
Pentagon Mouthpiece Says U.S. Will Continue to ‘Pressurize’ Libya

Pressurization is something like war. U.S. military flights flew 175 missions the past two days. Air Force General Margaret Woodward has coordinated the military liberalization of Libya with the full menu of million-dollar apiece missile entrĂ©es. Inflating Libya with military pressurization, the rebels of Libya may enjoy President Obama’s rich military attention. Yet they might expect some sort of pay back for the military pressurization in the future.

The disorienting leadership of the internationalist President Obama waging an out of country conflict while the incompetent congress can’t balance a budget must be somewhat amusing for the President who finds himself leader of the hapless lot of idiots pursuing global wealth while forsaking their own real national interests. That occurs in the decadent Universalist phase of an overly expanded nation-state.

The United States like ancient Rome began with the advantage of comparative isolation and security and borrowed brilliant innovating leaders and ideas from a previous civilization-then it prospered.

Eventually though the nation became a world leaders and expanded beyond its base losing its security and flooding its realm with global leadership. The rest is history; Rome fell and became a backwater subject to other powers of the world for the remainder of its existence unto modern times.

The military at least prosperous n the declining phase of decades or centuries taking a third of the federal budget. Sailors and marines can buy up the homes that are foreclosed upon by global lenders, and the unemployed can marvel at the high salaries of E-1s and observe four-stars moving into six and seven figure management jobs at defense contractors after ‘serving’ the people of the world ‘pressurizing’ foes of the Pentagon.

President Obama Opens Third Spatio-Temporal Military Front; Libya

With just two hours notice to congress President Obama opened a neo-proxy war last Friday to end the Kaddafi regime of Libya. The President has been running his little sideshow from a working vacation in South America for several days using ‘blackberry control’ for micro tasking his globalist wrath via the properly priced powers of the Pentagon.

The President didn’t call the donation of an air force and cruise missiles a war obviously. It was the establishment of a Col. Kaddafi’s Government no-fly zone in order to benefit the Rebel forces of Libya. At what point the rebels are rebels for protesting or firing a weapon at the Libyan army hasn’t been made clear.

Some sort of standard rules for determining who are or are not legal combatants might be useful if one believes such legalities are not mere anachronisms. In a legal context in which community law supersedes written law Leninist ends-justify-means principles seem to be in effect.

Some Americans still like plain legal demarcations and explicit social recognition of civil rights. Without equal and universal civil rights the government can readily becomes an enemy of the people of a nation domestically and for-others.

Modern methods of war and social lack of concern renders such preferences moot in some instances beyond posturing before the reality T.V. cameras of war for ratings.

Recently butched up U.S. military forces protecting the new gayzites of Liberalism-the potential plays on words are endless with an integral calculus of change-must bring about some sort of results in administration logic. One may wonder what the changes will be in Libya in years ahead.

President Obama seemingly has opened a destabilized state of affairs for Libya that could last a decade. The present civil war might go on for months or not. Regardless of the time it takes for the issue to be decided, it is unknown what sort of a government will emerge from the wreckage.

A Libyan government that is free and democratic probably will be too weak on secret police activity to repress terrorists. Suicide bombing may develop as a new Al Qa’eda of Libya arises to vie for power. If the government is genuinely democratic it may not be able to repress Muslim terror planning, and if not, it may liberally permit terrorists to plan attacks on Europe and the American east coast from its territory. Though these concerns are obvious, the new investment of time required to act for security in a newly destabilized nation fairly close to Europe and the U.S.A. is not.

In choosing to enter a third Muslim nation with antagonistic military power the administration has afforded an opportunity for Muslim propagandists to claim that America is a crusader nation bent on converting Muslims to the free market and consumerist atheism. That charge is difficult to refute.

What kind of non-Euclidian political calculus actually goes into U.S. foreign policy intervention planning is unknown to many. While the U.N. may have ordered the engagement to save civilian/rebel lives as an alternative to evacuating them by land and sea, the destabilization of Libya by removal of the Kaddafi government may endanger American lives in the years ahead.

If the duty of a U.S. President is to enact the will of congress and defend the United States, he has apparently done neither of those objectives in his Libyan venture that he says he will turn over to the participating powers in a few days…I am sure they will be very happy with that.

Presidents Washington and Eisenhower each had farewell speeches warnings of permanent foreign political alliances or engagements, of the dangers of a standing military or of the military industrial complex.

