
Libyan Deminstrators Inducted into Rebellion-A Reasoned Transition?

Morphing a non-violent, non-military street protest movement into a violent rebel army must take some time. It seems unreasonable to believe that all people believed the Libyan government of Moamar Khadafy would just throw in the towel and flee off-world for refuge.


Khadafy might have no planetary refuge if he ran, and inevitably world banks would seize his foreign accounts and the broke former dictator would be summoned before some court. These sorts of things are well-known historical characteristics of modern time.

So the peaceful protestors are expected to form a rebel army and begin a long, bloody war against the Libyan government forces. At least former Presidential candidate Wesley Clarke has patience as he mentioned on CNN that even if it takes a year to get Khadafy out, that's o.k. President Obama says the 'noose is drawing tighter' around Khadafy, so we can discern that neutrality is not an option for the administration.

The residue of political fact is that the United States seems committed to some sort of a new war with covert and overt military support for an ill-prepared insurgency in Libya. I am all for democracy, free enterprise and freedom from government radio intimidation, bullets, economic destruction and so forth. Yet I believe that the President should have gone to the congress before starting a war that make take a year or more to wrap up with the dictator's head brought to the President of the United States in a basket. It costs a lot of money if nothing else.

The United States fails to lead in sufficient radical energy change to comprise leadership. Like Winston Churchill who changed the entire British navy to run on oil instead of coal 'just like that', so must the United States give up oil-gasoline for cars instantly and finally like an alcoholic kicking the booze. Entire, nation-wide mass transit and personal transit new technologies must be constructed-and not just choo-choo and corn gasohol repackaging of the 2oth century. Instead, the President invests in the same old solutions to intractable foreign political friction without using new methods of problem solving. I suppose that’s what the nation deserves in leadership since the Presidency isn't that well compensated considering the problems it causes for the candidates and the winner.

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