
Apocalpse Scheduled for Hubble Space Telescope

With the Hubble Space Telescope, human sight has boldly gone where no human vision has gone before. The views of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field series brought visions of galaxies created when the universe was less than a billion years old. N.A.S.A. plans to order the space telescope to activate a small steering rocket in a few years, enter the Earth’s upper atmosphere and burn up in a bright ball of friction flame because U.S. bureaucrats have run out of ideas of anything more useful to do with the brilliant relic of an era of excellence besides ordering it to self-destruct.

The disposable American political ethos has tragically and profligately scheduled the apocalypse for the Hubble Space Telescope. Even though it will be comparatively less modern than the newer James Webb infrared super-giant space telescope scheduled to go up soon the Hubble still would be valuable for a variety of presently unknown future applications.

What can be done with the Hubble; auction it on E-Bay so a private space firm can buy it and move it to some orbital location and perhaps repair it one day? Move it to a stationary orbit Mars? Some use for space materials other than burning them up in the Earth’s atmosphere should become a normal policy- maybe the Hubble could be used to make ice cream or serve as a dog house at a future moon base. Enable the Hubble to make a soft landing on the moon or just send it until on a slow journey around Jupiter until future space farers reclaim it for use-nothing can be as wasteful as just burning it to ashes.

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