U.S. foreign policy opening up protracted and costly military actions in Muslim nations may involve a kind of Euclidean solid compiling and configuration strategy involving color and composition of uncertain parameters and variables. Domino theory was one games theoretical approach to nations, boundaries and war in 20th century politics. The U.S. administration needs to do better than that today, and lead an energy and ecology policy for economic effectiveness far better in quality than the military deployments choices that also lead to financial deficits and bad economic and ecological development examples for the rest of the world. The building blocks of international relations model shapes can be put together in a greater range than politicians seem aware of.

Opening the first conflict of the pentagon’s ‘Butch’ era of openly gay military ‘servants’ with a defense of Ben-Gay-zi Liberaliya seems somehow apropos for the confusion of U.S. roles on military and economic interest in the world today. At least Democratic Rep. Coup-sin-itch said that it might be an impeachable offense. Maybe Congress should pass some kind of law regulating foenetics.

Mathematical methods for modeling nations and political force interpolation abroad that require less military and more intelligent engagement are requisite for a U.S.A. fit to meet the global challenges for today and tomorrow.

Gravity and Photons

If gravity was like light
its particles scattering in all directions
from a source to flow with inertia across space
issued in a valence level at fixed speed
gravitons would issue in all directions
shifting frequency approaching or receding
effects would not be focused
to act upon distant objects equally as near
primary gravitational sources diluted with distance
inverse square laws, linear equations
becoming integrals of unknown areas of force
concatenations of mass never out of touch
imperfect circumstances for learning
such as experimentation on the affects of galaxies 20 billion light years away
only empty space in the midst and nothing beyond
differentials of theory
spheres of mass in four dimensional all-directional stream criteria

On Faith

I thought I would write a note about faith. Reading an interesting book on the historical development of select fields of mathematics I reached a place where the author commended Descartes method of philosophical introspection for first principles of knowledge. He suggested it as being exemplary of a method for self-help.

I enjoy reading philosophy and the meditations on a method have stimulated generations of people to consider basic assumptions about experience. Yet the axiom suggested; taking nothing on faith, seems implicitly invalid; this is why…

Experience of the world implicitly presents itself in structure. Today we might reduce our description for causation of the structure to physicalist processes relating to quantum theory; however it is at any rate structured and therefore heterodox in nature. One’s own conscious experience exists of a structured reality not generated by one’s own thought.

It might be popular for some moderns to suggest that a tabula rasa like existential appreciation of reality is requisite for making decisions about belief and subjective epistemological relationships to things external. It isn’t necessary to be so far existentially isolated in making myriad practical judgments about the world and of religious matters inevitably. Not all questions about faith in God or faith in Jesus Christ occur within a subjective, existential criterion though it may be popular to convince people that it is the case.

Let me provide a few examples about practical questions of faith compared to an abstract, existential paradigm for contemplating the meaning of faith.

Example 1-You are alone on a small, wet, cold island in Alaska with dwindling supplies. You have no batteries for communication devices and food is running low. A winter storm may occur so looking for food may be a good idea. A week before the fellow that dropped you off on the island said that he would return today at eleven. You have faith that he will return on time and so pack and are ready at the landing site instead of foraging for food somewhere else.

Example 2-The Japanese Army has invaded the Philippines. You are a local with a libertarian political philosophy the Japanese would repress. An American General evacuating the Philippines says ‘I shall return’. You have faith and fight the Japanese as an insurgent from the jungle with faith that one day the General will return to reinforce the resistance. Without faith, the prospects for resistance might have seemed futile.

3) Two thousand years ago a UFO visits the Earth and an alien named Morty gets off. Soon he instructs the villagers of a remote desert collection of ramshackle dwellings that someday in the distant future he will return to bring desalinating equipment in order to help make the production of fresh water and lemonade possible for less cost than rival villagers sell it for presently. All he needs now is the sacrifice of some barbecued goats to fuel his vehicle.

The villagers provide the goat meat and the alien departs in his UFO. A cult of faith develops that lasts quietly in the village for two millennia. It is not unreasonable for the villagers’ descendents to have faith that the UFO will return as promised with their water making equipment is it?

Example 4- A anthropologist is alone in an African jungle walking to a village. Suddenly she is aware that millions of army ants are moving her way. She walks faster and soon reaches a small ravine at the bottom of which is a crocodile infested creek.

