
Iran/U.S.A. Disparate Simultaneous World Views in Geopolitical Space-Time

Reading through another book after completing ‘The Balkan Wars’ I expect to discover more evidence of human political folly, well, one can always go to the other planet I suppose where things are more regularly Utopian in nature.

A Utopian development of the planet Mars may develop in the future, yet some historians believe that another Serbian-Kosovo conflict may occur first following the depopulation of Kosovo of Serbs pervasively since the N.A.T.O. intervention. The topic of the Islamic Revolution of The Ayatollah Ruhallah Khomeini unto the present day of Iranian President Ahmadinejab continues illustrating the talking past each other feature of political relationships. Each side is attempting to exert its political goals, and of course the assertion of universal goals allows a transcending of domestic political issues nicely consolidating things for politicians.

Is the United States of America in its new era of moral and ecological depravity truly the Great Satan or is that just an Iranian polemical label used to declare a moral jihad? Did Iran actually declare war upon the United States with the Embassy hostage taking in 1979 and continue it through a series of low level; terrorist skirmishes including a number of proxy agents?

Philosophically one may view political weltanschauungs of a pluralistic context as more common in the tech communication era. America as an ambassador of atheism and decay may be a natural progression from its dependence upon a mature national industrial and technological infrastructure. The United States is also a puppet of Great Britain’s need to have a world without financial borders able to replace its lost colonial empire. A decadent United States with so many Toynbean end-of cycle signs is simpler to manipulate away from rational ecospheric and moral conservativism.

Without the monochromatic political world views of the non-technological communications era that allowed the Balkan nations to have sufficient opportunity for political privacy that real violent revolutionary militias could form to oppose empires such as the Ottoman, Hapsburg, French or Russian now and then, the Iranian-American dialectical political evolutions tends to follow a more bellicose and assertive shouting match format with little progress toward a better ecospheric economic evolution of values. Several alternatives ways of looking at the world exist in each nation of course, some more sober than others.

The United States like a weak alcoholic has become incapable of getting off dependence on the bottle of fossil fuels. Since President Carter’s day the U.S.A. has sought in vain to move on to fuels besides gasoline imported from Saudi Arabia. President Amahdinejab realized that Muhammad was successful at defeating civilizations from a position in the center of world commerce. Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia is again at the center of world civilization and commerce of oil, while the United States is a morally corrupted advocate of atheism and homosexual marriages fighting to get a spot at the spigot of middle eastern oil to fuel its century old internal combustion engine dependent lifestyle. Plainly wars such as those of ‘revolutionary’ North Africa play into the plans of Islamic extremists. President Amadinejab may have already sent a letter to President Obama asking him to convert to Islam, as The Ayatollah Khomeini did to President Gorbachev, and as Mohammad did to the Byzantine Emperor.

Over a century ago there were no machines able to provide power for mass personal transportation through the American wilderness-then came the internal combustion engine. That first industrial technology remains America’s contemporary techno-transport power. The nation’s seduction to automotive hedonism has sated their appetite for transportation advance. The reliance on internal combustion engines and fossil fuels has made America seem like a nation of swine waiting to be slopped with cheap fossil fuels. Accordingly the U.S.A. has failed to advance to stage 2 or even stage 3 transportation modalities that use no fossil fuel and that do not harm the ecosphere of the nation.

In 1988 the U.S. Navy sank most of the effective Iranian Navy in the Persian Gulf, yet earlier President Reagan had withdrawn American Marines from Lebanon after 247 were killed by a Shiite suicide bomber. The mission of the United States in Beirut evidently was to protect Palestinians--President Regan might have realized that the mission was morally wrong for American and withdrew. Political purposes count as much as the means of accomplishing them.

Some view U.S. Democracy with a bifurcation between old style morality and Godliness and new style immorality and atheism. Democracy may be regarded as a fig leaf for atheist imperial hegemony at home and abroad. Ecocide may be a consequence of old style classical economics of The New World Order while alternatively, The Islamic Republic may seek to lead a recrudescent Islamic Global Empire for itself. Protracted U.S. military deployments to Islamic nations will increase the Islamisation of American service personnel and bring more of the creed of Mecca to the United States legally and illegally over-the border.

I tend to believe that the better U.S. policy would be to assert an ecospheric economics with zero illegal immigration and restore a moral, fully employed America. An ecosphere friendly, low entropy high quality economic policy could serve as a good example to developing nations. Admiral Mullins, Secdef Gates and President Obama seem to have a goal of making atheist homosexuality the military mission of the U.S.A. though. It is an effort to rejoin Pangaea that King Canute would have marveled upon.

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