
Education ComPutin & The Federal Budget

Education in the United States has failed to keep up with the challenges flowing over K-12 instructional method.K-12 competency decline parallels that of U.S. economic leadership. It should be easier to advance progress in public K-12 education than in federal economic leadership.

Students waste too much time on computer gaming. For-extra credit educational games of high video quality should be contracted to encouraged students to play educational games instead of grand theft auto. Like standardized textbooks educational video games should be exciting for teenagers to play.

For mathematical instruction perhaps students shooting the right answer might get points on multiple choice opponents possibilities while those failing to nail the right relationship of for example the hypotenuse of the Pythagorean Theorem might be shot and lose points.

Standardized mathematical and history video games would let students combine useful learning and recreational opportunities together. School examination of a student-player’s skill level on a school computer would determine if the student learned that Vladimir Computin was not the inventor of transistor, or if the periodic table’s elements include pepper and salt.

Federal budgeters in Congress complain about nickel and diming the trillion dollar deficit conveniently forgetting that last December both parties and the president choose to extend tax cuts thus preventing a balanced budget in two years if they had been allowed to expire, and quicker with some spending cuts. If the federal budget could have been balanced by a responsible congress this year, the fracturing of national ecological and economic accountability into the worst case scenarios of the Diner’s Dilemma that allow just ‘nickel and diming’ of the federal budget and 14 trillion dollar public debt provides a spirit-of-the-age normal replacement. Kicking the issue down the road is the best way for globalism to function when it’s only the U.S. public holding the bag.

Globalists seek to balance the budget by cutting social sector spending-areas where corporations and contractors do not directly get federal payments. If entitlements were to be fairly cut, it would not be the poor that would be cut but the prosperous through means testing and of course that would be opposed by the prosperous majorities of congress. Cutting social sector spending isn’t the best way to balance the federal budget now. Cutting Department of Revenue spending on interest payments on the public debt-about ¾ trillion annually would be possible with tax increases. Eliminating interest payments on public debt is the preferred method of balancing the federal budget. Modest spending cuts, and large rhetoric cuts, should be enacted to bring the U.S. economy toward a healthier direction.

Public education could obviously be improved by providing vouchers to private schools for excellent students so they are not held back. Teachers should have more time to instruct average and slower students. A public education system in the post-modern nation-state runs a risk of mass public mediocrity through conformity to a fundamental norm killing educational diversity in the process. The richness of a public education system should be found in its independent diversity of content and styles instead of in training for submission to autocracy or alternatively collective yippee conformity.

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