
Tokyo Electric's Endangered Fukushima Prefecture Nuclear Reactors

When an earthquake can bring nuclear power plants to the brink of melt-down it is time to rethink the wisdom of building nuclear power plants. Authorities have evacuated people from the vicinity of the plants already, and the future of cooling down the leaking and overheating reactors isn't presently known.



That brings to mind the Iranian nuclear power plant designed by the people that built the Chernyobyl plant. The IRGC needs to build it so it has an excuse to produce plutonium for it that it doesn't need, in order to skim the surplus for nuclear weapons manufacture.

Just a few years ago the revolutionary bureaucracy of Iran investigated the theological opinion about the Japanese: Do they have souls or not since they are not 'people of the book'? The Khomeinist mullahs decided the Japanese do not have souls. Such sophisticated complexities may boggle the mind of westerners, yet we are sure that there must be some sort of hyper-efficient way of quickly cooling down nuclear reactors-maybe pouring liquid hydrogen in the reactor rooms or some other super fluid. If Japanese nuclear plants melt down it may be an ill wind for quality fishing in Alaska that could carry atomic waste into the atmosphere and the Aleutians. Even Chernobyl dusted much of the northern hemisphere with a little unhealthy for fish radiation.

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