
Recurrent Cycle of Evolutionary Capitalism

A recurring cycle of capital concentration in historical evolution is the fundamental post hunter-gathering economic practice of mankind. For reasons of brevity I shall refrain from citing countless historical examples of the point from ancient Rome, to monarchy, feudalism and so forth. From an egalitarian apportionment of natural wealth competition drives the concentration of wealth and power that upon reaching stagnation at the highest feasible form of concentration is broken up with violent revolution to resume the cycle from a new egalitarian foundation.

With the simultaneous progress of human knowledge and technology subsequent cycles of capital concentration resume at a higher level of foundational wealth than previous beginnings. Through history several economic and social analysts have viewed selective stages of the recurrent capital cycles of evolution and have advanced theories about how a ‘fair’ redistribution of wealth might be made. Karl Marx was such an historical figure, who did not recognize, like so many others, that the evolutionary advance of capital concentration cannot be arrested at any particular point and continue to function as a progressive economy. Like the evolution of mass and energy in space time through thermodynamic stages of entropy, economics in capital evolution cannot be stopped.

What can be done to moderate evolutionary capitalism to serve the basic interest of a society is to try to limit the concentration of wealth in order to promote the egalitarian and competitive benefits of complete social participation with meaningful opportunities for ingenuity, invention and private capital concentration. A democratic society cognizant of failures of individuals pervasively to accumulate capital for-themselves should limit the size of corporate employment and attempt to perpetuate a revitalization of individual capital resources for all citizens.

The United States is just one example of a nation in a stage of capital concentration concentrating wealth for trans-national corporations. Concurrently U.S. Government policy fails to create a Mexican border barrier equivalent to a natural barrier effective enough that it cannot be illegal crossed.As the world population and transportation efficiency increases toward 9 billion souls dozens of millions of illegal global migrants enter the U.S.A. to create surplus labor and keep wages down for the working class while wealth is concentrated for corporate rulers of the nation. U.S. cycles of simultaneous concentration of wealth and national political decay provide a glimpse of the future conditions that may precipitate a violent revolutionary transition to stage one of the egalitarian distribution of wealth that evolves toward an eventual concentration of wealth.

The United States began with a violent revolutionary redistribution of wealth and power in destroying British rule over the nation. Natural resources were abundant permitting an egalitarian basis for general capital non-concentration lasting nearly 175 years before the concentration of wealth reached a networking stage that has continued its pace of acceleration. As the population density of the U.S.A. increases the quantity of non-renewable an renewable natural resources per individual decreases. Accelerating global immigration over an ineffectively defended southern border increases the pace of political social inequality with a large internal and external proletariat demanding cultural change.

Instead of being an island of ecospheric rationality and restoration with an exemplary static population size and a continuum of low entropy, full employment economic methodology dampening the cycle of evolutionary capitalism from its terminal, singularity phase the United States has thrown reason to the winds and gone along with the historical drafting force of the cycle of evolutionary capitalism. Karl Mark argued for arrested development at the lowest level of concentrated wealth possible that has the implicit effect of preventing competition and progress, while pure capitalists tend to argue in favor of the cycle of wealth concentration either without comprehending or caring that it inevitably leads to violent social destruction without the interpolation of intelligent design of economic reform.

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