
Stumbling Upon A Theoretical Universe ©2011GaryCGibson (poem)

It is as if the man has neutrino vision
or something better than quarks
able to see through boundary walls
into other Universes

Those hidden universes beyond nothing
where the tiny little dimensions
wrapped like sugary scones vanish away
and beyond jumbo extra dimensions
next to dimensions greater or less than
all dimensions in SU(3) groups

The Universes from one source
stuck in a perpetual motion recycling ruts
linear thinking warped impossibly tight with space-time
gravity and pre-gravitational clusters force
seldom released faster than light speed
with so many things unknown to sub-light speed dimensional beings

A vast tree of life and non-life
with circles, arrows, vectors, tangents, sines and consines of change
integers, imaginary numbers and things real enough
to be road maps to chaos where all turn away from singularity
like infinities of finite sets divided forever in every direction
scenarios that seem like dreams
with remote controls fading away
the structures of universes extrude into thought
as information from outside compiling
anti-Shannon entropy.

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