There are two planks that cross over to the far side of the creek, and two men telling her to cross over their plank safety. One man accuses the other have being a deceiver, and that his plank is rotten and a death trap for western anthropologists. The other man is humble, and says he paid for the plank himself, knows it to be safe, and the only thing he charges to use it is faith.

The anthropologist chooses to have faith and crosses to safety before the woman eating army ants reach the barrier.

Example 5- Jesus Christ arrived on Earth about the year 3 B.C. and at age 30 began a three year ministry to evangelize the people of the world with the good news that He is God. If people have faith that He is God and paid for their sins with the sacrifice of His own life-and accept Him as their Savior-then he will take them unto heaven eventually and eternal life reconciled unto God the Father.

In other words, Christians are to have faith that Jesus Christ really plans to return to Earth one day, or otherwise liberate them from the bondage of mortal life and the problems of sin and evil. Faith that Jesus Christ will return is not an abstract intellectual or philosophical construction instead of a belief that a real man who lived at a particular moment in history actual was who he said he was, overcame death with resurrection and will return to wrap up his mission-to-Earth at some point in the future.

Faith in Jesus Christ is a belief in a particular individual and trust in His word.


Into Nothing Falls Space ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

With the wondrous flow
space falls in every direction
for a coherent pattern is finite
structured harmonics of being’s accord go

Into nothingness space falls
dimensions and mass never weight
forming permutations of motion
being and nothingness of late
extend forever into subjectivity as all

All that is one uni-verse we know
flowing structured indeterminacy
particle-wave string shells
tide in knots slipping in time

Moving through spacescapes being together
changes of context in unusual weather
currents of mass-energy converted from one
enact each possibility in structures in fall
together with nothingness reaching toward all
that is one way of being and seeming
first light
shining within darkness
within ponderous night.

Kemp, Reagan, Concussions & Supply Side Tax Cuts

The 31% income tax cuts that Ronald Reagan signed into law were stimulated by the Kemp-Roth bill to cut income taxes 30%. The national debt more than doubled during the Reagan administration.

Congressman Jack Kemp was a pro football quarterback who handed off the football to O.J. Simpson playing for the Buffalo Bills. Perhaps Jack Kemp got several concussions like O.J. One wonders if O.J. was not the career leader in concussions since he was most of the expansion era Bill’s offense.

Ronald Reagan also played football albeit in college. He also served in world war two and of course contracted Alzheimer’s disease. Autopsies have shown that the brains of football player’s that have had several concussions shrink about 50% as much as those with Alzheimer’s. That is concussions cause Alzheimer’s scale brain damage if repetitive.

Kemp and Reagan, the two prime movers of 30% tax cuts for the rich each had the potential for brain damage during their political careers from football concussions and/or Alzheimer’s disease. Bill Clinton, who never played in more than a band, eliminated the tax cuts so far as possible.

One might wonder if there is a relationship between brain damage and support for very low federal income tax rates. Does cocaine use factor in to creating political belief that mass economic growth will pay for federal deficit spending by the trillions simultaneously with 30% income tax cuts Maybe, just for academic purposes, scientists might ask O.J. Simpson if he would allow his brain to be MR’d t determine I he has experienced significant brain damage from his football concussions. Simpson probably was the best fullback in the NFL history and on terrible teams ran the ball about every play averaging five yards a carry (approximately). Simpson may have played with concussions and ignored them as best as possible.

Economic Wars of Today and Tomorrow

Tomahawk cruise missiles cost more than a million dollars apiece. When hundreds are launched at nations such a Libya that stimulates the economy of defense contractors. Questions about the relation of economics to modern war may abound, though I will speculate about just a few parameters of the phenomena.
For North Sea oil fields running low and world oil reserves probably having already reached peak production while global demand and population is increasing, securing Libyan oil fields for England, France and Europe’s benefit might seem a poetic bargain since Moamar Kaddafi led invention of the 1972 Arab oil embargo against the west.

If the world has a few developing major economic blocks and ideas about economic and moral correctness-perhaps the Market of the west, Islam and a Chinese block-these major blocks seems to have plate tectonic boundary conflicts that can lead to military conflicts of limited nature.

A Chinese government that would attack Taiwan with high tech weapons and a million man army would risk counter-punching with cruise missiles from Taiwan on it economic infrastructure such as dams and sensitive production facilities. If even 30% of the Chinese infrastructure was halted for some time a popular revolution might transpire. Alternatively if China attacked Taiwan other players might find it a good time to attack China from another direction. Modern games theory seems to be behind several potential conflicts today, especially as economic calculations of the value of targets, weapons and economic losses to rivals and increased economic power to winners seem to have returned to the phenomena of war.

