
Effort to Discover the Most Energy Efficient Possible U.S. National Transportation Infrastructure

It would be interesting if the federal government supported a creative scientific investigation of the most efficient possible personal transportation system for the continental U.S.A. and perhaps Alaska. The criteria for the investigation could take several forms.

One might pursue the question of simple transporting an individual human from one to as many possible locations in the nation in the most efficient way regarding energy use and speed. The most efficient possible design should differ from the present fossil fuel based transportation infrastructure by several thousand percent.

I am not suggesting a specific method of transportation here. Parameters might include individual freedom to choose destinations, speed and time of travel, least real energy use per pound and so forth. It is perhaps simpler to consider pounds of weight per electron volt, flow of mass along a super-fluid and even cost per individual versus social, public and environmental cost within ecological economic parameters.

It is possible to consider encapsulating individuals within a shell such as an automobile body or not. The goal is to discover the most efficient possible national transportation infrastructure from the point of view of minimal energy use.

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