With just two hours notice to congress President Obama opened a neo-proxy war last Friday to end the Kaddafi regime of Libya. The President has been running his little sideshow from a working vacation in South America for several days using ‘blackberry control’ for micro tasking his globalist wrath via the properly priced powers of the Pentagon.
The President didn’t call the donation of an air force and cruise missiles a war obviously. It was the establishment of a Col. Kaddafi’s Government no-fly zone in order to benefit the Rebel forces of Libya. At what point the rebels are rebels for protesting or firing a weapon at the Libyan army hasn’t been made clear.
Some sort of standard rules for determining who are or are not legal combatants might be useful if one believes such legalities are not mere anachronisms. In a legal context in which community law supersedes written law Leninist ends-justify-means principles seem to be in effect.
Some Americans still like plain legal demarcations and explicit social recognition of civil rights. Without equal and universal civil rights the government can readily becomes an enemy of the people of a nation domestically and for-others.
Modern methods of war and social lack of concern renders such preferences moot in some instances beyond posturing before the reality T.V. cameras of war for ratings.
Recently butched up U.S. military forces protecting the new gayzites of Liberalism-the potential plays on words are endless with an integral calculus of change-must bring about some sort of results in administration logic. One may wonder what the changes will be in Libya in years ahead.
President Obama seemingly has opened a destabilized state of affairs for Libya that could last a decade. The present civil war might go on for months or not. Regardless of the time it takes for the issue to be decided, it is unknown what sort of a government will emerge from the wreckage.
A Libyan government that is free and democratic probably will be too weak on secret police activity to repress terrorists. Suicide bombing may develop as a new Al Qa’eda of Libya arises to vie for power. If the government is genuinely democratic it may not be able to repress Muslim terror planning, and if not, it may liberally permit terrorists to plan attacks on Europe and the American east coast from its territory. Though these concerns are obvious, the new investment of time required to act for security in a newly destabilized nation fairly close to Europe and the U.S.A. is not.
In choosing to enter a third Muslim nation with antagonistic military power the administration has afforded an opportunity for Muslim propagandists to claim that America is a crusader nation bent on converting Muslims to the free market and consumerist atheism. That charge is difficult to refute.
What kind of non-Euclidian political calculus actually goes into U.S. foreign policy intervention planning is unknown to many. While the U.N. may have ordered the engagement to save civilian/rebel lives as an alternative to evacuating them by land and sea, the destabilization of Libya by removal of the Kaddafi government may endanger American lives in the years ahead.
If the duty of a U.S. President is to enact the will of congress and defend the United States, he has apparently done neither of those objectives in his Libyan venture that he says he will turn over to the participating powers in a few days…I am sure they will be very happy with that.
Presidents Washington and Eisenhower each had farewell speeches warnings of permanent foreign political alliances or engagements, of the dangers of a standing military or of the military industrial complex.
U.S. foreign policy opening up protracted and costly military actions in Muslim nations may involve a kind of Euclidean solid compiling and configuration strategy involving color and composition of uncertain parameters and variables. Domino theory was one games theoretical approach to nations, boundaries and war in 20th century politics. The U.S. administration needs to do better than that today, and lead an energy and ecology policy for economic effectiveness far better in quality than the military deployments choices that also lead to financial deficits and bad economic and ecological development examples for the rest of the world. The building blocks of international relations model shapes can be put together in a greater range than politicians seem aware of.
Opening the first conflict of the pentagon’s ‘Butch’ era of openly gay military ‘servants’ with a defense of Ben-Gay-zi Liberaliya seems somehow apropos for the confusion of U.S. roles on military and economic interest in the world today. At least Democratic Rep. Coup-sin-itch said that it might be an impeachable offense. Maybe Congress should pass some kind of law regulating foenetics.
Mathematical methods for modeling nations and political force interpolation abroad that require less military and more intelligent engagement are requisite for a U.S.A. fit to meet the global challenges for today and tomorrow.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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