When the Bush II administration choose to accept Kaddafi’s normalization feelers seven years ago much of the American right was discomfited with letting the well known terrorist off the hook. One must wonder if G.W. Bush was setting up a rope-a-dope for a foot in the door to let another administration deliver the knock out punch to the terrorist dictator bring in oil reserves and better contracts with a different post-Kaddafi government?

Moamar Kaddafi long ago was a revolutionary leader receiving support fro the world leftist war against the ‘free world’. He was a radical Islamist as well seeking gains against the ‘Crusader-Colonialists’ in a protracted war of Muslims against the dar al harb. With the end f the cold war the dictator realized in time that he was over-exposed without a K.G.B. backup and Soviet military existential ally I suppose-he sought to renormalize relations with the west after 9-11 in order not to become a target for a Bush II invasion force. Moamar Khadafy was buying time, yet the post 9-11 west placed more demands upon Liberalization than the dictator was willing to afford.

Moamar Kaddafi had order the Pan American airlines flight that flew from the U.S.A. to London t be blown up over Lockerbie Scotland in 1988. I remember the year because I had flown on a similar Pan Am flight the year before close to winter solstice. Eventually some terrorist named Abdel Basset Mohamed al-Megrahi was convicted, Kaddafi implicated yet with the help of BP eventually Scotland released the terrorist for ‘humanitarian reasons’ as he was believed dying of terminal cancer to the tender ministrations of Kaddafi and celebration. Under the current sentiments and spookish planning seem possibly to exist in the phenomena.

With unknown intelligence elements encouraging organization, public Internet twittering and demonstration in Libya led to demands that the dictator resign and his condign response. Thus the U.N. Security Council voted to provide air cover for whatever civilian led military actions against the forces of Kaddafi might follow. One anticipates that the cost benefits to the oil and military industrial elements of interested parties will also bring a future of uncertainty to the nature and cost of support for a post Kaddafi government for the United States.

In a world with increasing population and military capability economic conflicts that stimulate respective power blocks military industrial conflicts will empty their arsenals of weapons that become shelved to long allowing a restocking with new weapons. If weapons are not used the weapons industry cannot perpetuate business activity obviously. The cost of war upon the destruction of particular economic infrastructure may also produce political candidates that represent economic interests wishing to have their global interests protracted from military destruction. Wars and war targets may thus become selected by omission from politically protected status as well as for commission of direct attacks or threats to antagonist military forces.

In a world with increasing military power, reducing number of political power blocks, increasing population and far higher structuring of mass economic subsistence and global trade the occurrence of war will obviously present an increasing danger to collateral global economic continuity, therein creating diamond-cutting quality specialized military assault potential to alter economic balances globally. Such a human social criterion for modern war highlights in failure of human society commonly to pursue the good for-itself instead of the stupid.

In a nation with decreasing use of capital punishment, U.S. annual homicide through war rates have increased markedly since 9-11 when the era of post-cold war peace besides Kosovo or wherever was an era of simple government greed without violence as an economic device. This seems to be an era of increasing government killing cliques of murdering monkeys lusting for economic power and market profit. Alternative development of a more human kind would eliminate fossil fuels from the transportation equation and continue human expansion of the High Frontier on non-biologically populated worlds with peaceful global participation. Humanity can only climb as far as its leaders are allowed to go.

On the Logic of a Post-Military World Order/Direct Death Executives

When the United States and other United Nations member powers launched 112 (later reports suggested hundreds of missiles were launched) million dollar each Tomahawk missiles upon Libya Saturday it suggested that the era of ¾ trillion dollar a year U.S. military costs are not quite over. With the proliferation of missile technology it is easy to envision the chaotic world of the future made possible with a plethora of conventional auto-piloted munitions delivered to g.p.s. coordinates. Yet what of a future world order where science unifies destruction and homicide with political will to act directly?

Instead of a world full of soldiers, airmen, marines and sailors with a cornucopia of high tech specialized weaponry, the ultimate logic of modern weapons of war conferring specific destruction upon grid areas would eliminate military forces and place the particularized power of destruction directly into the hands or voice command of a political leader.

