
Crescent City California tsunami Damage etc.

This time, unlike the giant wave of 1964, there was no loss of life in Crescent City California from the tsunami. A jetty constructed after the disaster of 64 stopped the waves from Japan from hitting the City full force. Thirty five boats in the harbor were trashed and city docks damaged. Sea lions that bask on the docks they regarded as their donated sleeping and recreational spaces would need to look elsewhere for lodging.


Scientists had predicted an increased possibility of earthquake because of the approach of spring equinox and a full moon. When gravity changes its relation to crust of the earth as the Earth moves slip strike faults of plates may occur-earthquake.

George Norrie's second guest on Coast to Coast Am Thursday evening said to watch the Pacific Rim as he anticipated and earthquake. Other scientists had mentioned a potential New Madrid earthquake in Arkansas because of pumping of wastewater below the surface in drilling operations. The Alaska legislature is considering fundiong construction of a vast hydroelectric dam on Alaska's Susitna River that too will alter the relationship of Pacific Rim weights and gravity adding random factors to Earthquake potential perhaps beyond the obvious faults with the location.

Speculations were duly given to the prescence of hundreds of thousands of dead sardines at Marina Del Rey or some other places in the Los Angeles area as an indicator of a potential earthquake. Maybe someone noticed the sea lions behaving strangely. Perhaps the Japanese should create sanctuary and resting places for sea lions and dolphins along their coastlines in order to serve as sentinels for earthquakes (if animal behavior is actually a predictor of Earthquakes).

The Earth's interior is partly molten and the core may have radioactivity releasing heat. The surface is cool as it encounters the coolness of space and the atmosphere comparatively far away from the hot core. The cool crust is not just one large piece but is instead made of several fragments that adjoin moving over or below, or sliding against other 'plates' of crust. The Pacific Rim is at the margins of an Oceanic basin that is closing and has volcanoes and Earthquake activity, while the Atlantic Ocean is increasing in size and has mid ocean seafloor spreading with magma extruding at the bottom of the ocean from fissures in it.

In the future earthquake predictions may increase in accuracy. I tend to anticipate Earthquakes toward winter solstice, yet spring equinox seems to be a ripe time too occasionally.

Today one may launch a 2U or 3U micro satellite into orbit for 10,000 dollars. Some researchers are searching for changes in the earth's magnetic field as a way to predict Earthquakes with low cost experiments. These little satellites may only way 2 or 3 pounds and be packed full of micro circuits or even telescopes pointing at space or Earth too I guess.

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