
Gitmo, Goose Creek and The Obama Terror Facility

President Obama promised to close the Guantanamo Base Incarceration Center for Terrorist Suspects upon taking office. He did not live up to his promise, and may appreciate suggestions about how to close the water boarding center for the Caribbean. Go North to Alaska! Some Alaskans have suggested selling an almost complete new prison in a remote and secure location to the U.S. Government.

Alaska is nearing completion of a splendid, new 1500 person prison at Goose Creek in scenic Matanuska-Susitna Borough (like a county) where security officials can dig in for the winter. The prison is something of a pink elephant since it will cost about 70 million dollars to operate the facility annually and the state of Alaska has motivation for selling it to the Federal government for cost plus a modest profit for Alaskans. For a very reasonable price the U.S.A. could open a safe new Obama Terror Facility useful for long-term housing present and future illegal combatants and terrorists

Goose Creek would be a secure facility. Prisoners suspected of illegal war activities could be brought to Anchorage for trial. The Federal Government could create a special Court of Terrorists in Anchorage to try suspected terror suspects. The Federal Government has created special courts before for serious social issues such as bankruptcy.

Military tribunals are inappropriate for America today obviously. They would have been useful in trying rogues of war when civil courts aren’t available yet in the modern social and legal context the military tribunal is obviously an inferior court for determination of legal justice. Military tribunals of illegal combatants are a judge and shoot on the fly sorting of affair when patchwork justice needs to supplement, rare, endangered and incompetent civil courts. No such condition exists today, unless one counts bad judicial appointments as comprising an incompetent judiciary.

Thus Goose Creek Federal Terror Processing facility could accelerate the process of getting quality justice for foreign terror suspects. A screening court might decide if a suspect qualifies for processing in the Terror Court venue rather like a Grand Jury determination of sufficiency of evidence to indict an individual. The Congress could set new legal criteria for those reaching the Terror Court venue while the U.S. military could return to its business of killing or being killed instead of making fancy legal decisions and obscuring political control of the Judicial and Executive powers.

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