Such scientific progress that would let particle beam devices actually at the speed of light to any location on the planet within a specific bounded are would terminate the need for any other kind of military force beyond ordinary civil gendarmerie and police. Death and destruction delivered with precise computerized accuracy in any shape, quantity or quality globally would terminate whatever opposition force existed at that address.

Though such a weapons development is not all too improbable one day, one must wonder about the theoretical issues that would arise with placing virtually absolute power in the hands of one individual. Would a President with absolute power be willing to give up power? Would a political party with such a power tolerate political plurality?

Human culture has always coexisted with geographic regions. Human race existed within particular areas and changed only as culture changed. Cultures, race, economy and gender roles arise and continued phenomenally to sometimes be destroyed or perish through environmental challenge. Were Neanderthal’s exterminated through interspecies contact with humans with some sort of venereal disease?

Politically, cultural developments and intercultural contacts may occur as national units, regional units or even civilizations. A global culture may have developed, yet subcultures for local autonomy persist enabling members of a stable culture to order their own affairs democratically. Cultures allow competition and differentiation to exist. A global culture and national sub-cultures may be the present form of social organization, yet differentiation is pressured by uniformist political-economic powers seeking elimination of nationalist subcultures; the dissimulation that all people would be free equally to travel with just one world macro-culture is material. There would inevitably be a global financial apartheid of the travelers, financiers and wealth exploiting the politically disempowered majority, or, alternately, a planetary authoritarian computer guided dictatorship of the proletariat would dress all things political in shades of gray.

What sort of logic would guide plural political powers of absolute particle beam specific death that would permit democratic election? If the President of the nations of the United Nations Security Council each had the particle beam power of death for themselves in their national offices, what gaming conditions could be logically developed to assure a just use and transfer of control of the death field after elections?

If nation-cultures are phenomenal facts in the stream of time wherein a stable time-geography existence confers genetic similarity, how would political leaders decide about rightness or wrongness for use of death fields in relation to economic or national-culture times of instability?

The post-military world environment where none are free from the invasive surveillance of corporate organization and/or government may also bring a post-military world in which each existing cultural leader has the power to kill any or all within his polity or that of rival polities at his/her/its fingertips. One must wonder if that era would be one of peace or terror for the voters. In a future post-military world order political leaders might receive weaponry directly from scientific laboratories able to kill select members of the world populous. Would scientist then not themselves necessarily be political partisans and the de facto military providing assists to the Executive homicidalist for more efficient action?

Review 2-'Age of Fracture'

The farther I have read in this book on American society and the evolution and fragmentation of political and economic thought in the United States since maybe 1960, the more I enjoy it. It should win a National Book Award. My undergraduate depth in philosophy and history allows me to appreciate the interdisciplinary scope’s intensity of analysis the Princeton History proff Daniel Rodgers brought to these essays on fracturing or pluralistic platooning of more simple and aggregate forms of social thought in economics, sociology, politics, race, gender studies and more.

I had not considered the fact before that the 1960’s anti-establishment libertarianism of anti-war, anti-draft, anti-government radicals synergized very logically into a 1980’s anti-big government, libertarian anti-state neo-conservative political philosophy. One finds innumerable interesting points in this book to support development of one’s own new political theories as one realizes better where America thought amidst elites has been and how it got to be where it is today.

Even the law has changed significantly on the basis for assigning value and compensation for plaintiff claims. Real social values of damages differ from narrow, proximal differences, and market values of claims damages differ as well with time as an element.

Individuals rather than social aggregations seem to be the present American point of view from which social corrections of class inequalities might be made, or rather, disregarded. If social classes are specious then corrections for class inequalities are as well. This book surveys changes in language and social power structures, from Foucault and on to the philosophies of Rawls, Rorty and Nozick. The contest between structure and destructuralism in social perceptions and power, in the pursuit for social justice and relation to the market comprise dialectical intellectual and political evolution that from my point of view fail to appreciate the frontier, phenomenal and voluntary nature of primitive human social aggregation for which good character seeking to assure freedom and the best possible way of life for all within available environmental resource limits would have a temporal propensity for redistributing wealth to the lowest class of society in order to increase opportunity until it became socially and economically counter-productive to do so.

At this point I will leave off commenting about Rawls’ philosophy and ‘The Age of Fracture’ and describe a better way of regarding society, briefly.

