
Deamon-Douglas' Gay Liberace Flick-Exporting Wrong U.S. Moral Values

I knew no good thing would come of having someone with a demonic sounding name play Jason Bourne. Ludlum's action hero was more of a Stephen Seagal kind of guy that the rosy cheeked college sort of halfback from Nebraska. So the Hollywood or Devilwood inner nature has at last emerged in bringing the gay era not only out of the Pentagon-or perhaps the Pentagram, but over movie screens across the globe as well.


Maybe the idea for the Obama administration is to queer up the world as best as possible (don't take offense at the term-I have learned that it was used at Harvard and other elite colleges for queer studies programs jargon) in order to help reduce population. personally I believe that a better way to control over-population besides queering things up is the way to go.

For at some point in a world radically queered some strait yet savage people will take offense and decide-heck, if over population's the problem let's just waste some of the population. You know, accidents just happen and so go the carefully laid plans of mice and men.

The film industry probably is a redoubt for homosexual chic, yet the exporting of American values and approaches to moral directions may be a bit over-the-top in some cases. Though white people comprised just 1% of U.S. population growth the past decade while hispanics were 43% of the increase, that's no reason to push homosexual training upon them, as perhaps was a dark side inuendo of the TV show Chico and the Man of yore that may have had something to do with the suicide of the actor Freddy Prinz (or not).

While tolerance for the civil rights of all human beings is necessary, so should tolerance of the moral norms of people that choose not to have a sin-based normalization of society. Population growth control can be achieved with ecological economic rectification of America and the world simultaneous with education. Perverting society will make that harder to achieve.

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