
Iran’s Khomeinist Revolutionary Government Subversions in the Middle East

Iran’s Khomeinist revolution of 1979 elevated a radical Nazi style government into power. A revolutionary shadow government rules the state government. Even the President of Iran is ruled by ‘The Supreme Guide’. So long as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leads the twin tower policy of destruction of the United States and of Israel he is reinforced by the revolutionary radical Shiite sect of ‘twelvers’ that are religious mullahs.

Americans tend to approach the Khomeinist regime of Iran as if it were made of intelligent, decent people with whom they might find common ground to negotiate good terms with-that is simply wrong. The Khomeinist are hell bent for the destruction of the United States. Though Senator Obama as a presidential candidate used Mahmoud Amadinijab's campaign slogan for his own 'we can', the twin Presidencies are a world apart in goals for peaceful coexistence.

The Khomeinist regime complained that Saudi reinforcement of the Bahrain state of emergency with 150 armored personnel carriers was ‘not acceptable. Iranian long term policy to foment discontent in the middle east has taken a variety of forms including heavy financial and training reinforcement of HAMAS-a Sunni government in Palestine and the Gaza, signing a defense treaty with Syria, reinforcing its proxy government of Hezbollah in Lebanon and so forth.

Israel seized anti-ship missiles sent from Iran to Gaza http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/israel-navy-anti-ship-missiles-meant-for-gaza-found-on-seized-ship-1.349410

The United States seized anti-vehicle weapons from Iran bound to Afghan insurgents recently. Iran’s government as sponsored a number of terrorist organizations in Afghanistan as is a general rogue government sewing wickedness and instability.

Americans generally do not realize the problems Iran’s government presents for its own people as well as the issues it creates for others. It hopes to move down into Iraq and at least create a Shiist government there subject to the Khomeinist perennial war lunatic fringe.


We may realize the secular "mullah" in America that is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-Admiral Mullins does represent the atheist, sin side of advocacy of homosexuality, and some wonder if President Obama could be the hidden twelfth Imam, yet these speculations are largely nonsense; they are simply amoral market instrumentalists over extending a class liberal economic criterion globally. It is possible to work against sin without either the sin of homicide by government design or theocracy. In fact Christianity cannot be rightly expressed within a theocratic government, while alternatively some of the Shiia believe that Islam cannot exist without a worldly government.

It is difficult to know to what extent Iran has fomented ‘uprisings’ in middle eastern nations as a way to bring a radical Shiite regime to power through the smoke and mirrors of creating a popular democratic government. The radical left including the Tudeh-the Iranian Communist Party were the muscle that brought the Ayatollah Khomeini to power and the Shah to catch a plane for south beach. The Khomeinists are always at work destabilizing the middle east as they have visions of leading a world of Islamic subjugation called ‘the umma’ although the Shia are just 12% of world Muslims.

Because the Sunni reject the Shiia about everywhere, Iranian perpetual Muslim revolutionaries have taken a political approach to conquering Islamic sentiments. They fund terrorism and revolution against Israel and American interests wherever it might be useful. In Palestine there is not a single Shiite mosque. In Egypt few Shiite mosques are allowed to exist, and alternatively, in Shiite regions Sunni mosques are demolished and the Sunni are encouraged to convert. Even Christianity is a crime for new converts in Iran. There are more issues to the Middle Eastern affairs than meets the eye of Americans perusing the news.

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