and nothingness has appeared there.

   Of course it could just be that the space has fewer fermions or bosons yet isn't actually nothing. Time creates the affect of teleportation of the present into the future in a way. What was in the present like a mountain might disappear in a billion years, yet the space where it was in the past isn't empty at any stage; it has at least molecules of the atmosphere.

Subjective-Objective Distinction and Democrats

Mr McGoo saw others as roadhogs thus creating his own reality. When asked if the glass is half empty or half full he replied "It's all mine!". That is the way Democrats regard reality; because of evolution and the death of truth (the New York Times hasn't yet published that as a headline) social 
reality is malleable and nothing is meaningful except day care, homosexual marriage and abortion.
  If there are no differences between subjective and object concerns (the noumena is objective but Democrats can't see that) it is alright to lie about it. 
il est normal d'accuser des opposants politiques jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient condamnés pour des choses qu'ils n'ont pas faites-


Balance the Federal Budget

I have been for a balanced budget and deficit reduction since the Reagan era, and have written in support of that since 1991 or earlier. I tended to regard David Stockman’s budget approach as correct.

Suspending fiscal sanity in order to increase the military budget and end the cold war was Keynesianism on a Laffer scale and possibly excusable for one administration since it worked. Continuing it forever after was genuinely irresponsible; especially since the peace was destroyed and cold war resumed

Why Pantheism is an Incorrect Assumption

God being omniscient doesn't require that everything that exists be Himself. Scripture differentiated the Trinity as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and though they are One they are three. Pluralism begins with God and continues through creation.
  One may assign ultimate intention and authorship to God for all being, yet the protocols of function and purpose do not have God as level 1 operator present in all things. There needs to be room left in the containers for the container. If God was all things and things of the world just nominal presentation of omniscience a baseball would be self aware as it were flung toward a strike zone and could have omniscience, as would a batter facing a slider that could travel forward or backward in time, if time thinking for itself chose to exist right then and there.
  Pantheism would not let God have other than himself with limited sentience. The entire world universe of experience would probably not be present if God was everything with full knowledge.


Meaning of Exist, Real and Absolute Philosophically Speaking

 Was it Kierkegaard who hated the use of the word 'absolute'? That word is derived from absolve that means to free from blame. Most people don't use it that way. He didn't like Hegel's work much and Hegel used the word quite a bit. It doesn't add any meaning to anything really. Absolute is used as a sort of super adjective. For instance in Hegel's 'Realms of Absolute Spirit' (if I recall correctly that book is a kind of abbreviation of the Phenomenology of Mind). It is one of the more over-used words in philosophy, or was. Exist does stand apart. It means one is talking about the condition of being itself. Exist is a basic philosophical word; one of reflection on being. Real is a comparable term although perhaps a lesser one. It seems to mean that something does exist.

Diversity of Life Declines

A naturalist I read quite a while ago said that the most successful life forms are those that exist the most time, through disasters and mass extinctions and those are prokaryotes I believe it was. He said that large complex life forms like humans are far more vulnerable and tend to be short lived in the context of time. It's an interesting idea. The meek shall inherit the Earth.

If the Universe is deterministic that is consistent with deterministic evolution following a Hegelian or Designer's schematic, and obviously that is one of a large set of possibilities with a degree of uncertainty. If the future already exists and thought switches to an appropriate universe at each disjunct one should expect an infinite variety of apparent rather than actual evolutionary forms to appear to comprise the right elements for the thought.


The Problem with Ayn Rand's Philosophy

She argued against altruism and said it's bad. I believe she misunderstood altruism. It is also good for the individual in a Socratic se...