Anarchy, State and Utopia by Nozick was a libertarian reply to Rawls’ earlier book of social philosophy ‘A Theory of Justice’ helpfully summarized by Rodgers in ‘The Age of Fracture’. I have read the classical philosophers of political philosophy, yet not too much the more contemporary as I stayed with analytical philosophy, cosmology and occasional retro-readings (regarding time eg. Aquinas, Kierkegaard, Augustine, Origin, Athanasius etc.) in theology. Readings in the analytic philosophy of W.V.O. Quine, P.F. Strawson, Cohen, and others led to a better understanding of the nature of language, words and objects and so forth. Because I view society as a phenomenal, evolutionary aggregation that creates its own linguistic and moral ontologies phenomenally and appropriate for various respective stages and circumstances, yet also believe in God and a natural structure of the Universe from its quantum level to a solid state level consistent with the concept of natural law, its rather simple to regard arguments about social roles, social and political power and so forth as also phenomenal historical circumstances. The ideal human society short of the arrival of God to supervise personally, would try to perpetually restore to human society the volunteer, equal access the fundamental material needs and freedom found in a healthy natural environment so far as possible.

In a very advanced society money as power is transcended and the individual has adequate power to provide for individual freedom. The primary political directive would be to prevent any kind of coercive subjugation of anyone else, such that all people would need to associate strictly on a voluntary basis.

Societies evolve and historically appear at any given place and time. Changing a social environment is always challenging and seldom is accomplished without discomfiture to significant portions of the population. When a society reaches a rational material balance with the ecosphere however, when technology becomes environmentally minimalist regarding displacement of the ecosphere and the economics of personal living needs are socially well advanced freeing society from direct needs to the preponderance of repressive competition or exploitation of the environment, then each individual should have enough energy to be creative and survive to prosper intellectually and physically without compiling power or energy in such a way as to be repressive of anyone else in society. In that advanced ecospheric social structure, one that incidentally is space-faring, money, energy or wealth would be freely available like water is to a primitive society in an area with lots of naturally flowing streams. In such a context of rational and socially prosperous economic management there would be no reason for anyone to try to dam up or compile excess water for-themselves anymore so than there would be a reason for a hundred wandering Indians living in Eastern Oregon 15,000 years ago to fence property.

Human civilization has existed for about 8,000 years, and the progress of human society in economics might be fairly measured by observing how it provides its members with food and other necessities of life. Before civilization, with a far smaller population, most of humanity had sufficiency in food. Human freedom was general as slavery largely is a consequence of organized social subjugation. With economic progress much of humanity is subjugated by bureaucratic and organizational structures requiring servitude in exchange for food, shelter and other necessaries. Medical advances are vast improvements over pre-civilization human conditions, yet they are not available to all and for many require a kind of financial bondage to get (debt). The advance of civilization will require a rectification of the deficiencies in these conditions.

One day when economic rationality has advanced far enough freedom from want for all of humanity may be a fact, and the ecosphere might simultaneously be restored. The prevention of crime and ecospheric unfeasibility vis demographics and continuity might be the sole coercive governance in a rational society with a productive economy of a lowest entropy condition.

Every individual might create a secure home as easily as flipping open a self phone that would disappear when flipped shut. No cause for permanent geographic displacement of ecosphere or geographic area would exist. Economic competition would stop. Quality technical progress could continue. Yet that would be more like the pursuits of knowledge that ancient Greek philosophers and mathematicians pursued; knowledge for its own sake. Dialectical conversations would occur, and material fabrications could be accomplished when necessary for some particular exploration venture. Generally though the advanced society would have accomplished insinuation into the Earth ecosphere in the most energy efficient and effective way practical with barriers to travel overcome, communication ubiquitous, freedom defended and the economy renaturalized as an equivalent to nature able to cohere non-invasively within the ecosphere (nature).

Space-Time Slope and Mass Gravity ©2011 GaryCGibson (poem)

When the slope of space-time Universe flows
outward upon the course of nothingness
across those depths of empty infinity
the wasteland without sound or meaning
mass energy cannot return over extra-dimensions of self
to journey with spatial dimensions directed
like never ending frontiers of echoes
along free running river courses of potential

Mass aggregating in steady states
has larger dimensions to themselves
tumbling like stones in a rock polisher
gems of refracting light in molecular forms
mass energy collapsing inward as space flows outward
the infinite directions expanding forever
while mass contracts within its being
compacting efficient effacement of dissipation

Inner Peace with Self-Acceptance for Slobs?

If one is a slob one might want to lose weight, launder clothes and clean up the yard. A season of discontent can be edifying.  Change can b...